94 research outputs found

    Evolution and pleiotropy of TRITHORAX function in \u3ci\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/i\u3e

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    The SET domain-containing genes of the TRITHORAX family encode epigenetic factors that maintain the expression of targeted genes. Trithorax homologs have been found in both animals and plants. Since these are thought to have evolved multicellularity independently, common mechanisms of epigenetic regulation must be evolutionarily ancient and derived from a common ancestor. In addition, each lineage has evolved unique mechanisms to expand the original repertoire of epigenetic functions. Phylogenetic analysis of SET domain proteins has outlined some intriguing evolutionary trends. In plants, epigenetic gene silencing mechanisms have been aggressively pursued. In contrast, studies of epigenetic mechanisms maintaining active gene expression have been scarce. The goal of this review is to draw attention to this gap. Trithorax function in plants are analyzed here in an evolutionary context tracing phylogenetic relationships between the histone methyltransferase activities in unicellular and multicellular domains of life. The involvement of two members of the Arabidopsis Trithorax family, ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOG of TRITHORAX1 (ATX1), and ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOG of TRITHORAX2 (ATX2), in developmental and adaptation processes of the plant is overviewed

    Transcriptional ‘memory’ of a stress: transient chromatin and memory (epigenetic) marks at stress-response genes

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    Drought, salinity, extreme temperature variations, pathogen and herbivory attacks are recurring environmental stresses experienced by plants throughout their life. To survive repeated stresses, plants provide responses that may be different from their response during the first encounter with the stress. A different response to a similar stress represents the concept of ‘stress memory’. A coordinated reaction at the organismal, cellular and gene/genome levels is thought to increase survival chances by improving the plant’s tolerance/ avoidance abilities. Ultimately, stress memory may provide a mechanism for acclimation and adaptation. At the molecular level, the concept of stress memory indicates that the mechanisms responsible for memory-type transcription during repeated stresses are not based on repetitive activation of the same response pathways activated by the first stress. Some recent advances in the search for transcription ‘memory factors’ are discussed with an emphasis on super-induced dehydration stress memory response genes in Arabidopsis

    Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms in Plants

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    Genomes are defined by their primary sequence, which provides the genetic blueprint of a species. Eukaryotic DNA functions within the context of chromatin, which provides additional layers of gene regulation referred to as “epigenetic.” The commonly found definition of epigenetics is that of a “study of heritable changes in genome function that occur without a change in DNA sequence.” However, evidence that neuronal gene-expression states are also regulated by epigenetic mechanisms, despite evidence that neuronal cells do not divide, has opened space for a broader unifying definition that keeps “the sense of prevailing usage but avoids constraints imposed by stringently required heritability.” Epigenetic mechanisms regulate developmental programs, stress responses and adaptation, senescence, disease, and various patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance. The totipotency of plant cells, in addition to the ability of plants to withstand biotic, abiotic, and genome stresses, such as changes in chromosome number and massive presence of transposable elements, reflects the plasticity of plant genomes and makes them an excellent system to study epigenetic phenomena. Genome plasticity is determined by the EPIGENOME. DNA methylation and histone modification profiles define epigenomes of animals and plants. The main molecular mechanisms operating in epigenetic phenomena are DNA methylation, histone modifications, and RNA-based mechanisms, often referred to as “the three pillars of epigenetics.” Recent advances in genome research technologies, deep sequencing analysis in particular, have led to an explosion of studies and novel results that are reshaping our views. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are emerging as central players responsible for the establishment, maintenance, and regulation of plant genome epigenetic structure

    Molecular mechanism of the priming by jasmonic acid of specific dehydration stress response genes in Arabidopsis

