85 research outputs found

    Analisis Dampak Perubahan Garis Pantai Terhadap Batas Pengelolaan Wilayah Laut Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    The value of a sea area along the boundaries of the marine area management for a local government is very important note. So that the management of the territorial sea boundary between two adjacent areas should be clear. Therefore, research on the marine boundary zone management needs to be done in order to avoid conflicts between the adjacent areas.This study aims to reinforce the boundary sea area of Yogyakarta Special Region by implementing the use of satellite imagery. The determination of the boundary sea area made after the base line and the line of claim 12 nautical miles determined. Then the withdrawal limit of marine area management is done using equal distance principle (equidistance).Abrasion and accretion resulted in a change in the boundary sea area of Yogyakarta Special Region. It can be seen from the changes in the location of the line of claim 12 nautical miles and the difference in the number of dots making up equidistant. The number of points the boundary sea area of Yogyakarta Special Region in 2004 was 15 points, while in 2014 was 12 points. So that within ten years the area of management of marine areas of Yogyakarta Special Region increased 2,889 Ha

    Aplikasi Openstreetmap Untuk Sistem Informasi Geografis Kantor Pelayanan Umum (Studi Kasus: Kota Salatiga)

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    Salatiga is a city with populous region and growths rapidly in every aspects such economy, social, indusry and culture. Salatiga Municipality was administratively divided into four districts and 22 villages, with the total population in 2012 were 186.087 persons. Public office is responsible to provide services according their responsibility to public in Salatiga Municipality. To support and facilitate how to provide services effectively, there is a way to use an application based Geographic Information System (GIS) to display the distributed location and related information from each public offices. One of media to share the information completely and easily access anywhere is by using website.This research using spatial data coordinates of the position from collected coordinate points using GPS Handheld and atributtes data are the information from related offices. To stake and build a geographic information to public office in Salatiga Manicipality is using facilities of OpenstreetMap then developed using HTML website framework, MySQL with phpMyAdmin features used as database and OpenStreetMap API.The final result of this research is the application of GIS public service offices in Salatiga Municipality equipped with information of each village offices, district offices, religious offices, and public health service offices. The application used features and fasilities from OpenStreetMap

    Identifikasi Daerah Prioritas Rehabilitasi Lahan Kritis Kawasan Hutan Dengan Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Pati)

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    Kerusakan Hutan masih menjadi perbincangan hangat di Indonesia. Banjir bandang yang sering penambangan karst liar di kawasan hutan pegunungan Kendeng Utara sehingga hutan terdegradasi dan akan menadi lahan kritis. Faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya lahan kritis kawasan hutan antara lain; kerapatan vegetasi, kelerengan hutan, erosi lahan dan manajemen hutan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran lahan kritis kawasan hutan dan berapa luas daerah prioritas rehabilitasinya. Pengolahan dilakukan dengan metode overlay tiap parameter; peta kelas vegetasi, peta kelas lereng, peta kelas erosi dan peta kelas manajemen. Pembuatan peta kelas kerapatan vegetasi dibuat dari klasifikasi NDVI citra Landsat 7 ETM+. Kemudian analisis tiap kecamatan, Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan, Bagian Hutan dan fungsi hutan dilakukan dengan overlay data vektor.Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, kawasan hutan Kabupaten Pati didominasi oleh kriteria potensial kritis seluas 14.351,74 ha (62,67%) dari luas hutan di Kabupaten Pati. Kerusakan hutan tertinggi berada di kecamatan Margorejo dan Sukolilo. Lahan kritis paling banyak berada di kecamatan Margorejo 252,02 ha. Sedangkan lahan agak kritis paling banyak terdapat di kecamatan Sukolilo 1.492,22 ha

    Aplikasi Magnetometer Dan Side Scan Sonar Untuk Pemetaan Sebaran Anomali Kemagnetan Dasar Laut (Studi Kasus : Perairan Lohgung, Palang,tuban, Jawa Timur)

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    Medan magnet menyerupai suatu medan dari batang magnet yang sangat besar dan pusatnya berhimpitan dengan bumi serta mempunyai gaya tarik magnet yang melingkar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa di seluruh permukaan bumi memiliki kuat medan magnet tersendiri. Pada perairan Lohgung, Palang, Tuban Jawa Timur merupakan daerah yang tersebar ranjau karena area tersebut merupakan bekas perang dunia ke-II. Untuk mendeteksi tingkat kemagnetan logam yang dimiliki tiap daerah perairan, maka dilakukan survei kemagnetan dengan menggunakan alat magnetometer dan side sca sonar,maka dilakukan survei kemagnetan logam serta penggambaran citra sehingga diperlukannyapembuatan peta logam sebaran anomali kemagnetan.Penelitian ini menggunakan software Oasis Montaj, MagMap, SonarWiz, dan C-Max untuk mengolah data kemagnetan dan image yang dihasilkan side scan sonar sehingga dapat mengetahui klasifikasi medan magnet, dan sumber anomali terdapat dibawah dasar laut atau disekitar perairan dari hasil image yang dihasilkan side scan sonar.Hasil yang diperoleh berupa peta sebaran anomali kemagnetan dasar laut dengan karakteristik sebaran anomali memiliki variasi intensitas magnet regional yang tidak sama dan menunjukkan adanya variasi pembentukkan dasar laut yang berbeda. Dari peta sebaran anomali kemagnetan yang didapat serta hasil validasi dari image side scansonar dan bantuan data imagesub bottom profiling yang menunjukkan posisi logam yang berbahaya dan telah dinetralisir sehingga dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan keselamatan navigasi serta kegiatan lain yang berhubungan dengan hidrografi

