176 research outputs found

    Opsežna klasifikacija okolišnih aspekata u proizvodnom procesu

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    This paper presents a comprehensive approach to classification of environmental aspects with a broad set of criteria which may be useful in a manufacturing enterprise in defining the relevant aspects. Additionally, the publication presents the list of key environmental aspects for metallurgical enterprise. According to standard ISO 14001:2004 process of environmental aspects identification should be planned. The paper finishes with a scheme presenting the place of the environmental aspects identification procedure in the system of environmental management.Ovaj članak prikazuje opsežan pristup klasifikaciji okolišnih aspekata s velikim skupom kriterija koji mogu biti korisni u definiranju relevantnih aspekata u proizvodnom procesu. Osim toga, rad prikazuje listu ključnih okolišnih aspekata za metalurški proces. Prema normi ISO 14001:2004 trebalo bi planirati proces identifikacije okolišnih aspekata. Rad završava sa shemom koja prikazuje poziciju procesa identifikacije okolišnih aspekata u sustavu upravljanja okolišem

    Koncentracija znanja i promjena upravljanja u metalurškoj tvrtci

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    The subject of this paper is an analysis of one of the most crucial aspects of the contemporary business, which is knowledge and change management. Competition on the market is more and more stronger. Knowledge is one of the most precious business resources, it lets companies be more competitive because knowledge inspires to changes. The paper contains examples of knowledge and change management, faced by the largest metallurgical company on the Polish market – Arcelor Mittal.Predmet ovog referata je analiza jednog od najbitnijih aspekata suvremenog poslovanja, a to je upravljanje znanjem i promjenama. Konkurencija na tržištu je sve jača. Znanje je jedno od najdragocjenijih poslovnih resursa, čini poduzeća konkurentnijima jer znanje nadahnjuje promjene. Referat sadrži primjere upravljanja znanjem i promjenama, s kojima se suočila najveća metalurška tvrtka na poljskom tržištu – Arcelor Mittal

    The analysis of steel production and utilization of production capacity in Polish steel industry

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    The analysis of steel production volume in relation to the level of capacity utilization in Polish steel industry is the content of this publication. This publication is based on numerical data on the volume of steel production and the degree of capacity utilization. The time range of the analysis covered the period from 2000-2018, and the data presented concerned annual periods. The analysis of steel production volume in the context of the degree of capacity utilization (production capacity) is an important part of the productivity assessment. The choice of the steel industry as a research object was dictated by the importance of steel production volume for the development of steel users’ markets. The main purpose of the work was to reveal the connections between the volume of steel production and the level of steel production capacity involved in Polish steel industry

    Prognostic modeling of total steel production and according to production technology in Poland

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    The publication presents the prognostic modeling of steel production in Poland by 2020. Based on the general framework predicting, an attempt was made to adjust the model to empirical data, which were related to the size of steel production in Poland. Two prognostic approaches were used. The first approach included determination of prognoses for total steel production on the basis of empirical data for the 1990-2014 period. The second approach used empirical data for the volume of steel production according to production technologies for the 2000-2015 period. Prognoses until 2020 were determined in both cases. Thus obtained prognoses were related to changes observed on the global steel market

    Development of market strategies of metallurgical enterrprises after restructuring of steel industry

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    Before metallurgical enterprises started implementation of marketing activities they had to go through restructuring processes which included all areas of their market activities. Privatised metallurgical enterprises after economic transformation gradually implemented marketing to their business activities. The article presents notions connected with development of marketing strategies from the period of last 20 years. The range of analysis includes categories corresponding with instruments of mix marketing (4P − product, price, place, promotion)

