12 research outputs found

    The challenges of curtailing the outbreak and spread of Lassa fever in Nigeria

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    In Nigeria, the Lassa Fever outbreak of 2015 had been persistent up till the present (end of 2019), with significant mortality and morbidity. The epidemiology of Lassa Fever is gradually changing towards assuming an endemic dimension despite several evidence-based efforts taken by stakeholders towards disease control. Several challenges militate against prevention and control efforts. These are related to environmental and climatic factors, poor knowledge risk perception and preventive practices among community members and health care workers, poor diagnosis and treatments of the disease. It is doubtful that Nigeria could successfully win the war against Lassa Fever without surmounting the challenges identified in this review article. The efforts to curtail Lassa Fever would yield significant reduction in prevalence if these challenges militating against prevention and control are removed. This would require collaborative efforts among all stakeholders that are relevant to this task, and Governments creating an enabling environment for prevention and control efforts to thrive.peer-reviewe

    Contribution of small and mediumenterprisesto economic development: Evidencefroma transitingeconomy

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    The focusofthisresearchwastopresentadataarticleonthe contribution ofSMEstoeconomicdevelopmentinatransiting economy.Descriptiveresearchdesignwasadoptedinthisstudy. Data wereobtainedfrom600respondentsin60small-scale enterprises locatedindifferentpartsofthecountry(20small-scale enterprises locatedinLagosState,20inAnambraStateand20in Kano StateofNigeriarespectively).Dataanalysiswascarriedout using tablesandpercentagesandthenullhypothesesofthestudy wastestedusingchi-square(X2) inferentialstatisticalmodelat5% level ofsignificance. The findings revealedthatthereisasig- nificant relationshipbetweentheoperationofsmallandmedium- scale enterprisesandeconomicgrowthindevelopingnations

    Dataset on brand culture and perceived value of offerings to customers in the hospitality industry in Nigeria

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    This studycriticallyexaminestheroleofbrandcultureininfluencing theperceivedvalueofofferingstocustomerswithinthe hospitality industryinNigeria.Intoday'scompetitivemarket,the extentatwhichorganizationsdisregardtheimportanceofdevel- oping astrongbrandculturebeforecommunicatingtheirvalueto the outsideworldhasbecomeworrisome.Hence,thisstudy filled in thegapsandatotalof434customersdrawnfromsixdifferent hotelsinLagosstate,Nigeria,weresampled.Thedatawereana- lysedusingStructuralEquationModelling(SEM).Managementof these hotelswereabletodefine theirexpectationsinorderto deliveraconsistentbrandexperiencetotheircustomers.The result showedthatbrandculturehaspositivesignificant influence on theperceivedvalueofofferingstocustomers.Important recommendations havealsobeenmade

    Mentoring Strategies and Secondary School Effectiveness in Ilorin East Kwara State: A Symbiotic Examination

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    Education is a necessary tool for national development and for development to take place, it is important that teachers who are the driving force of passing instructions to students in the school must be properly mentored for them to carry out their assignments. It is on the basis of this background that this study was conducted. Descriptive survey research design was found suitable for the study. A multistage sampling technique was employed in this research and 100 respondents were selected for the study. Four research questions and hypotheses were raised and formulated and a questionnaire titled mentoring strategies and school effectiveness was developed for data gathering. The instument was validated and the reliability co-efficient of .84 was achieved. The finding revealed that there was significant relationship between mentoring strategies and secondary school effectiveness in Ilorin East, Kwara State. It was recommended among other things that teachers should be trained using mentoring strategies and that school administrators should ensure activities which will involve pairing new with experienced teachers so that they will gain new experience from the models


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    The objective of this research was to examine the moderating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of agro-based SMEs in Nigeria. The study used questionnaires gathered from 230 managers of agro-based firms in Lagos state Nigeria. Data analysis was carried out using hierarchical multiple regression to show relationships between the variables. Findings suggest that entrepreneurial competencies have a direct influence on performance of Agro-based SMEs. More so, the statistical result indicates that innovativeness, proactiveness and autonomy are the three entrepreneurial orientations that moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of the firms

    Contribution of small and medium enterprises to economic development: Evidence from a transiting economy

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    The focus of this research was to present a data article on the contribution of SMEs to economic development in a transiting economy. Descriptive research design was adopted in this study. Data were obtained from 600 respondents in 60 small-scale enterprises located in different parts of the country (20 small-scale enterprises located in Lagos State, 20 in Anambra State and 20 in Kano State of Nigeria respectively). Data analysis was carried out using tables and percentages and the null hypotheses of the study was tested using chi-square (X2 ) inferential statistical model at 5% level of significance. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the operation of small and mediumscale enterprises and economic growth in developing nations


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    The objective of this research was to examine the moderating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of agrobased SMEs in Nigeria. The study used questionnaires gathered from 230 managers of agrobased firms in Lagos state Nigeria. Data analysis was carried out using hierarchical multiple regression to show relationships between the variables. Findings suggest that entrepreneurial competencies have a direct influence on performance of Agro-based SMEs. More so, the statistical result indicates that innovativeness, proactiveness and autonomy are the three entrepreneurial orientations that moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of the firms

    Dataset on brand culture and perceived value of offerings to customers in the hospitality industry in Nigeria

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    This study critically examines the role of brand culture in influencing the perceived value of offerings to customers within the hospitality industry in Nigeria. In today's competitive market, the extent at which organizations disregard the importance of developing a strong brand culture before communicating their value to the outside world has become worrisome. Hence, this study filled in the gaps and a total of 434 customers drawn from six different hotels in Lagos state, Nigeria, were sampled. The data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Management of these hotels were able to define their expectations in order to deliver a consistent brand experience to their customers. The result showed that brand culture has positive significant influence on the perceived value of offerings to customers. Important recommendations have also been made

    Contribution of small and medium enterprises to economic development: Evidence from a transiting economy

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    The focus of this research was to present a data article on the contribution of SMEs to economic development in a transiting economy. Descriptive research design was adopted in this study. Data were obtained from 600 respondents in 60 small-scale enterprises located in different parts of the country (20 small-scale enterprises located in Lagos State, 20 in Anambra State and 20 in Kano State of Nigeria respectively). Data analysis was carried out using tables and percentages and the null hypotheses of the study was tested using chi-square (X2 ) inferential statistical model at 5% level of significance. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the operation of small and mediumscale enterprises and economic growth in developing nations

    Contribution of small and medium enterprises to economic development: Evidence from a transiting economy

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    The focus of this research was to present a data article on the contribution of SMEs to economic development in a transiting economy. Descriptive research design was adopted in this study. Data were obtained from 600 respondents in 60 small-scale enterprises located in different parts of the country (20 small-scale enterprises located in Lagos State, 20 in Anambra State and 20 in Kano State of Nigeria respectively). Data analysis was carried out using tables and percentages and the null hypotheses of the study was tested using chi-square (X2) inferential statistical model at 5% level of significance. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the operation of small and medium-scale enterprises and economic growth in developing nations. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Economic development, Transiting economy, Nigeri