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    Background: Plant genes that provide a different response to a similar dehydration stress illustrate the concept of transcriptional ‘dehydration stress memory’. Pre-exposing a plant to a biotic stress or a stress-signaling hormone may increase transcription from response genes in a future stress, a phenomenon known as ‘gene priming’. Although known that primed transcription is preceded by accumulation of H3K4me3 marks at primed genes, what mechanism provides for their appearance before the transcription was unclear. How augmented transcription is achieved, whether/how the two memory phenomena are connected at the transcriptional level, and whether similar molecular and/or epigenetic mechanisms regulate them are fundamental questions about the molecular mechanisms regulating gene expression. Results: Although the stress hormone jasmonic acid (JA) was unable to induce transcription of tested dehydration stress response genes, it strongly potentiated transcription from specific ABA-dependent ‘memory’ genes. We elucidate the molecular mechanism causing their priming, demonstrate that stalled RNA polymerase II and H3K4me3 accumulate as epigenetic marks at the JA-primed ABA-dependent genes before actual transcription, and describe how these events occur mechanistically. The transcription factor MYC2 binds to the genes in response to both dehydration stress and to JA and determines the specificity of the priming. The MEDIATOR subunit MED25 links JA-priming with dehydration stress response pathways at the transcriptional level. Possible biological relevance of primed enhanced transcription from the specific memory genes is discussed. Conclusions: The biotic stress hormone JA potentiated transcription from a specific subset of ABA-response genes, revealing a novel aspect of the JA- and ABA-signaling pathways’ interactions. H3K4me3 functions as an epigenetic mark at JA-primed dehydration stress response genes before transcription. We emphasize that histone and epigenetic marks are not synonymous and argue that distinguishing between them is important for understanding the role of chromatin marks in genes’ transcriptional performance. JA-priming, specifically of dehydration stress memory genes encoding cell/membrane protective functions, suggests it is an adaptational response to two different environmental stresses

    ATX1/AtCOMPASS and the H3K4me3 Marks: How Do They Activate \u3ci\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/i\u3e Genes?

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    Despite the proven correlation between gene transcriptional activity and the levels of tri-methyl marks on histone 3 lysine4 (H3K4me3) of their nucleosomes, whether H3K4me3 contributes to, or “registers,” activated transcription is still controversial. Other questions of broad relevance are whether histone-modifying proteins are involved in the recruitment of Pol II and the general transcription machinery and whether they have roles other than their enzyme activities. We address these questions as well as the roles of the ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOG OF TRITHORAX1 (ATX1), of the COMPASS-related (AtCOMPASS) protein complex, and of their product, H3K4me3, at ATX1-dependent genes. We suggest that the ambiguity about the role of H3K4me3 as an activating mark is because of the unknown duality of the ATX1/AtCOMPASS to facilitate PIC assembly and to generate H3K4me3, which is essential for activating transcriptional elongation

    Methylation patterns of histone H3 Lys 4, Lys 9 and Lys 27 in transcriptionally active and inactive \u3ci\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/i\u3e genes and in \u3ci\u3eatx1\u3c/i\u3e mutants

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    Covalent modifications of histone-tail amino acid residues communicate information via a specific ‘histone code’. Here, we report histone H3-tail lysine methylation profiles of several Arabidopsis genes in correlation with their transcriptional activity and the input of the epigenetic factor ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOGOF TRITHORAX (ATX1) at ATX1-regulated loci. By chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, we compared modification patterns of a constitutively expressed housekeeping gene, of a tissue-specific gene, and among genes that differed in degrees of transcriptional activity. Our results suggest that the di-methylated isoform of histone H3-lysine4 (m2K4/H3) provide a general mark for gene-related sequences distinguishing them from non-transcribed regions. Lys-4 (K4/H3), lys-9 (K9/ H3) and lys-27 (K27/H3) nucleosome methylation patterns of plant genes may be gene-, tissue- or development-regulated. Absence of nucleosomes from the LTP-promotor was not sufficient to provoke robust transcription in mutant atx1-leaf chromatin, suggesting that the mechanism repositioning nucleosomes at transition to flowering functioned independently of ATX1

    ATX1/AtCOMPASS and the H3K4me3 Marks: How Do They Activate \u3ci\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/i\u3e Genes?

