21 research outputs found

    A snapshot of pre- And Post-intervention changes among cardiovascular disease patients participating in the new Smoking Cessation Program

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    Background: The study evaluates the changes of pre and post stages of behavioral change, motivation level, and smoking status among cardiovascular disease patients, participating in the new smoking cessation program in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan. Methods: A total of 65 adult cardiac patients were randomly distributed into two groups, i.e., intervention and control group, who were baseline smokers and assessed in three phases. Initially, the first, second, and third phase collected the information about their demographic details, their smoking status, and smoking status using cotinine amylase strip, respectively. Results: It showed that behavioral change was significant for the control group (P value = 0.031), while motivation level improved for both groups (i.e., control, P value = 0.000 and intervention group, P value = 0.001). The smoke quitting status percentage was higher for intervention group 41.9% and lower for control group 20.6%; however, the P value was insignificant for both control group (1.000) and intervention group (0.250). Conclusions: This study suggests a need for more personal testimonial videos to focus on other smoking-related diseases

    Smoking cessation and its relationship with religiosity: a review of literature

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    This study aims to systematically review the literature regarding the relationship between religiosity/spirituality and smoking behaviour. Systematic searches were conducted to identify the literature published since 2013-2019 based on sets of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Four electronic databases were used to identify the literature, including Scopus, Science Direct, ProQuest and PubMed. The search was limited to full-text articles/ review papers and in English or Malay language only. Articles on smoking prevention and other nicotine delivering devices such as vape or electronic cigarette were excluded from the study. Initially, 26,938 articles were retrieved, but only 12 were finalised to be critically appraised. Out of the 12 studies, five studies revealed a significant relationship between religious/spiritual activities and cessation while the others showed an inverse association between religiosity and smoking. Religiosity/spirituality played an essential role in influencing smoking behaviour, making it an important vehicle to complement other existing tobacco control efforts. Limited studies were focusing on the Islamic religion despite the growing number of the Muslim population worldwide. Thus further research on the integration of Islamic religion in the smoking cessation program is highly recommended, especially in a Muslim country like Malaysia

    Religiosity and its relationship with smoking cessation: a systematic review

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    Objective: This study aims to systematically review the literature regarding the relationship between religiosity and smoking behaviour. Methods: Four electronic databases were used to identify the literatures including Scopus, Science Direct, ProQuest and PubMed. The search was limited to full text articles and in English or Malay only. Articles on smoking prevention and other nicotine delivering devices such as vape or electronic cigarette were excluded from the study. Results: Initially, 10,154 articles were retrieved and 12 met the inclusion criteria. Out of the 12 studies, five studies revealed a significant relationship between religious activities and cessation while the others showed inverse associations between religiosity and smoking. Conclusion: Religiosity played an important role in influencing smoking behaviour, making it an important vehicle to complement other existing tobacco control efforts. Limited studies were focusing on the Islamic religion despite the growing number of Muslim populations worldwide. Thus, further research on the integration of Islamic religion in smoking cessation program is highly recommended especially in a Muslim country like Malaysia

    Prevalence and associated factors of smoking among male Undergraduate students in International Islamic University Malaysia

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    Objective: The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence and associated factors of smoking among male undergraduate students in International Islamic University Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was done on 552 samples of male undergraduate students of International Islamic University Malaysia, using a set of questionnaire and further verification of breath carbon monoxide (CO) level using PiCO Smokerlyzer was done. Questions concerned socio-demographic variables, religiosity level, and nicotine addiction level for smokers. Data entry and analysis were done using SPSS version 25 and were presented in descriptive statistics, chi-square, and logistic regression test results. Results: The overall prevalence of smokers was 12%. The most demanding reason for smoking was stress (47%) followed by peer pressure (31.8%). In multiple logistic regression, significant predictors of smoking in the model were study background (p = 0.020) and religiosity level (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The findings provide baseline data to develop a new cessation program to overcome smoking problem at the university level for future tobacco control strategy