    Ekološka procjena metalurških tvrtki nakon privatizacije i restrukturiranja

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    The aim of the article was the presentation of the ecological eff ects achieved in the metallurgical company in Poland after privatization and overall, thorough restructuring. For the need to conduct privatization of the state-owned enterprises and their restricting resulted from the transformation of the national economy. The market system forced the introduction of the changes in the functioning of all the enterprises, among them also the metallurgical enterprises. On the basis of the metallurgical company Ferrum SA (joint-stock company), the producer of the pipes, the road of the company towards the competitiveness is presented. The bases for the comparisons were various ecological aspects. Data from the environment reports of the metallurgical company Ferrum SA were used in order to conduct the analysis.Cilj rada bio je predstavljanje i provedba ekoloških djelovanja u metalurškoj tvrtki u Poljskoj nakon privatizacije i temeljitog restrukturiranja. Provođenje privatizacije državnih poduzeća proizlazi iz transformacije nacionalne ekonomije. Tržišni sustav uvodi prisilne promjene u funkcioniranje svih poduzeća, među njima i metalurških poduzeća. Na osnovi metalurške tvrtke Ferrum SA (dioničko društvo), proizvođača cijevi, prikazan je put kompanije prema kompetitivnosti. Osnove za usporedbu su različiti ekološki aspekti. Podaci iz ekoloških izvješća metalurške tvrtke Ferrum SA koristili su se za provedbu analize

    Steel production in Poland with pessimistic forecasts in COVID-19 crisis

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    The publication consists on the situation in Polish steel industry after the start of COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the publication is to present the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on steel production in Poland. The analysis of the volume of steel production in Poland was carried out between January 2020 and June 2020 and compared to the production in the same period in 2019. In order to deepen the analysis of the situation in the Polish steel industry data about apparent steel use and situation in steel consuming sectors were presented. The paper ends pessimistic forecasts for steel production in Poland

    Constructs of analysis and assessment model of transformation restructuring in steel plants

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    The article presents the assumptions for construction of a transformation restructuring model which describes, in a complex way, the range of changes implemented in metallurgical enterprises in Poland in time of economical changes. The model was prepared on the basis of thorough research studies concerning restructuring in countries where transformation of the economy system took place, which is change from central planning economy into market economy. It was also based on scientific research and own experiences. Besides the presentation of the methodological assumptions of designing a model of transformation restructuring in metallurgical sector the article also shows the issue of transformation restructuring and the areas of implemented changes in particular ranges of activity in metallurgical enterprises, which allowed them to function in conditions of market economy

    Društveni i moralni izazovi za metalurška poduzeća

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    The subject of this article is an analysis of one of the most crucial aspects of the contemporary business, which is corporate social responsibility and ethical business. The notion of a socially responsible business signifies the business obligation to contribute to the sustainable economical development by way of working with employees and their families, local communities and the society as a whole in order to improve the quality of their lives. Ethical business means following the principles and standards determining a manner of conducting a given business from the moral point of view. The article contains examples of such challenges that are realised by Arcelor Mittal.Predmet ovog članka je analiza jednog od najvažnijih aspekata suvremenog poslovanja, a to je korporativna društvena odgovornost i moralno poslovanje. Pojam društveno odgovornog poslovanja označava poslovnu obvezu pridonošenja održivom privrednom razvoju radom sa zaposlenicima i njihovim obiteljima, lokalnim zajednicama i društvom kao cjelinom u svrhu poboljšanja kvalitete njihovih života. Moralno poslovanje znači slijediti načela i standarde koji određuju način vođenja dotičnog poslovanja s moralnog gledišta. Članak sadrži primjere takvih izazova koje je ostvario Arcelor Mittal

    Steel production, consumption and foreign trade in Poland in crises: The financial crisis 2008-2009 and the COVID-19 crisis – first half of 2020

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    The publication consists on the situation in Polish steel industry in crises. The aim of the publication is to compare the volume of steel production in Poland in the periods of two crises that is the financial crisis from US in 2007-2009 and the COVID-19 crisis. In the quantitative analysis such data are compared: manufacture of crude steel and finished steel products, consumption of steel products, foreign trade in steel products. The changes in the steel production, consumption and foreign trade in two analyzed crises are helping to assess the depth of the crisis in steel industry