6 research outputs found

    Indoor air mycoflora of residential dwellings in Jos metropolis

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    Background: The quality of air in the environment where one lives or works can have potential effects on human health. There are strong indications that in many parts of the world, our homes, schools and workplaces are heavily contaminated with air-borne molds and other biological contaminants. Objectives: This study was carried out to assess the level of fungal contamination of indoor air, health related experiences of residents, and the prevalent fungi species in the homes. Methods: The investigation was done between May 2005 and January 2006, using structured questionnaires and the agar plate exposure. 150 houses from 14 locations were examined. Results: 380 fungi belonging to 10 species were isolated, Chaetomium globosum (17%), Aspergillus fumigatus (14%), Stachybotrys alternans (14%) and Alternaria alternata (14%) being the predominant isolates. Conclusion: The indoor air quality of residential dwellings in Jos is poor. Rate of isolation of fungi was not significantly different in the wet and dry periods of the year and residential density affected the occurrence of fungal contaminants. Residents are displeased with fungal presence in their homes and the associated health implications. There is need for proper attention to the quality of the indoor environment.Key words: indoor, fungi, residential, dwelling

    Evaluation of groundwater quality in a rural community in North Central of Nigeria

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    Evaluation of water quality of nine boreholes and three open hand-dug wells in a rural community in North Central Nigeria revealed relative abundance of cations Na > k > Ca >Mg> Zn > Pb and anions Cl− > PO4 2 − > SO4 2 − > NO3− in the boreholes and cations Ca>Na>K>Mg>Pb and anions NO3− > PO4 2 − > SO4 2 − > Cl− in the wells. The major contaminants exceeding SON and WHO permissible limits were NO3−, Mg, TH, pH and Mg, Pb, TH, pH and DO in the wells and boreholes, respectively. They are attributable to anthropogenic sources such as domestic waste water and poor waste disposal and natural sources such as mineral dissolution from clayey aquifer which made the acidic groundwater unsuitable for consumption unless they are appropriately treated. Correlation studies revealed existence of three major mineral groups in the aquifer Ca-Fe group, Na-Mg group, Zn-K group, as well as a minor group Pb-group, and they determine the chemical composition of the groundwater and the ionic exchange between the groundwater and mineral-bearing clayey aquifer. In order to curb microbial contamination by Enterobacter aerogenes and Escherichia coli, it is recommended that proper latrines and drainages be provided while domesticated animals should be restricted from boreholes and well. Further, treatment with water guard and pur purifier is recommended