53 research outputs found

    Operation Principles of the Industrial Facility Infrastructures Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology in Conjunction with Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)

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    The current industrial facility market necessitates the digitization of both production and infrastructure to ensure compatibility. This digitization is presently accomplished using Building Information Modeling and digital twin technologies, as well as their integrated usage, which enhances convergence and adds further value to facility assets. However, these technologies primarily focus on the physical components of industrial facilities, neglecting processes, requirements, and functions. To address these gaps, the inclusion of the Model-Based System Engineering approach, a proven benchmark in systems engineering, is essential. This inclusion is the main objective of this research. This article outlines methods and principles for integrating Model-Based System Engineering into the informational modeling of existing industrial facilities to address current market gaps. It offers practical steps for such integration and compares it to other methods, positioning Model-Based System Engineering as a pivotal tool for enhancing the value of industrial facility digital assets. The main findings include the proposal of BIM and MBSE integration, which aims to create a competitive advantage for industrial facilities by improving customer service and operational efficiency, requiring collaboration from various stakeholders

    Integration of territorial analysis methods in site selection on the example of Saint Petersburg

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    Capital construction of residential buildings for the purpose of subsequent rent is gaining more and more widespread in the western countries. In Russia, in particular in St. Petersburg, this form of business is just emerging. Due to relevance of this industry, the question of selection the most suitable site for construction arises. The article proposes the solution site-selection case basing on existing methods of territorial analysis, as well as provides examples of application of the obtained databases in the conditions of a narrowly formulated problem. The main tools in the analysis are the calculations of the shares of employment, location quotient and the Hirschman-Herfindahl Index. The mechanisms of solving three types of problems are given, depending on the nature of the input information due to the study of the correspondence between the properties of the object under construction and the urban territories. The theory is formulated on the example of a large city Saint Petersburg and is more suitable for large agglomerations with a population of more than a million people

    GIS technologies for selecting location of dams in the flood control systems

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    Many floodplains are excluded from development because the floods cause considerable damage to people’s lives and properties. Systems of hydraulic engineering structures for flood protection working with hydropower facilities are analysed to solve the problem of reducing the flood control volume of hydropower station. Methods of reducing the risk of flooding in the river basin by means of a distributed system of detention self-regulated dams are discussed. A geoinformation method used to justify the selection of parameters of such dams, primarily location of dam that minimize impact on the environment (ecological factor), is presented. In the present study, a system of multipurpose flood protection self-regulated dams is analysed as the measures for mitigation of flash floods in the Far Eastern region of Russia

    Multicriteria analysis and information modelling in management of built environment

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) proves to be the most urgent trend in construction for the last years. Still the major part of this issue is dedicated only to the first stages of building lifecycle: design and construction. This article goal is to provide a critical overview on recent achievements in BIM application for the different steps of building lifecycle as well as ongoing digitalization of facility management. The paper explores the importance of applying mathematical modelling and multicriteria analysis such as Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and fuzzy logic in management of built environment and provides recent examples of such applications consequently exploring its potential. Method of analysis in this article is horizontal analysis of publication activity in related research topic. Different levels of digital built environment are considered: from building (BIM) to the whole city (GIS). The result of the research reveal that emergence of scan-to-BIM technology brings benefits not only for the buildings which are designed with BIM models (current situation in the market) but for the buildings which are already built (as-built BIM)

    Investigation of the ground displacement in Saint Petersburg, Russia, using multiple-track differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry

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    Abstract Global sea level rise and local land subsidence might exacerbate the risk of flooding in coastal plains. Among other cities, this is also the case for the high-latitude city of St. Petersburg, which has long been threatened by flood events. To protect the urban area from storm surges, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1978 approved the construction of the 25 km long Flood Prevention Facility Complex (FPFC), which was completed in 2011. The risk of flooding in the city area of St. Petersburg is amplified by the fact that large sections of the coastal area have been reclaimed from the sea. In this study, we investigate the temporal evolution of the ground displacement in St. Petersburg. To this end, we perform an extended analysis based on the application of a simplified version of the differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar technique, known as the minimum acceleration (MinA) approach. The MinA algorithm is a multi-satellite/multi-track interferometric combination technique that allows working with multiple sets of SAR images. The method allowed generation of time series of two-dimensional (2-D) (i.e. East-West and Up-Down) deformation of the terrain by processing two sequences of Sentinel-1A/B (S-1A/B) SAR images acquired from 2016 to 2018, along the ascending and descending flight passes. The Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) algorithm was independently applied to the two sets of SAR data to generate the relevant Line-Of-Sight (LOS)-projected ground deformation time series. Subsequently, the LOS-projected deformation products were geocoded and jointly combined. The results indicate that the deformation in the city is predominantly vertical (i.e. it is subsiding) with a maximum subsidence rate of about 20 mm/year corresponding to the newly sea-reclaimed lands. Finally, the error budget of the retrieved 2-D deformation time series has also been addressed

