92 research outputs found

    Robust linearization of RF amplifiers using nonlinear internal model control method

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    International audienceIn the present paper, the nonlinear Internal Model Control (IMC) method is introduced and applied to linearize high frequency Power Amplifiers (PAs). The IMC is based on the description of a process model and of a controller. It is shown that baseband frequency descriptions are suitable for the model and the controller. Their description parameters are derived from input and output modulation signals processed in Cartesian form. Simulation results are given to illustrate the design procedure and to demonstrate the performances of the IMC linearizer


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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a new method for characterization of radio frequency Power Amplifier (PA) in the presence of nonlinear distortions which affect the modulated signal in Radiocommunication transmission system. The proposed procedure uses a gray box model where PA dynamics are modeled with a MIMO continuous filter and the nonlinear characteristics are described as general polynomial functions, approximated by means of Taylor series. Using the baseband input and output data, model parameters are obtained by an iterative identification algorithm based on Output Error method. Initialization and excitation problems are resolved by an association of a new technique using initial values extraction with a multi-level binary sequence input exciting all PA dynamics. Finally, the proposed estimation method is tested and validated on experimental data

    Modeling induction machine winding faults for diagnosis

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    International audienceMonitoring and diagnosis of electrical machine faults is a scientific and economic issue which is motivated by objectives for reliability and serviceability in electrical drives. This book provides a survey of the techniques used to detect the faults occurring in electrical drives: electrical, thermal and mechanical faults of the electrical machine, faults of the static converter and faults of the energy storage unit. Diagnosis of faults occurring in electrical drives is an essential part of a global monitoring system used to improve reliability and serviceability. This diagnosis is performed with a large variety of techniques: parameter estimation, state observation, Kalman filtering, spectral analysis, neural networks, fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence, etc. Particular emphasis in this book is put on the modeling of the electrical machine in faulty situations. Electrical Machines Diagnosis presents original results obtained mainly by French researchers in different domains. It will be useful as a guideline for the conception of more robust electrical machines and indeed for engineers who have to monitor and maintain electrical drives. As the monitoring and diagnosis of electrical machines is still an open domain, this book will also be very useful to researchers

    Outils d'analyse, de modélisation et de commande pour les radiocommunications Application aux amplificateurs de puissance

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    L'évolution croissante des télécommunications résulte de la combinaison de plusieurs facteurs comme les progrès de l'électronique, de la micro-électronique, de la radiofréquence mais aussi des avancées des techniques de communications numériques. Dans ce contexte, les études s'orientent de plus en plus vers l'amélioration de la couverture et de la qualité de service offertes aux usagers. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrivent les travaux exposés dans le cadre de cette Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Les problématiques soulevées concernent : - la connaissance et la maîtrise du comportement des composants en présence de signaux large bande, multiporteuses, - l'amélioration de la qualité des transmissions en tenant compte des aspects énergétiques, - la reconfigurabilité et l'adaptation des nouveaux systèmes à la multiplication des normes et des standards de communications. Pour chaque problématique, nous avons proposé des solutions théoriques et pratiques avec comme fil conducteur l'utilisation et la mise en \oe uvre d'outils issus de l'Automatique comme l'estimation paramétrique, la commande et la linéarisation, l'optimisation, etc. Concernant la modélisation des fonctions électroniques RF, je présente mes travaux concernant la prise en compte des effets statiques et dynamiques en temps continu et discret. Pour les circuits hautes fréquences qui se caractérisent par des constantes de temps avec des ordres de grandeurs divers, nous avons montré qu'il est important d'envisager la modélisation selon l'application visée et en déployant des outils d'estimation paramétrique adaptés. Des problématiques telles que la normalisation de l'espace paramétrique, l'initialisation, la convergence sont étudiées pour répondre aux caractéristiques des systèmes de radiocommunications.Dans le chapitre consacré à l'amélioration de la linéarité et du rendement, nous avons présenté des techniques de correction des imperfections des amplificateurs de puissances ainsi que des méthodes de traitement du signal qui permettent de réduire leurs impacts sur la transmission. Concernant la linéarisation, nous avons commencé par une comparaison d'une technique Feedback et d'un linéariseur à base d'une prédistorsion polynomiale sans mémoire. Cette étude a mis en évidence l'intérêt d'adjoindre de la mémoire sous forme de retards dans le linéariseur. Les fortes fluctuations des signaux multiporteuses, mesurées par le PAPR pour Peak-to-Average Power Ratio, contribuent aussi à dégrader le bilan énergétique de l'émetteur. La majorité des travaux sur la réduction du PAPR se limite à l'étude des performances en termes de gain de réduction, sans aborder la qualité de transmission en présence d'imperfections réalistes des éléments non-linéaires. C'est dans ce contexte que nous avons analysé cette problématique pour un système MIMO-OFDM en boucle fermée avec prise en compte du canal, des non-linéarités, des effets mémoires et des critères visuels permettant d'évaluer la qualité des transmissions de données multimédias.Le développement d'architectures entièrement numérique, reconfigurables est traité en dernière partie de ce cette HDR. Pour cette large thématique, nous proposons des améliorations pour des coefficients des modulateurs afin d'obtenir une fonction de transfert du bruit respectant un gabarit fréquentiel donné. La correction des erreurs de calcul dus aux coefficients du type 1/2L2^L. Cette correction est basée sur la ré-injection de l'erreur au sein de la boucle directe à travers un filtre numérique