    Perhitungan Deformasi Gempa Kebumen 2014 Dengan Data Cors Gnss Di Wilayah Pantai Selatan Jawa Tengah

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    On January 25, 2014 earthquake occurred at 12:14:18 AM with a moment magnitude (Mw) 6.1 with a depth of 66 km centered at 7,986 ° S 109,265 ° E or 38 Km South-East of Adipala, Central Java. The quake was felt in five provinces in Java, namely Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta. The strongest shaking was felt in Cilacap and Kebumen. Therefore, in-depth research conducted this calculation Earthquake Deformation Kebumen GNSS CORS 2014, with the data on the southern coast of Central Java, to determine the value and direction of the vector shift of the deformation caused by the earthquake this Kebumen.This study uses observational data four GNSS CORS station (CCLP, CPBL, CKBM, CMGL) with observational data in 2013, 2014 and 2015. The point IGS used are BAKO, PIMO, COCO, DARW. Processing data using GAMIT scientific software.This research resulted in the value of velocity rate before and after the earthquake Kebumen 2014 and the value displacement caused by the earthquake and its direction vector. Horizontal velocity rate vector before the earthquake towards southeast, with an average speed Vhor = -0.0282 ± 0.0057 m / year. Horizontal velocity rate vector after the earthquake towards southeast, with an average speed Vhor = -0.028064 ± 0.0063 m / year. Horizontal displacement vector due to the occurrence of the earthquake towards southeast, with an average shift value dhor = -0.0063 ± 0.0035 m / year

    Penggunaan Postgresql Dan Openstreetmap Dalam Pembangunan Webgis Tentang Persebaran Lapangan Futsal Dan Lapangan Sepak Bola Kota Semarang

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    Semarang city as the capital of central Java that is rapidly developed has high-aspirated communities on sport development. Sport has already become necessary thing in the daily life of Semarang communities. Moreover, the increasing of communities' interest towards sport is shown by the increasing numbers of subsidiaries sport clubs in Semarang (Ramadani, 2008) includes futsal and soccer. The increasing of communities' interest and enthusiasm towards futsal and soccer should counterbalanced with the increasing of a good geography information system of futsal and soccer fields distribution in Semarang. WebGIS is a right solution as media of distribution information due to the function and the use that can be accessed rapidly and easily. This research is supported by the utilization of Opensource applications. Moreover, in the designing process of this WebGIS, the writer utilizes the data base of PostgreSQL processed by several Opensource applications as QGIS, PgAdminIII, PhpPgAdmin, WappStack and PostGIS. Furthermore, for the webmap, the writer utilizes OpenStreetMap as the basemap. The final result of this research is an application of GIS based on Web for the distribution of futsal and soccer fields in Semarang. The information given in this application is expected to be useful for futsal and soccer users in Semarang

    Analisis Spasial Arah Kiblat Kota Semarang

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    In conducting praying, moslems are required to facing Qibla in Masjidil Haram at City of Mecca. Measurement Qibla direction then becomes a problem when the location of a place far away from the Ka'ba because it can not be observed directly eyesight. The problems at the moment still occurs in Indonesian people especially in City of Semarang, so that in determining the direction of Qibla still found a practical way to set the direction of Qibla at west direction. Related to these problems, the need for calculation of the direction of Qibla is not just at west direction. But by a careful calculation, the calculation is also performed on the reference plane used as a reference for each field of reference (ellipsoid, sphere and flat) results in a different direction, in addition to the measurement of Qibla can also be done by observing the shadows when the Rasdhul Qibla event occurs where the sun is right above the Ka'ba. This measurement method aims to determine the pattern of the direction of Qibla in Semarang and how substantial accuracy in each field of reference at Rashdul Qibla events to the direction of Qibla. On the results of the analysis, obtained pattern Qibla direction in Semarang changed every 154.166 meters by 5 seconds enlarged towards the southwest with large changes at 5‘26”, from the value of the smallest direction of Qibla of 294° 20' 38"located in the Genuk district and the value Qibla of 294° 20' 4 " in the Mijen district.Whereas the calculation results at the reducted latitude spherical field of 294° 26' 26.69", the turning reduced ellipsoid fields of 294° 25' 4.16” and the flat fields of 292 ° 12 '8.61". The results of the horizontal plane has different Qibla direction away with two other references fields by 2° 11'7.38" on the sphere field and 2°14'18.08" against ellipsoid field. For Qibla direction result of Rashdul Qibla event observed at 294° 33' 39.22", from these results seen the method closest accuracy to the result of Rashdul Qibla is the reducted latitude spherical field with the difference value results at 0°7'12.31"