1,458 research outputs found

    Perfect fluid spheres with cosmological constant

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    We examine static perfect fluid spheres in the presence of a cosmological constant. New exact matter solutions are discussed which require the Nariai metric in the vacuum region. We generalize the Einstein static universe such that neither its energy density nor its pressure is constant throughout the spacetime. Using analytical techniques we derive conditions depending on the equation of state to locate the vanishing pressure surface. This surface can in general be located in regions with decreasing area group orbits. We use numerical methods to integrate the field equations for realistic equations of state and find consistent results.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; added new references, removed one figure, improved text, accepted for publication in PR

    Bounds on the basic physical parameters for anisotropic compact general relativistic objects

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    We derive upper and lower limits for the basic physical parameters (mass-radius ratio, anisotropy, redshift and total energy) for arbitrary anisotropic general relativistic matter distributions in the presence of a cosmological constant. The values of these quantities are strongly dependent on the value of the anisotropy parameter (the difference between the tangential and radial pressure) at the surface of the star. In the presence of the cosmological constant, a minimum mass configuration with given anisotropy does exist. Anisotropic compact stellar type objects can be much more compact than the isotropic ones, and their radii may be close to their corresponding Schwarzschild radii. Upper bounds for the anisotropy parameter are also obtained from the analysis of the curvature invariants. General restrictions for the redshift and the total energy (including the gravitational contribution) for anisotropic stars are obtained in terms of the anisotropy parameter. Values of the surface redshift parameter greater than two could be the main observational signature for anisotropic stellar type objects.Comment: 18 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in CQ

    A new two-sphere singularity in general relativity

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    The Florides solution, proposed as an alternative to the interior Schwarzschild solution, represents a static and spherically symmetric geometry with vanishing radial stresses. It is regular at the center, and is matched to an exterior Schwarzschild solution. The specific case of a constant energy density has been interpreted as the field inside an Einstein cluster. In this work, we are interested in analyzing the geometry throughout the permitted range of the radial coordinate without matching it to the Schwarzschild exterior spacetime at some constant radius hypersurface. We find an interesting picture, namely, the solution represents a three-sphere, whose equatorial two-sphere is singular, in the sense that the curvature invariants and the tangential pressure diverge. As far as we know, such singularities have not been discussed before. In the presence of a large negative cosmological constant (anti-de Sitter) the singularity is removed.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear response theory for Markov processes: Simple models for glassy relaxation

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    The theory of nonlinear response for Markov processes obeying a master equation is formulated in terms of time-dependent perturbation theory for the Green's functions and general expressions for the response functions up to third order in the external field are given. The nonlinear response is calculated for a model of dipole reorientations in an asymmetric double well potential, a standard model in the field of dielectric spectroscopy. The static nonlinear response is finite with the exception of a certain temperature T0T_0 determined by the value of the asymmetry. In a narrow temperature range around T0T_0, the modulus of the frequency-dependent cubic response shows a peak at a frequency on the order of the relaxation rate and it vanishes for both, low frequencies and high frequencies. At temperatures at which the static response is finite (lower and higher than T0T_0), the modulus is found to decay monotonously from the static limit to zero at high frequencies. In addition, results of calculations for a trap model with a Gaussian density of states are presented. In this case, the cubic response depends on the specific dynamical variable considered and also on the way the external field is coupled to the kinetics of the model. In particular, a set of different dynamical variables is considered that gives rise to identical shapes of the linear susceptibility and only to different temperature dependencies of the relaxation times. It is found that the frequency dependence of the nonlinear response functions, however, strongly depends on the particular choice of the variables. The results are discussed in the context of recent theoretical and experimental findings regarding the nonlinear response of supercooled liquids and glasses.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Response-theory for nonresonant hole burning: Stochastic dynamics

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    Using non-linear response theory the time signals relevant for nonresonant spectral hole burning are calculated. The step-reponse function following the application of a high amplitude ac field (pump) and an intermediate waiting period is shown to be the sum of the equilibrium integrated response and a modification due to the preparation via ac irradiation. Both components are calculated for a class of stochastic dipole reorientation models. The results indicate that the method can be used for a clearcut distinction of homogeneously and heterogeneously broadened susceptibilities as they occur in the relaxation of supercooled liquids or other disordered materials. This is because only in the heterogeneous case is a frequency selective modification of the response possible.Comment: revised version, 7 pages, 2 figure

    Origin of non-exponential relaxation in a crystalline ionic conductor: a multi-dimensional 109Ag NMR study

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    The origin of the non-exponential relaxation of silver ions in the crystalline ion conductor Ag7P3S11 is analyzed by comparing appropriate two-time and three-time 109Ag NMR correlation functions. The non-exponentiality is due to a rate distribution, i.e., dynamic heterogeneities, rather than to an intrinsic non-exponentiality. Thus, the data give no evidence for the relevance of correlated back-and-forth jumps on the timescale of the silver relaxation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Origin of the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic (nematic) phase transition in FeSe: a combined thermodynamic and NMR study

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    The nature of the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition at Ts90T_s\approx90 K in single crystalline FeSe is studied using shear-modulus, heat-capacity, magnetization and NMR measurements. The transition is shown to be accompanied by a large shear-modulus softening, which is practically identical to that of underdoped Ba(Fe,Co)2_2As2_2, suggesting very similar strength of the electron-lattice coupling. On the other hand, a spin-fluctuation contribution to the spin-lattice relaxation rate is only observed below TsT_s. This indicates that the structural, or "nematic", phase transition in FeSe is not driven by magnetic fluctuations