50 research outputs found

    The Coloniser and the Colonised: Reflections on Translation as Contested Space

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    Tulisan ini mengemukakan pentingnya pemahaman penerjemah mengenai “kata” dari sebuah karya. Kata “coloniser” dan “colonised” yang muncul dalam karya Albert Memmi memiliki relevansi dengan pengertian kolonial yang bersifat metaforis. Oleh karena itu, seorang penerjemah, dalam melihat kedua kata itu, haruslah terfokus pada teks itu sendiri dan merefleksikannya. Secara singkat ada banyak cara untuk melihat karakteristik yang beragam dari hubungan antara penerjemah beserta terjemahannya dan penulisny

    Marina La Malinche: Writing Across Cultures

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    Tulisan ini membahas karya pengarang perempuan Prancis, Kim Lefévre. Lefévredilahirkan di Vietnam dari ayah Prancis dan ibu Vietnam—ia sendiri kini tinggal di Prancis.Karya-karya autobiografinya berkenaan dengan kompleksitas identitas campurannya. Dalamkarya novelnya Marina la Malinche, ia menyajikan kehidupan seorang wanita penerjemah,Malinche, selama invasi Spanyol di Meksiko. Malinche saat ini dianggap oleh orang Meksikosebagai pengkhianat bangsa. Dalam novel itu Lefévre menggunakan tokoh Malinche sebagaicermin problem identitasnya. Penerjemah hanyalah seorang “pengkhianat” ketika ia menjadikorban kekuatan di luar dirinya

    Culture Research in the Recent Work of Itamar Even-Zohar

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    Even-Zohar sangat dihormati di kalangan peneliti Kajian Terjemahan untuk sumbangan teoritisnya dalam wilayah kajian ”Polysystem Theory”. Makalah ini memberikan pengantar ke karya terbaru Even-Zohar dalam wilayah ”penelitian budaya” (yang ia bedakan dari Kajian Budaya). Karya tersebut menempatkan pemikirannya dalam kerangka kerja yang diturunkan dari Formalisme Rusia dan, yang lebih baru, Semiotika Rusia. Fokus utama makalahnya dalam Penelitian Budaya (2004/2005) adalah pada budaya sebagai sistem sosio-semiotika, yang memungkinkan adanya refleksi dan aksi. Sebuah istilah penting dalam membahas sistem-sistem adalah ”repertoar”, yaitu aturan-aturan dan materi-materi yang mengatur pembuatan dan penggunaan objek-objek budaya tertentu. Tulisan Even-Zohar berusaha menempatkan repertoar di dalam kerangka kerja yang lebih luas, dan memungkinkan penemuan serta pemindahan repertoar-repertoar tersebut di antara kelompok-kelompok sosial. Peran para pembuat-ide sangatlah penting dalam pemindahan ini. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan relevansi ”penelitian budaya” terhadap Kajian Terjemahan. Ini menunjukan bahwa ide-ide Zohar hanya dapat digunakan secara terbatas, tetapi mampu menyediakan dasar untuk refleksi lebih jauh tentang peran penerjemah dan penerjemahan, khususnya di banyak negara-bangsa baru


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    Differences in gender may produce differences in style of writing. It is my intension here to show that the style used by female in contrast to male writers results in a number of significant differences. Some of them are caused by the writers cultural background. Being a teacher, I would like to share with others how the gender and feminist theories can be applied to analyze writings by women

    Translation and/as Research

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    The paper will consider some possible relationships between literary translation and research, the latter briefly defined as “the curiosity-driven production of new knowledge” (Nowotny xix). Two of these relationships are simple: (1) research as a stage in the preparation for the process of translation, and (2) research about the cultural and historical dimensions of already-existing translations. The third is more complex and controversial. The paper further asks: (3) whether the practice of translation is in itself an act of research. The third question raises further considerations about the different types of knowledge to be found in the university, and how these are evaluated and rewarded

    Poems of Mya Kabyar, Tin Nwan Lwin & Khaing Mar Kyaw Zaw translated from the Burmese by Violet Cho and David Gilbert

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    Review of Poems of Mya Kabyar, Tin Nwan Lwin & Khaing Mar Kyaw Zaw translated from the Burmese by Violet Cho and David Gilber

    The Absent Father: a Vietnamese folktale and its French shadows

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    This paper discusses some variants of a Vietnamese folktale that we shall generically call “The Shadow of the Absent Father”. The Emperor Le Thanh Tong first refers to the story in a poem written during the fifteenth century. The earliest detailed record of the tale, “The Story of the Woman from Nam Xuong”i by Nguyen Du (1496-1527)ii, is to be found in the sixteenth century volume Truyen Ky Man Luc (A Casually Recorded Collection of Popular Tales,)iii. There are many French language versions of the tale in collections of Vietnamese legends made throughout the twentieth century.iv. We will focus here on two by the scholar and diplomat Pham Duy Khiem (1908- 1974), which are included in his books Légendes des terres sereines (Legends from Serene Lands, 1942)v and La jeune femme de Nam Xuong (The Young Woman from Nam Xuong, 1944)vi respectively. They are told in very different ways. I will argue that “The Shadow and the Absent Man”, from the earlier volume, is more consistent in style and content with Khiem’s other writing. The latter, very traditional version, “The Young Woman from Nam Xuong”, represents a way of telling the tale that is alien to his style and outlook, thus leading it to be eventually excluded from the canon of Khiem’s work. I will also suggest that the story bears some of the dynamics of his own family experience


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    Even-Zohar is highly regarded among scholars of Translation Studies for his theoretical contributions in the area of "Polysystem Theory". This paper presents an introduction to EvenZohar's more recent work in the area of"cuIture research" (which he distinguishes from Cultural Studies). It locates his thinking within a framework deriving from Russian Formalism and, more recently, Russian Semiotics. The major focus in his Papers in Culture Research (200412005) is on culture as a socio-semiotic system, allowing for both reflection and action. A significant term in discussing systems is "repertoire", the rules and materials which govern the production and use of given cultural objects. Even-Zohar's papers seek to place repertoire within a broader framework, and to allow for the invention and transfer of repertoires between various social groups. The work of idea-makers is particularly important in this transfer. Tile paper concludes with a consideration of the relevance of "culture research" to Translation Studies. It suggests that his ideas are of limited use but may provide the basis for further reflection on the roles of translators and translations, especially in new nation states


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    This paper discusses the techniques used by major Indonesian author Umar Kayam for presenting representations of American English and Javanese language and culture in his early Indonesian-language short stories, published as Sri Sumarah dan Cerita Pendek Lainnya in 1975. Using Vinay and Darbelnets list of translation strategies, the paper suggests that Kayam made extensive use of direct translation, especially literal translation with borrowings from English, and borrowings with Indonesian glosses for Javanese terms. He also uses calques and adaptations in a very few incidences

    The Coloniser and the Colonised: Reflections on Translation as Contested Space

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    Tulisan ini mengemukakan pentingnya pemahaman penerjemah mengenai “kata” dari sebuah karya. Kata “coloniser” dan “colonised” yang muncul dalam karya Albert Memmi memiliki relevansi dengan pengertian kolonial yang bersifat metaforis. Oleh karena itu, seorang penerjemah, dalam melihat kedua kata itu, haruslah terfokus pada teks itu sendiri dan merefleksikannya. Secara singkat ada banyak cara untuk melihat karakteristik yang beragam dari hubungan antara penerjemah beserta terjemahannya dan penulisnya.Keywordscoloniser, colonised, colonial metaphor, translator, translated