9,738 research outputs found
Gauge and Lorentz invariant pionic correlations in quasi-elastic electron scattering
The role of the pion in the parity-conserving and parity-violating
quasi-elastic nuclear response functions is analyzed within a relativistic
model which fulfills gauge invariance.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the Varenna School "From Nuclei
and Thier Constituents to Stars", August 200
Relativistic effects in quasielastic electron scattering
The impact of pionic correlations and meson-exchange currents on the
quasi-elastic electromagnetic response functions is studied in a fully
relativistic framework.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of "The Nuclear Many
Body Problem 2001", NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and
Chemistry, Kluwer Academic Publisher
Relativistic Effects in Electroweak Nuclear Responses
The electroweak response functions for inclusive electron scattering are
calculated in the Relativistic Fermi Gas model, both in the quasi-elastic and
in the peak regions. The impact of relativistic kinematics at high
momentum transfer is investigated through an expansion in the initial nucleonic
momentum, which is however exact in the four-momentum of the exchanged boson.
The same expansion is applied to the meson exchange currents in the
particle-hole sector: it is shown that the non-relativistic currents can be
corrected by simple kinematical factors to account for relativity. The
left-right asymmetry measured via polarized electron scattering is finally
evaluated in the quasi-elastic and peaks.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in "Proceedings of the VIII Convegno su
Problemi di Fisica Nucleare Teorica, 18-20 October 2000", World Scientifi
The Determination of the Star Formation Rate in Galaxies
A spectrophotometric model able to compute the integrated spectrum of a
galaxy, including the contribution both of the stellar populations and of the
ionized interstellar gas of the HII regions powered by young hot stars, has
been used to study several spectral features and photometric quantities in
order to derive calibrations of the star formation history of late type
galaxies. Attention has been paid to analyze the emission of the Balmer lines
and the [OII]3727 line to test their attitude at providing estimates
of the present star formation rate in galaxies. Other features, like D
and the equivalent width of the H line, influenced by the presence
of intermediate age stars, have been considered. Several ways of estimating the
star formation rates in normal galaxies are discussed and some considerations
concerning the applicability of the models are presented. Criteria have been
also studied for ascertaining the presence of a burst, current or ended not
long ago. Bursts usually hinder the determination of the past star formation
rate.Comment: 21 pages, needs A&A l-aa.sty, accepted for publication in Astronomy &
On the analytic solution of the pairing problem: one pair in many levels
We search for approximate, but analytic solutions of the pairing problem for
one pair of nucleons in many levels of a potential well. For the collective
energy a general formula, independent of the details of the single particle
spectrum, is given in both the strong and weak coupling regimes. Next the
displacements of the solutions trapped in between the single particle levels
with respect to the unperturbed energies are explored: their dependence upon a
suitably defined quantum number is found to undergo a transition between two
different regimes.Comment: 30 pages, AMS Latex, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
Lepton mass effects in the Bethe-Heitler process
We develop the full finite lepton mass formalism for the production of real
photons via the Bethe-Heitler reaction of unpolarized leptons off unpolarized
nucleons. Genuine lepton mass effects are described, in particular their
dependence upon the lepton mass and the initial beam energy, as well as their
sensitivity to the nucleon isospin. In the minimum momentum transfer region,
these effects dominate the muon induced proton cross section and become
significant for electron scattering at small .Comment: Final version including errat
The pairing Hamiltonian for one pair of identical nucleons bound in a potential well
The problem of one pair of identical nucleons sitting in single
particle levels of a potential well and interacting through the pairing force
is treated introducing even Grassmann variables. The eigenvectors are
analytically expressed solely in terms of these with coefficients fixed by the
eigenvalues and the single particle energies. When the latter are those of an
harmonic oscillator well an accurate expression is derived for both the
collective eigenvalue and for those trapped in between the single particle
levels, for any strength of the pairing interaction and for any number of
levels. Notably the trapped solutions are labelled through an index upon which
they depend parabolically.Comment: 5 pages, 1 postscript figur
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