    Modeling and identification of continuous-time system for RF amplifiers

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a new identification procedure for radio frequency power amplifier (PA) in the presence of nonlinear distortion and memory effects. The proposed procedure uses a continuous-time model where PA dynamics are modeled with a multivariable filter and a general polynomial function. Using the baseband input and output data, model parameters are obtained by an iterative identification algorithm. Finally, the proposed estimation method is tested and validated on experimental data by comparison of the quadrature IQ signals in time domain

    Optimization of Band Pass Delta Sigma modulators using parameters identification

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    International audienceIn this paper, a method to study and characterize a single-loop, cascaded and 1-bit band-pass delta sigma (BPΔΣ) modulator for digital transmitter is presented. This technique is based on a combination of digital filter simulation and nonlinear optimization of signal-to-quantization noise. The optimal coefficients of BPΔΣ structure are achieved by minimization of a quadratic criterion based on prediction error between desired digital filter and noise transfer model. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, simulated results for a 6th order cascaded structure for WCDMA band-1 standard are presented

    Mixed time and frequency-domain identification of Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers

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    International audienceThis paper presents a modeling and identification procedure for Radio Frequency Power Amplifier (PA) in continuous time representation. The proposed method is based on a combined approach using time and frequency domain. The microwave PA dynamics are described by the continuous Hammerstein model. The distortion function coefficients were estimated using Least Mean Squares (LMS) method that minimizes the squared error based on baseband output data. The coefficients of dynamic block are extracted using an iterative instrumental variable applied to experimental PA frequency responses. To demonstrate the feasibility of the identification method in experimental results we used a standard mobile PA at 1.85GHz

    Linearization of RF Power Amplifiers Using Adaptive Kalman Filtering Algorithm

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    International audienceIn this paper, a new linearization algorithm of Power Amplifier, based on Kalman filtering theory is proposed for obtaining fast convergence of the adaptive digital predistortion. The proposed method uses the real-time digital processing of baseband signals to compensate the nonlinearities and memory effects in radio-frequency Power Amplifier. To reduce the complexity of computing in classical Kalman Filtering, a sliding time-window has been inserted which combines off-line measurement and on-line parameter estimation with high sampling time to track the changes in the PA characteristics. We evaluated the performance of the proposed linearization scheme through simulation and experiments. Using digital signal processing, experimental results with commercial power amplifier are presented for multicarrier signals to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new approach

    A power amplifier envelope distortion model using direct calculation of polynomial parameters and delay taps

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    International audienceThis paper presents a power amplifier (PA) cascade model, using two polynomial functions for amplitude and phase variations and multiple delay taps. This model allows an accurate modeling of the output envelope distortion and spectral asymmetries. To extract the model coefficients and delays for each non linearity order, an analytical method is developed. This method uses the Fourier transform of the output gain and phase to calculate all the parameters. To demonstrate the performances of this modeling approach, comparison between measured and simulated data has been performed

    Kalman filtering algorithm for on-line memory polynomial predistortion

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