1 research outputs found

    Estudio de agrietamiento de terraplenes de presas peque帽as

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    Los terraplenes de presas peque帽as se aprovechan en Colombia con fines de almacenamiento de agua para riego agr铆cola en temporadas secas y de control de inundaciones en temporadas lluviosas. Estos terraplenes se construyen en general con materiales cohesivos compactados, para lograr impermeabilidad. Durante su vida 煤til muchos terraplenes presentan problemas de agrietamientos y filtraciones que afectan su comportamiento y comprometen su estabilidad. Con el fin de identificar las caracter铆sticas y evoluci贸n del agrietamiento en este tipo de terraplenes se realiz贸 una modelaci贸n f铆sica en laboratorio de un caso real, llevado a una escala de 1:44.5 tanto de las caracter铆sticas geom茅tricas como de las caracter铆sticas de flujo. Para el desarrollo del modelo se construy贸 un molde en material acr铆lico. En la presa y en el embalse se impuso un flujo de tipo bidimensional, utilizando un fluido sustituto cuya viscosidad se ajust贸 a la escala requerida para mantener la semejanza mec谩nica. La compactaci贸n se realiz贸 mediante un proceso muy cuidadoso de control de densidad por capas. En el experimento se observ贸 c贸mo evolucionaban las grietas durante las etapas de construcci贸n, llenado, fin de construcci贸n y operaci贸n. Los resultados mostraron que la principal causa del agrietamiento superficial se debe a procesos de desecaci贸n, que la tasa de llenado juega un papel importante en la fractura hidr谩ulica y que la distribuci贸n espacial de las grietas se localiza principalmente en el tercio superior. Estos resultados son de utilidad para mejorar las especificaciones de dise帽o y construcci贸n de terraplenes de peque帽as presas.Abstract: In Colombia small dam embankments have mainly been used as irrigation water supplies in dry seasons and flood control in rain seasons. These dams generally constructed with compacted cohesive soil constituting the impervious barrier themselves, tend to exp erience cracking and seepage issues along their useful life, thus, their behavior and stability are affected. First, aims to identify cracking characteristics and evolution in this embankment type. The investigation was carried out based on observations of a small dam embankment physical scale model at the lab. The scale model was built into an acrylic die cast. Bi dimensional flow was forced through the embankment model, in beginnings with a substitute fluid, whose viscosity was changed to meet the scaling requirements, and after with water flowing for review the effects of the substitute fluid over embankment. The embankment compaction operation went under a very high - quality control particularly in each layer density. Along construction, initial reservoir filling, and operation stages cracking evolved into the embankment model. Findings showed the major cracks appear during end construction stage and specific in the upper third of embankment, these are related to soil suction by evaporation. Complementary to physical model was carried out numerical modelling which identified that highest suction areas matching the greatest cracking ones. From this investigation could say it is possible to reduce cracking by desiccation and improve dam embankments behavior w ith a more thoroughly careful construction process that keeping in mind local weather. These finders will be useful for improve the design and construction specifications of small dam embankments.Maestr铆