30 research outputs found

    A comprehensive study of adult stromal cells derived from mesenchymal tissues and their application in tendon regeneration

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    This research project focused on study of adult stromal cells derived from equine and canine mesenchymal tissue and the application of these cell sources in musculoskeletal injuries, particularly in tendon repair. Adult MSCs gained general attention in both human and veterinary medicine, however despite the advances in this field, much studies are needed in order to better understand MSCs behavior. With this goal the following research project focused on: - A comprehensive characterization and study in vitro of mesenchymal stromal cells derived from peripheral blood of horses (ePB-MSCs) and from adipose tissue of dog (cA-MSCs). Moreover the possibility to cryopreserve these cells in the long-term period and the delivery methods of both ePB-MSCs and cA-MSCs in the short-term period was verified. - The use of MSCs from peripheral blood and from adipose tissue in the tendon regeneration process was investigated in two different work: the use of adipose tissue derived MSCs in the re-cellularization of a human biocompatible scaffold, and the use of MSCs derived from ovine peripheral blood injected in experimental tendon lesions of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) in a ovine model. The full characterization of both ePB-MSCs and cA-MSCs was achieved using FACS sorting in order to identify the Cluster of Differentiation (CD) expression on the surface of these cells, by the study of population doubling time (PDT), the analysis of telomerase enzyme presence by Real Time PCR, and the alkaline phosphatase positivity. The differentiative potential of both ePB-MSCs and cA-MSCs was assessed by the in vitro induction of these cells into osteo, muscular and adipogenic lineages and verified by expression of tissue specific gene, like PPAR-y, Desmin, and Osteopontin (SPP-1). The same characterization and differentiative potential were then verified on ePB-MSCs and cA-MSCs after 1 year. Results obtained from this study furnished novel information on adult MSCs and confirmed the possibility to cryopreserve these cells in the long-term period for their potential applications in clinical field. The study on delivery of both ePB-MSCs and cA-MSCs in the short-term period, performed by exposing cells to different media, time and temperature, lead to the conclusion that cells could be delivered in PBS at room temperature no longer than 9-12 hrs; cells were also monitored for CD expression, for apoptotic resistance and ß-galactosidase activity during different time intervals. The second challenge of this research project was on study of regeneration capability of adult MSCs derived from peripheral blood and from adipose tissue in tendon pathologies. A first work was performed using MSCs derived from human lipoaspirate in order to recellularize a human tendon scaffold to be used as insert in full-thickness lesions of flexor hand tendons. A previous re-cellularization was successfully obtained using Tris solution and enzymatic digestion, and the absence of native genonic DNA were assessed by standard PCR. Moreover a good protocol for re-cellularization was obtained, using a collagen matrix gel, which helped a good penetration of stromal cells inside the biocompatible scaffold. Secondly a comparation study among the effect of PB-MSCs, platelet rich plasma (PRP) or combination of both on tendon healing was performed using ovine model. Experimental lesions were made using collagenase 1A injection in the left deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) of 18 Bergamasca sheep, using the right DDFT as internal control (lesioned, not treated). Sheep were further divided in two groups, the first euthanized after 1 month and the second after 4 months, and tendon were then analyzed by histological and immunohistochemical assays. Results obtained after 4 months showed a significant difference between the treated tendon of all group respect to the relative internal control (lesioned, not treated); notably after 4 months the group that received the treatment with MSCs alone or in combination with PRP, showed significant improvement of the healing process respect to PRP treated group, becoming similar to the normal healthy tendons.Il seguente progetto di ricerca ha avuto l’obiettivo di studiare in modo approfondito le cellule stromali adulte derivate da sangue periferico di cavallo e da tessuto adiposo di cane e successivamente verificare le loro potenzialità applicative nelle patologie muscolo-scheletriche, in modo particolare nella rigenerazione tendinea. Negli ultimi anni le cellule stromali adulte di derivazione mesenchimale hanno sollevato l’attenzione della comunità