820 research outputs found

    Technological progress in operation of multiservice sport centers viewed as management issue

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    Objective of the study was to consider benefits of social technologies in application to the modern multiservice sport center (MSC) management systems. To analyze the factors and conditions of effect on the MSC service progress, we performed a questionnaire survey of the MSC clientele and service personnel in July-October 2015 in the Belgorod regio

    The reorganisation of the French military commission in Russia: in anticipation of change (1916–1917)

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    The article was submitted on 12.12.2015.Рассматривается эволюция института французского военного представительства в России в годы Первой мировой войны. Изначально воплощенное в структурах мирного времени (военным атташе и его помощником), французское военное представительство в 1916 г. приобрело характер централизованной многоцелевой военной миссии, модель которой была впоследствии применена в других союзных странах. Авторы неоднократно обращаются к термину «миссия», смысл которого варьируется в зависимости от круга задач, выполняемых определенной группой лиц, и степени ее институционализации. В настоящем исследовании этот термин применяется ко всем формам французского военного представительства, количественно умножившегося в ходе войны и в 1916 г. подчиненного новой модели централизованной многоцелевой военной миссии Франции в России. Показано, что необходимость организации эффективного коалиционного взаимодействия между странами Согласия, а также все возраставшее количество задач, встававших перед французским военным атташе в России, обусловили трансформацию всего военного представительства Франции. Инициатором этого проекта стал главнокомандующий Жозеф Жоффр. Опираясь на рекомендации офицера связи майора Ланглуа, посещавшего Россию в общей сложности восемь раз (с февраля 1915 по февраль 1917 г.), Жоффру удалось превратить малоэффективную и малочисленную миссию, сотрудники которой не снискали особого доверия в среде русского генералитета, в централизованный аппарат военного представительства в России. Главой обновленной миссии стал генерал Морис Жанен, под руководством которого она стала центром притяжения и координации деятельности французских военных на территории России.This article considers the evolution of the French Military Commission in Russia during the First World War. Initially consisting of peacetime structures (the office of the military attaché and his aide), in 1916 the French Military Commission became a strongly centralised and multipurpose military mission whose structure was later borrowed by other Allied nations. The authors use the term ‘mission’ extensively in the article: its meaning depends on the specific task or duty assigned to a person or group of people and on the extent to which the group was institutionalised. As a result, the term may be understood in two different ways mission as an organisation abroad, including personnel or mission as a business trip, a temporary assignment given to an envoy. In this paper, the term ‘mission’ is applied to all the forms of the French Military Commission in Russia, whose personnel considerably increased during the war as it shifted into a centralised multifunctional military mission. The need to establish effective interaction among the members of the Entente and the growing number of issues the French military attaché in Russia had to deal with conditioned the transformation of French military representation. The project was initiated by Commander-in-Chief Joseph Joffre. Joffre based his decisions on the reports of Major Langlois, who visited Russia eight times between February 1915 and February 1917. Joffre managed to turn the small and rather ineffective mission, distrusted by Russian generals, into a centralised military mission. General Maurice Janin was appointed head of the new commission, and it was under his leadership that it became the centre of coordination for French military activities in Russia.Статья подготовлена в рамках реализации гранта Правительства РФ по привлечению ведущих учёных в российские образовательные учреждения высшего профессионального образования и научные учреждения государственных академий наук и государственные научные центры Российской Федерации (лаборатория эдиционной археографии, Уральский федеральный университет). Договор № 14.А12.31.0004 от 26.06.2013 г

    Determinants of self-preservation behavior Russian population

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    On the basis of these semi-structured interviews conducted in the autumn of 2018 with the participation of residents of central Russia, the determinants of self-preservation behavior of Russia's population are identified in the context of a complex interaction of social and cultural traditions and innovations. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of behavioral patterns in the field of health, deterministic mental peculiarities of the Russian

    GTO complex implementation technology for educational system

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    The study analyzes practical experience of the GTO Complex implementation project at Belgorod State National Research University with a special emphasis on the GTO Complex implementation process control mechanism including the following modules: progress test, regulatory, design and corporate management module

    The Health in the Value System of Russian Youth: Contradictory Discursive Practices

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    The axiological aspects of the self-preserving behaviour of Russian youth are considered on the basis of the data of sociological studies. The contradiction between the high value of health in the minds of modern youth declared and the underdevelopment of daily practices aimed at its preservation and strengthening is revealed. The probable causes of the contradiction are listed; they are related as to the specifics of this socio-demographic group, to its hedonistic orientation, to situational orientation of thinking, and also to the limited capacity of youth in relation to receiving medical and preventive services. Conclusion was made that it is necessary to form the axiological-and-motivational foundations of self-preserving behaviour of Russian youth as one of the most important directions in the implementation of the state policy to protect public health in general

    Protection of the youth interests in social conflicts: potential of social institutions

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    The problem of involvement of the main social institutions in implementation and protection of the youth interests in social conflicts has been analyzed. At that, the social institutions are thought of as the conventionally accepted group behaviour rules, which structure the social interactions in the sociocultural environmen

    Academic physical education benefits for faculty/ research/ management personnel’s progress agendas: survey and analysis

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    Objective of the study was to survey and analyze the academic physical education service benefits for the faculty/ research/ management staf

    Academic physical education system: questionnaire survey to rate student satisfaction

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    Objective of the study was to analyze the student satisfaction with the academic physical education servic

    Project management in academic physical education system: benefits analysis

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    Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a project management technology for the modern academic physical education syste