4,412 research outputs found

    Hierarchic trees with branching number close to one: noiseless KPZ equation with additional linear term for imitation of 2-d and 3-d phase transitions.

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    An imitation of 2d field theory is formulated by means of a model on the hierarhic tree (with branching number close to one) with the same potential and the free correlators identical to 2d correlators ones. Such a model carries on some features of the original model for certain scale invariant theories. For the case of 2d conformal models it is possible to derive exact results. The renormalization group equation for the free energy is noiseless KPZ equation with additional linear term.Comment: latex, 5 page

    Two-way traffic flow: exactly solvable model of traffic jam

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    We study completely asymmetric 2-channel exclusion processes in 1 dimension. It describes a two-way traffic flow with cars moving in opposite directions. The interchannel interaction makes cars slow down in the vicinity of approaching cars in other lane. Particularly, we consider in detail the system with a finite density of cars on one lane and a single car on the other one. When the interchannel interaction reaches a critical value, traffic jam occurs, which turns out to be of first order phase transition. We derive exact expressions for the average velocities, the current, the density profile and the kk- point density correlation functions. We also obtain the exact probability of two cars in one lane being distance RR apart, provided there is a finite density of cars on the other lane, and show the two cars form a weakly bound state in the jammed phase.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, ioplppt.sty, 11 ps figure

    Large Deviation Function of the Partially Asymmetric Exclusion Process

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    The large deviation function obtained recently by Derrida and Lebowitz for the totally asymmetric exclusion process is generalized to the partially asymmetric case in the scaling limit. The asymmetry parameter rescales the scaling variable in a simple way. The finite-size corrections to the universal scaling function and the universal cumulant ratio are also obtained to the leading order.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figures, minor changes, submitted to PR

    Persistence in the Zero-Temperature Dynamics of the Diluted Ising Ferromagnet in Two Dimensions

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    The non-equilibrium dynamics of the strongly diluted random-bond Ising model in two-dimensions (2d) is investigated numerically. The persistence probability, P(t), of spins which do not flip by time t is found to decay to a non-zero, dilution-dependent, value P(∞)P(\infty). We find that p(t)=P(t)−P(∞)p(t)=P(t)-P(\infty) decays exponentially to zero at large times. Furthermore, the fraction of spins which never flip is a monotonically increasing function over the range of bond-dilution considered. Our findings, which are consistent with a recent result of Newman and Stein, suggest that persistence in disordered and pure systems falls into different classes. Furthermore, its behaviour would also appear to depend crucially on the strength of the dilution present.Comment: some minor changes to the text, one additional referenc

    Correlation functions of the One-Dimensional Random Field Ising Model at Zero Temperature

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    We consider the one-dimensional random field Ising model, where the spin-spin coupling, JJ, is ferromagnetic and the external field is chosen to be +h+h with probability pp and −h-h with probability 1−p1-p. At zero temperature, we calculate an exact expression for the correlation length of the quenched average of the correlation function ⟨s0sn⟩−⟨s0⟩⟨sn⟩\langle s_0 s_n \rangle - \langle s_0 \rangle \langle s_n \rangle in the case that 2J/h2J/h is not an integer. The result is a discontinuous function of 2J/h2J/h. When p=12p = {1 \over 2}, we also place a bound on the correlation length of the quenched average of the correlation function ⟨s0sn⟩\langle s_0 s_n \rangle.Comment: 12 pages (Plain TeX with one PostScript figure appended at end), MIT CTP #220

    Directed polymer in a random medium of dimension 1+1 and 1+3: weights statistics in the low-temperature phase

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    We consider the low-temperature T<TcT<T_c disorder-dominated phase of the directed polymer in a random potentiel in dimension 1+1 (where Tc=∞T_c=\infty) and 1+3 (where Tc<∞T_c<\infty). To characterize the localization properties of the polymer of length LL, we analyse the statistics of the weights wL(r⃗)w_L(\vec r) of the last monomer as follows. We numerically compute the probability distributions P1(w)P_1(w) of the maximal weight wLmax=maxr⃗[wL(r⃗)]w_L^{max}= max_{\vec r} [w_L(\vec r)], the probability distribution Π(Y2)\Pi(Y_2) of the parameter Y2(L)=∑r⃗wL2(r⃗)Y_2(L)= \sum_{\vec r} w_L^2(\vec r) as well as the average values of the higher order moments Yk(L)=∑r⃗wLk(r⃗)Y_k(L)= \sum_{\vec r} w_L^k(\vec r). We find that there exists a temperature Tgap<TcT_{gap}<T_c such that (i) for T<TgapT<T_{gap}, the distributions P1(w)P_1(w) and Π(Y2)\Pi(Y_2) present the characteristic Derrida-Flyvbjerg singularities at w=1/nw=1/n and Y2=1/nY_2=1/n for n=1,2..n=1,2... In particular, there exists a temperature-dependent exponent μ(T)\mu(T) that governs the main singularities P1(w)∼(1−w)μ(T)−1P_1(w) \sim (1-w)^{\mu(T)-1} and Π(Y2)∼(1−Y2)μ(T)−1\Pi(Y_2) \sim (1-Y_2)^{\mu(T)-1} as well as the power-law decay of the moments Yk(i)ˉ∼1/kμ(T) \bar{Y_k(i)} \sim 1/k^{\mu(T)}. The exponent μ(T)\mu(T) grows from the value μ(T=0)=0\mu(T=0)=0 up to μ(Tgap)∼2\mu(T_{gap}) \sim 2. (ii) for Tgap<T<TcT_{gap}<T<T_c, the distribution P1(w)P_1(w) vanishes at some value w0(T)<1w_0(T)<1, and accordingly the moments Yk(i)ˉ\bar{Y_k(i)} decay exponentially as (w0(T))k(w_0(T))^k in kk. The histograms of spatial correlations also display Derrida-Flyvbjerg singularities for T<TgapT<T_{gap}. Both below and above TgapT_{gap}, the study of typical and averaged correlations is in full agreement with the droplet scaling theory.Comment: 13 pages, 29 figure

    Number and length of attractors in a critical Kauffman model with connectivity one

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    The Kauffman model describes a system of randomly connected nodes with dynamics based on Boolean update functions. Though it is a simple model, it exhibits very complex behavior for "critical" parameter values at the boundary between a frozen and a disordered phase, and is therefore used for studies of real network problems. We prove here that the mean number and mean length of attractors in critical random Boolean networks with connectivity one both increase faster than any power law with network size. We derive these results by generating the networks through a growth process and by calculating lower bounds.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, no table; published in PR

    Spectral Degeneracies in the Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process

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    We study the spectrum of the Markov matrix of the totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP) on a one-dimensional periodic lattice at ARBITRARY filling. Although the system does not possess obvious symmetries except translation invariance, the spectrum presents many multiplets with degeneracies of high order. This behaviour is explained by a hidden symmetry property of the Bethe Ansatz. Combinatorial formulae for the orders of degeneracy and the corresponding number of multiplets are derived and compared with numerical results obtained from exact diagonalisation of small size systems. This unexpected structure of the TASEP spectrum suggests the existence of an underlying large invariance group. Keywords: ASEP, Markov matrix, Bethe Ansatz, Symmetries.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur
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