scientifica sia in medicina umana che veterinaria, per la potenzialità che possono rivestire nel trattamento di patologie che a tutt’oggi non trovano completa risoluzione clinica. Tuttavia nonostante i notevoli progressi fatti in questo campo di ricerca, ulteriori approfondimenti sono necessari per comprendere del tutto i diversi meccanismi delle cellule stromali adulte sia in vivo che in vitro. Questo studio ha avuto la finalità di: - Effettuare una completa ed esaustiva caratterizzazione delle cellule staminali adulte isolate a partire da sangue periferico di cavallo (ePB-MSCs) e da tessuto adiposo di cane (cA-MSCs). È stata poi indagata la possibilità di criopreservare entrambi i tipi di cellule per un anno, ed infine è stato studiato l’effetto di parametri ritenuti importanti nell’influenzare la vitalità cellulare durante la spedizione delle cellule nel breve periodo evitando il congelamento. - Indagare l’uso di cellule stromali isolate da sangue periferico e da tessuto adiposo nella rigenerazione tendinea in due diversi studi: il primo con l’obiettivo di ottenere la ricellularizzazione di uno scaffold tendineo precedentemente decellularizzato, il secondo con l’obiettivo di verificare il contributo alla rigenerazione tendinea in vivo di cellule stromali isolate da sangue periferico di pecora, immesse in lesioni sperimentali indotte con collagenasi 1A. Per l’ottenimento di una completa caratterizzazione di entrambe le ePB-MSCs e le cA-MSC è stato utilizzato il FACS sorting per analizzare l’espressione dei cluster di differenziamento (CD) presenti sulla membrana cellulare di queste cellule, inoltre è stato effettuato lo studio del tempo di duplicazione cellulare (PDT) e la positività alla fosfatasi alcalina. La potenzialità differenziativa delle ePB-MSCs e delle cA-MSCs è stata verificata mediante l’induzione al differenziamento in vitro di queste cellule verso tessuto osseo, muscolare e adiposo, e successiva verifica dell’espressione di specifici geni, quali la PPAR-y la Desmina e l’ostopontina (SPP-1) mediante PCR. Gli stessi esperimenti effettuati per definire la caratterizzazione di entrambe le ePB-MSCs e le cA-MSCs sono stati effettuati dopo un anno di criopreservazione delle stesse, concludendo che le caratteristiche di staminalità non cambiano nelle cellule stromali adulte di entrambe le specie dopo congelamento. É stata effettuata un’indagine sull’effetto che diversi mezzi di coltura, tempo e temperatura hanno sulla sopravvivenza di entrambe le ePB-MSCs e le cA-MSCs durante la spedizione nel breve periodo. Le cellule stromali di entrambe le specie sono state analizzate per l’espressione dei cluster di differenziamento, per la presenza di resistenza all’attività apoptotica e per la positività alla beta- galattosidasi. I risultati ottenuti hanno portato alla conclusione che le cellule stromali adulte possono essere spedite in soluzione salina (PBS) a temperatura ambiente per non più di 9-12 ore. Il secondo obiettivo di questo progetto di ricerca è stato finalizzato all’applicazione delle cellule stromali isolate da sangue periferico e da tessuto adiposo nella rigenerazione tendinea. Il primo lavoro effettuato ha previsto l’utilizzo di MSCs derivate da lipoaspirato umano per la ricellularizzazione di uno scaffold tendineo umano con la finalità di utilizzarlo nelle lesioni totali dei tendini flessori della mano. Lo scaffold biocompatibile è stato in precedenza decellularizzato grazie all’utilizzo di soluzioni detergenti ed enzimatiche. L’assenza di residuale materiale genomico è stata verificata tramite PCR. Questo studio ha permesso di mettere appunto una tecnica di ricellularizzazione efficiente che, avvalendosi dell’ausilio di una matrice gelificante di collagene, ha garantito una buona penetrazione cellulare all’interno della matrice dello scaffold. Il secondo lavoro effettuato sulla rigenerazione tendinea, ha avuto la finalità di paragonare l’effetto di tre diversi trattamenti (cellule stromali derivate da sangue periferico di pecora (sPB-MSCs), sPB-MSCs + platelet rich plasma (PRP), e PRP) sulla rigenerazione tendinea a 1 mese e a 4 mesi dopo lesione sperimentalmente indotta sul tendine flessore profondo delle falangi di pecora (DDFT). Dopo eutanasia delle pecore a 1 e 4 mesi i tendini sono stati analizzati tramite analisi istologica e immunoistochimica; i risultati ottenuti dopo 4 mesi hanno evidenziato una differenza significativa nel grado di riparazione tissutale tra tutti i gruppi di pecore trattate e i loro rispettivi controlli interni (lesionati, non trattati). Inoltre le pecore che hanno ricevuto il trattamento con sPB-MSCs hanno dimostrato avere il migliore processo riparativo tendineo rispetto al gruppo di pecore trattato solo con PRP per tutti i parametri istologici valutati, risultando molto più simili al tendine sano usato come controllo positivo