    Digital models for retrospective analysis of the structure of currents in the Neva Bay

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    The Neva Bay is a body of water located between the delta of the Neva River and Kotlin Island. The goal of the study was to develop a method for numerical modeling of the shallow water equation in the Neva Bay, based on the finite element method. To achieve this goal, we solved a number of tasks. First, we selected characteristic periods in the history of the Neva Bay and formed numerical modeling options while determining boundary conditions. Secondly, we determined the geometric characteristics of the computational domain for modeling options and formed a finite element mesh for each of the options. Then, we found a numerical solution of hydrodynamic problems in terms of determining values of current velocity vectors. Finally, we conducted a comparative analysis of the results of solving the hydrodynamic problem of the structure of currents in the Neva Bay in different periods of history. The changes in the velocity field occurred because of the construction of the fairway and the dams for the Complex of flood protection structures (CFPS) in St. Petersburg. Today there is practically no water flow south of the Sea Canal. Water exchange between the Neva Bay and the Gulf of Finland is carried out due to culvert structures in the northern part of the CFPS and navigation facilities. The average flow of the Neva River during the calculation period did not change and was about 2500 m3/s (depends on the water level in Lake Ladoga); an increase in speeds occurs north of the Sea Canal

    As-built BIM in real estate management: the change of paradigm in digital transformation of economy

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    International Facility Management Association (IFMA) traditionally divides the management of real estate into asset, property and facility management. The paper explores how the emergence of building information modelling (BIM) has influenced the distribution of information about the building among the stakeholders. As-built BIM in industrial buildings is a significant part of digital transformation of industrial assets and emergence of Industry 4.0. The tendency of transferring the ownership of information from facility manager to asset manager as well as the increase of transparency is analysed in the recent literature. The development of as-built BIM has given the possibility to the owners of real estate to become not only the owners of the assets themselves but also the owners of digital assets. In order to clarify current situation in the scientific community, the research interest in building information modelling among the studies mentioning facility management, asset management and property management has been analysed. The role of information about the building components as well as practical examples of operational expenditures reduction are explored and discussed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Numerical modelling of heat transfer during substantiation of project concept on heat insulation of nuclear power plant

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    Subject of investigation: heat transfer in heat insulation of a nuclear power plant. Purpose of the work: development of a mathematical model and respective software and performance of a numerical investigation of the convective heat transfer in the heat insulation of the nuclear power plant. A mathematical model is developed for the convective heat transfer in the heat insulation of the nuclear power plant with regard to a low-frequency vibration. Software is developed in the form of an element of a computer-aided design system and methods are created for its use for the numerical modelling of the convective heat transfer in the heat insulation of the nuclear power plant. The recommendations on the design were used during the development of a technical project of plants VG-400. Field of application: thermal and atomic power engineeringAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Ecological Aspect of Dam Design for Flood Regulation and Sustainable Urban Development

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    Many floodplains are excluded from urban development because the floods cause considerable damage to people’s lives and properties. This requires the development of new approaches to flood management and mitigation for support sustainable urban development. In present study as the measures for mitigation of flash floods, the regulation of river flow by the system of detention reservoirs for flood diversion with dams, which do not need any operation management, are analyzed concerning of Far East region of Russia. The main objective of this paper is to develop a method for analysis how the dam site selection meets the environmental criterion. The method to justify a selection of self-regulated flood dam parameters, primarily a height of a dam and its location on a water stream, providing minimization of impact on the environment have been developed. The result for Selemdzha river basin in Far East monsoon region of Russian Federation is analyzed. The result shows the robustness of the method