35 research outputs found

    The global financial crisis and its implications on the convergence of Romania with the economic and monetary union

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    The international financial crisis has affected the new member States of the European Union as well, for which the convergence criteria represent the economic test of evaluation of a degree of economic preparation, in order to participate in the third stage of the Economic and Monetary Union. This paper analyses the main evolutions recorded by Romania under the conditions of the global financial crisis, regarding the stability of the prices, the long term interests, the budget deficit, the level of the public debt in the Gross Domestic Product, the stability of the change and the degree of the preparation of the National Central Bank for the adherence to the Eurosystem. We are trying to identify a series of challenges and risks which are brought by the international financial crisis during the chosen period by the Romanian authorities for the adoption of the unique European currency, respectively 2014-2015.institutional convergence, the real convergence, the nominal convergence, the convergence criteria

    Considerations regarding the regulation, accounting and audit of bank deposits

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    Microfluidic Device for Continuous Magnetophoretic Separation of Red Blood Cells

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    This paper presents a microfluidic device for magnetophoretic separation red blood cells from blood under contionous flow. The separation method consist of continous flow of a blood sample (diluted in PBS) through a microfluidic channel which presents on the bottom "dots" of feromagnetic layer. By appling a magnetic field perpendicular on the flowing direction, the feromagnetic "dots" generates a gradient of magnetic field which amplifies the magnetic force. As a result, the red blood cells are captured on the bottom of the microfluidic channel while the rest of the blood is collected at the outlet. Experimental results show that an average of 95 % of red blood cells are trapped in the deviceComment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/16838

    The impact of internet usage and knowledge-intensive activities on households’ healthcare expenditures

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    This paper examines the impact of the internet usage and knowledge intensive activities on households’ healthcare expenditures Similarly, the paper aims to recognize and understand, from a value-creation perspective, the correlation between: internet access of households (IA), individuals frequently using the internet (IU), individuals searching on internet for health-related information (HI), payments made by households for healthcare (PHH), expressed as euro per inhabitant and employment in knowledge-intensive activities (KIA). The approach utilized in the present study consists of two steps. First, a theoretical framework was conducted to determine the existing relationship between major variables. Next, the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) approach was applied in a case study at European level to prove the three hypothesis we consider. By analyzing the connection between the major variables, a positive and long-lasting impulse response function was revealed, followed by an ascending trend. This suggests that a self-multiplying effect is being generated; and it reasonable to assume that the more individuals use the Internet, the more electronic acquisitions occur. We can thus reasonably conclude that the improvement of the internet usage and knowledge intensive activities on households’ healthcare expenditures process is strongly dependent on people’s capability. Improving IU and KIA is the new reading key in the decision-making process in health system approach

    Influence of Sintering Temperature on the Structure of the Yttrium Based Phosphor Nanoparticles

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    Yttrium-based phosphor materials belonging to the class known as garnets have witnessed a strong return with the development of the first white LEDs. Among these materials, yttrium aluminum garnet doped with cerium has become the best known, being successfully used in generating white light, due to its capacity to convert the blue light emitted by a GaN chip. But its use in optoelectronic applications is subject to the achievement of parameters such as: purity of the crystal phase and particles size in the nanoscale range. In this study, we present a modified sol-gel method for the synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet doped with cerium (YAG:Ce). In the end, heat treatment will be carried out at various temperatures and the effect of sintering temperature on the crystal phase and morphology will be studied. To highlight the phase transition from amorphous to crystalline state, a Rigaku SmartLab X-ray Diffraction System was used. Moreover, by the X-Ray diffraction pattern we evidenced the presence of the intermediate phases such as the main oxides, the metastable phases with perovskite (YAP) and monoclinic (YAM) structure and finally the garnet phase (YAG). The presence of the dopant in the crystalline structure was demonstrated. The microstructure and morphology evolution of the particles were assessed by using the FEI Nova NanoSEM system. Getting garnet phase and particles with spherical and smooth surfaces at the nanoscale range after a sintering treatment at 1100 °C indicates a phosphor applicable in optoelectronics