    Influence of temperature, time and different media on mesenchymal stromal cells shipped for clinical application

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    Cell-based therapies, such as the use of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), are becoming popular in veterinary medicine. When MSCs are not cryopreserved, they are shipped in suspension, but no previous studies have analyzed MSC viability during delivery. Here, the impact of several experimental shipping conditions on the number of equine blood-derived (ePB-MSC) and canine adipose-derived (cA-MSC) MSCs were evaluated. Among the different parameters tested, only time and temperature influenced MSC number during the experimental shipping conditions. Cells were monitored over different time intervals for gene expression of typical MSC markers and to evaluate acquired resistance to apoptosis and beta-galactosidase activity. Overall, these results indicate that ePB-MSC and cA-MSC should be delivered in phosphate buffered saline at room temperature and within 9-12h

    Cryopreservation does not affect the stem characteristics of multipotent cells isolated from equine peripheral blood

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    Mammalian adult stem cells show, in vitro, extensive differentiative ability and may represent a versatile tool for tissue regenerative purposes, even after long term storage. Multipotent stem cells isolated from horse blood have been shown to possess the capacity to differentiate into diverse mesenchymal lineages although their full characterization is still at an early stage. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of cryopreservation on stemness characteristics of adult equine mesenchymal stem cells (ePB-MSC) isolated from peripheral blood. Each sample of ePB-MSC was analyzed immediately and then after being frozen in liquid nitrogen for 10-12 months. After cryopreservation, cells conserved their morphology, alkaline phosphatase positivity, telomerase activity, karyotype profile, proliferation rate and CD expression pattern. We characterized ePB-MSC as cells expressing CD44, CD90, CD117 and CD13, but not CD34 and CD45. Finally, freezing and storing ePB-MSC did not change their adipogenic, osteogenic and myogenic differentiative potential, as analyzed by histochemistry, immunofluorescence and PCR expression analyses. Overall, our results demonstrate that cryopreservation of ePB-MSC provides a convenient tool for in vitro applications, because cryopreserved cells possess the same stem characteristics as freshly isolated cells. Moreover, the feasibility of maintaining stem cell features of ePB-MSC after long term storage has important implications for autologous cellular-based therapy in veterinary medicine.status: publishe

    Cryopreservation does not affect the stem characteristics of multipotent cells isolated from equine peripheral blood.

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    Mammalian adult stem cells show, in vitro, extensive differentiative ability and may represent a versatile tool for tissue regenerative purposes, even after long-term storage. Multipotent stem cells isolated from horse blood have been shown to possess the capacity to differentiate into diverse mesenchymal lineages although their full characterization is still at an early stage. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of cryopreservation on stemness characteristics of adult equine mesenchymal stem cells isolated from peripheral blood (ePB-MSC). Each sample of ePB-MSC was analyzed immediately and then after being frozen in liquid nitrogen for 10\u201312 months. After cryopreservation, cells conserved their morphology, alkaline phosphatase positivity, telomerase activity, karyotype profile, proliferation rate, and CD expression pattern. We characterized ePB-MSC as cells expressing CD44, CD90, CD117, and CD13, but not CD34 and CD45. Finally, freezing and storing ePB-MSC did not change their adipogenic, osteogenic, and myogenic differentiative potential, as analyzed by histochemistry, immunofluorescence, and polymerase chain reaction expression analyses. Overall, our results demonstrate that cryopreservation of ePB-MSC provides a convenient tool for in vitro applications, because cryopreserved cells possess the same stem characteristics as freshly isolated cells. Moreover, the feasibility of maintaining stem cell features of ePB-MSC after long-term storage has important implications for autologous cellular-based therapy in veterinary medicine