276 research outputs found

    Taking a bow too seriously : power and etiquette in the U.S. : Japanese relations

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    Bayesian Model Averaging and Jointness Measures for gretl

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    This paper presents a software package that implements Bayesian model averaging for gretl, the GNU regression, econometrics and time-series library. Bayesian model averaging is a model-building strategy that takes account of model uncertainty in conclusions about estimated parameters. It is an efficient tool for discovering the most probable models and obtaining estimates of their posterior characteristics. In recent years we have observed an increasing number of software packages devoted to Bayesian model averaging for different statistical and econometric software. In this paper, we propose the BMA package for gretl, which is an increasingly popular free, open-source software for econometric analysis with an easy-to-use graphical user interface. We introduce the BMA package for linear regression models with jointness measures proposed by Ley and Steel (2007) and Doppelhofer and Weeks (2009)

    Obszar geoedukacji Owadów-Brzezinki w Sławnie

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    The geoeducation area (called also “Owadów-Brzezinki Geopark”) located in the north-western margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (Tomaszów Syncline) at Sławno community (Łódź Voivodeship), was established in June 2019, in close vicinity of the Owadów-Brzezinki quarry. This locality is one of the most important palaeontological sites described recently in Poland. The area consists of the exhibition pavilion, educational routs and panoramic viewing platform, which is located along the edge of the quarry. The palaeontological exhibition shows the unique Late Jurassic fossils of marine and terrestrial organisms, many of them new to science, that have been excavated in the quarry during the last eight years. Among the most important fossils are: ammonites, lobster-like decapod crustaceans, horseshoe crabs, actinopterygian fish, a cryptodiran turtle, ichthyosaurs, as well as a small terrestrial  crocodyliform, pterosaurs and insects. In addition to the original fossils, the exhibition presents life-size reconstructions of animals, that inhabited the local seas and islands during the Late Jurassic. The palaeontological sites of Owadów-Brzezinki is referred to as a new “taphonomic window” of the Late Jurassic, providing insights about the evolution of life on Earth in the palaeogeographical and palaeoenvironmental context.Geoedukacyjny ośrodek (zwany też „Geoparkiem Owadów-Brzezinki”) znajdujący się na północno-zachodnim obrzeżeniu Gór Świętokrzyskich(synklina tomaszowska) w gminie Sławno (województwo łódzkie) został utworzony w czerwcu 2019 roku w bliskim sąsiedztwie kamieniołomu Owadów-Brzezinki. Stanowisko to jest jednym z ważniejszych odkryć paleontologicznych ostatnich lat z terenu Polski. Ośrodekobejmuje pawilon wystawowy, ścieżki edukacyjne oraz platformę widokową umiejscowioną w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie kamieniołomu. W powstałym pawilonie paleontologicznym wyeksponowano unikatowe skamieniałości późnojurajskich zwierząt morskich i lądowych, w tym gatunki dotychczas nieznane, które zostały odkryte w kamieniołomie podczas ośmiu minionych lat. Do najważniejszych skamieniałości należą amonity, homaropodobne skorupiaki, skrzypłocze, ryby kostnoszkieletowe, żółwie skrytoszyjne, ichtiozaury, a także małe lądowe krokodylomorfy, pterozaury i owady. Oprócz oryginalnych skamieniałości w muzeum wyeksponowane są naturalnych rozmiarów rekonstrukcje zwierząt, które zamieszkiwały lokalne morza i wyspy w późnej jurze. Stanowisko paleontologiczne Owadów-Brzezinki jest określane jako nowe „okno tafonomiczne” późnej jury, ukazujące zapis ewolucji życia na Ziemi w kontekście paleogeograficznym i paleośrodowiskowym

    10-Methyl-9-[2-(propan-2-yl)phenoxy­carbonyl]­acridinium trifluoro­methane­sulfonate

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    In the crystal of the title compound, C24H22NO2 +·CF3SO3 −, adjacent cations and anions are connected through C—H⋯O, C—H⋯F and S–O⋯π inter­actions, while neighboring cations via π–π inter­actions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.962 (2) Å]. The acridine and benzene ring systems are oriented at a dihedral angle of 14.6 (1)°. The carboxyl group is twisted at an angle of 87.6 (1)° relative to the acridine skeleton. The mean planes of adjacent acridine units are parallel or inclined at an angle of 13.4 (1)° in the crystal structure

    9-(4-Fluoro­phen­oxy­carbon­yl)-10-methyl­acridinium trifluoro­methane­sulfonate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C21H15FNO2 +·CF3SO3 −, the cations form inversion dimers through C—H⋯O, C—F⋯π and π–π inter­actions. These dimers are further linked by π–π inter­actions. The cations and anions are connected through C—H⋯O, C—F⋯π and S—O⋯π inter­actions. The acridine and benzene ring systems are oriented at a dihedral angle of 74.1 (1)°. The carboxyl­ate group is twisted at an angle of 4.4 (1)° relative to the acridine skeleton. The mean planes of the adjacent acridine moieties are parallel or inclined at an angle of 55.4 (1)° in the crystal structure


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    In the title compound, C15H10O4, the benzene ring is twisted at an angle of 20.7 (1)° relative to the 4H-chromene skeleton. In the crystal, adjacent mol­ecules are linked via a network of O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The mean planes of adjacent 4H-chromene moieties are parallel or oriented at an angle of 20.9 (1)° in the crystal structure