    Considerations regarding the regulation, accounting and audit of bank deposits

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    Bank deposits have been known even since the Antiquity. From the legal perspective, the bank deposit was always covered with due care and received the deserved attention, while regulations generally reflected the current views, from the legal, economic, social, cultural and religious perspectives. The new Civil Code, applicable in Romania starting from October 1st 2011, brings a new element within article 2191. The fund deposit, a change that is situated against the millennial regulations of the deposit contract, when it specifies that “Subsequent to the constitution of a fund deposit at a credit institution, it gains propriety over the deposited amounts of money”. Even since the Antiquity, the Roman jurists have caught the economic and judicial nature of the unregulated deposit contracts that emphasized the depository’s obligations. The religious obscurantism of the Middle Ages did not allow the differentiation between the deposit contract and the loan contract as passive operations meant to attract the financial resources of the bank. Nowadays, the confusion still exists and fuels the financial instability. Even since the emergence of accounting as a science, the bank deposit has been seen as a financial asset for the depositor and a debt for the banker. The accuracy of the accounting information regarding the bank deposits is validated and confirmed through the internal and/or external auditing procedures


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    Abstract. Angular dependencies are investigated for the planar Hall effect (PHE) in Permalloy (Ni 80 Fe 20 ) thin films and Permalloy based multilayered structures used as rotation sensors in labon-a-chip applications. A distortion of the angular dependence symmetry with respect to the abscissa axis was observed. This is due to contacts misalignment, hysteresis behaviour of the magnetic material and some coupling effects in the multilayered structure. We performed micromagnetic simulations to discuss the effect of the magnetic field strength on the shape of the angular dependence of PHE. From experimental measurements and micromagnetic simulations, made on the multilayered structure, results a distortion of the angular dependence of the PHE for magnetic fields less than 16 kA/m (200 Oe) because the magnetization vector can not follow the direction of the applied magnetic field. Using a special setup in which we made PHE measurements over two orthogonal directions will give a rotation sensor with an improved symmetry of the output signal and an angular resolution bellow 0.5°

    The Study On International Cooperation Made By The Romanian Professional Accountancy Bodies

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    Professional bodies with responsibility in regulating the accounting profession in Romania,with a vast experience in the field, such as Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants fromRomania, the Chamber of Financial Auditors from Romania, Chamber of Financial Consultantsfrom Romania, National Association of Certified Evaluators from Romania, are intensivelycooperating with international bodies in order to develop accounting profession and support theaccountants in providing high quality services to the public. Cooperation of the professional bodies involved in the regulation of the accounting professionhas one fundamental objective: development of a strong accounting profession, able to serve thepublic interest, spread information and recommendations among its members, as well as providingservices of the highest professional level

    The Banking Products and Services: the Globalisation Challenges

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    The changes occurred in the banking marketing in our country have their origin, firstly, in the changes of the organisational culture which has evolved in the last ten years from the bureaucratic behaviour, categorised excessively, to a specific behaviour for the market economy, based on the knowledge of the clients, on the competition and on the promotion of the mentality of a winner. The organisational culture can be changed in time, as long as the employees are aware of the objectives followed, as long as they are selected and promoted in conformity with these objectives and as long as the feeling of belonging to the organisation has formed which depends essentially on the satisfaction that the employee feels towards the activity he/she enrols. Due to the stimulation of the own personnel, the banks, through superior wages as for the best paid sectors of the national economy, have managed to attract the interest of the existing professionals, as well as of the young specialists willing to dedicate to a banking carrier. The training programs organised through the means of the Romanian Banking Institute or through distinct programs organised by the baking companies in our country have contributed to the motivation of the personnel, as well as to the consolidation of the new organisational culture.globalisation, banking products, banking services