    Critical determinants of heritage property value: a conceptual framework

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    Real estate is complex in nature, whereby its value is determined by many characteristics. Heritage property is different as compared with non-heritage property, thus; it is essential to identify the heritage property value determinants due to limited published research about it. This paper closes the gap by reviewing the literature to identify the determinants. To achieve this, academic journals and conference papers in online databases from 1974 to 2017 have been reviewed. The results indicated that there are four groups of heritage property value determinants namely; i) transaction characteristics, ii) structural characteristics, iii) spatial characteristics, and iv) historical characteristics. It can be concluded that heritage property values are differentiated by historical characteristics notably on their architectural styles or design and the status of the heritage property itself. This finding should be a useful guidance for the valuers in valuation practice

    A systematic review on spatial-based valuation approach for built cultural heritage

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    This paper reviews previous research that has been carried out to assess the value of built cultural heritage based on spatial-based valuation approach. Built cultural heritage is classified as a special property and can be categorised under thin market due to limited transaction or being traded inactively in certain areas. It will age with time, which needs special attention by the local communities and authorities to sustain its cultural, historical and architectural values to be transmitted to future generations. A systematic review has been conducted to examine spatial characteristics that may affect the values of built cultural heritage, the spatial-based valuation approach and the impact of heritage properties on surrounding house prices located within specific radius or distance from the heritage properties. The finding shows that theoretical and empirical studies by the previous research have given some attention to address the concern regarding an effective method for assessing the values of built cultural heritage. It also suggests that there is lack of study on the spatial-based valuation approach for built cultural heritage and Spatial Hedonic Modelling (SHM) offers many opportunities for further investigation

    Effects of smoking cessation intervention on smoking status and risk factors of cardiovascular diseases among subjects participating in the smoking cessation program

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    Background: Smoking is known as the leading cause of deaths worldwide. One individual dies every six seconds from a tobacco-related disease. This study aims to describe the demographic characteristics and smoking history of cardiovascular disease patients participating in a smoking cessation program. Subjects and Methods: An interventional study with a control and an intervention group was carried out on 65 adult cardiac patients who were smokers at the outset. The study was conducted in the Cardiac Unit, at the Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan Pahang. A questionnaire was constructed to collect data in three different phases. A total of 65 adult patients were recruited for both the intervention and control groups. Results: Almost all of the participants started smoking during their adolescent period (mean age: 16.65 ยฑ 3.92 years). Most of them had been smoking for the last 29 years with a mean of 29.77 ยฑ 9.48 years. All subjects in both groups were associated with smoking, namely smokers with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Cessation of smoking by intensive intervention was associated with significantly greater quit attempts and decreased use of nicotine compared to the control group. The proportion of subjects stopping or reducing smoking was significantly more in the intensive intervention group than in the control group. Larger studies are needed to check on our findings. Conclusion: Intensive intervention to stop smoking by using a warning message via a video can induce fear and increase motivation resulting in a significant decline in smoking. Further studies are needed to target other groups of smokers, to find out the efficacy of this method in reducing smoking prevalence among the Malaysian CVD population, particularly younger males of Malay ethnicity

    Development and validation of the Islamic-based smoking cessation program module for young adults

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    Objective: This study aims to develop and validate the new Islamic-based Smoking Cessation Program (ISCP) for undergraduate male smokers. Methods: The development of the intervention was based on the Intervention Mapping (IM) Protocol, where basic health education program planning activities involved four main steps which are; conducting a needs and capacity assessment of the program, developing the program, formative evaluation including; validating and implementing the program. A content validity level (CVL) was used to assess the content validity quantitatively, with a CVL of more than 70% being considered appropriate. Results: The module was found to have a high level of authenticity (content validity level = 79%). Revision and modification were completed based on the expert panel comments and suggestions to improve the module. Conclusion: The ISCP module has good content validity and can be used to assist undergraduate smokers in their cessation journe