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    Despite the proven correlation between gene transcriptional activity and the levels of tri-methyl marks on histone 3 lysine4 (H3K4me3) of their nucleosomes, whether H3K4me3 contributes to, or “registers,” activated transcription is still controversial. Other questions of broad relevance are whether histone-modifying proteins are involved in the recruitment of Pol II and the general transcription machinery and whether they have roles other than their enzyme activities. We address these questions as well as the roles of the ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOG OF TRITHORAX1 (ATX1), of the COMPASS-related (AtCOMPASS) protein complex, and of their product, H3K4me3, at ATX1-dependent genes. We suggest that the ambiguity about the role of H3K4me3 as an activating mark is because of the unknown duality of the ATX1/AtCOMPASS to facilitate PIC assembly and to generate H3K4me3, which is essential for activating transcriptional elongation

    Methylation patterns of histone H3 Lys 4, Lys 9 and Lys 27 in transcriptionally active and inactive Arabidopsis genes and in atx1 mutants

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    Covalent modifications of histone-tail amino acid residues communicate information via a specific ‘histone code’. Here, we report histone H3-tail lysine methylation profiles of several Arabidopsis genes in correlation with their transcriptional activity and the input of the epigenetic factor ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOG OF TRITHORAX (ATX1) at ATX1-regulated loci. By chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, we compared modification patterns of a constitutively expressed housekeeping gene, of a tissue-specific gene, and among genes that differed in degrees of transcriptional activity. Our results suggest that the di-methylated isoform of histone H3-lysine4 (m(2)K4/H3) provide a general mark for gene-related sequences distinguishing them from non-transcribed regions. Lys-4 (K4/H3), lys-9 (K9/H3) and lys-27 (K27/H3) nucleosome methylation patterns of plant genes may be gene-, tissue- or development-regulated. Absence of nucleosomes from the LTP-promotor was not sufficient to provoke robust transcription in mutant atx1-leaf chromatin, suggesting that the mechanism repositioning nucleosomes at transition to flowering functioned independently of ATX1

    The Arabidopsis Trithorax-like Factor ATX1 Functions in Dehydration Stress Responses via ABA-Dependent and ABA-Independent Pathways

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    Emerging evidence suggests that the molecular mechanisms driving the responses of plants to environmental stresses are associated with specific chromatin modifications. Here, we demonstrate that the Arabidopsis trithorax-like factor ATX1, which trimethylates histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4me3), is involved in dehydration stress signaling in both abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent and ABA-independent pathways. The loss of function of ATX1 results in decreased germination rates, larger stomatal apertures, more rapid transpiration and decreased tolerance to dehydration stress in atx1 plants. This deficiency is caused in part by reduced ABA biosynthesis in atx1 plants resulting from decreased transcript levels from NCED3, which encodes a key enzyme controlling ABA production. Dehydration stress increased ATX1 binding to NCED3, and ATX1 was required for the increased levels of NCED3 transcripts and nucleosomal H3K4me3 that occurred during dehydration stress. Mechanistically, ATX1 affected the quantity of RNA polymerase II bound to NCED3. By upregulating NCED3 transcription and ABA production, ATX1 influenced ABA-regulated pathways and genes. ATX1 also affected the expression of ABA-independent genes, implicating ATX1 in diverse dehydration stress-response mechanisms in Arabidopsis

    Multiple exposures to drought ‘train’ transcriptional responses in \u3ci\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/i\u3e

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    Pre-exposure to stress may alter plants’ subsequent responses by producing faster and/or stronger reactions implying that plants exercise a form of ‘stress memory’. The mechanisms of plants’ stress memory responses are poorly understood leaving this fundamental biological question unanswered. Here we show that during recurring dehydration stresses Arabidopsis plants display transcriptional stress memory demonstrated by an increase in the rate of transcription and elevated transcript levels of a subset of the stress–response genes (trainable genes). During recovery (watered) states, trainable genes produce transcripts at basal (preinduced) levels, but remain associated with atypically high H3K4me3 and Ser5P polymerase II levels, indicating that RNA polymerase II is stalled. This is the first example of a stalled RNA polymerase II and its involvement in transcriptional memory in plants. These newly discovered phenomena might be a general feature of plant stress–response systems and could lead to novel approaches for increasing the flexibility of a plant’s ability to respond to the environment