9 research outputs found

    Geolokasi Mobile dalam Upaya Mengurangi Pelanggan yang Menunggak Pembayaran Listrik

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    PT PLN (Persero) adalah salah satu Perusahaan penyedia listrik di Indonesia yang memasok energi listrik kepada pelanggan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Perusahaan ini selalu berusaha memberikan layanan terbaik kepada pengguna listrik. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh PLN untuk merealisasikan visi dan misinya. Banyak masalah datang ke Perusahaan, tetapi PLN selalu berusaha menanganinya dengan baik. Salah satu masalah adalah bagaimana membuat tagihan kepada pelanggan yang sering menunggak pembayaran listrik. Dalam metode konvensional, petugas lapangan biasanya membuat tagihan ke pelanggan secara langsung. Metode ini tidak efektif karena petugas lapangan sering lupa lokasi pelanggan dan waktu penagihan. Selain itu, file tagihan pelanggan juga dapat hilang atau tersebar di mana-mana yang utama bagi mereka yang menunggak. Untuk alasan ini, penulis kemudian melakukan penelitian untuk mempermudah dalam penagihan pemrosesan dengan menggunakan metode geolocation tagging atau geotag. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem geolokasi mobile dengan menggunakan peta yang menunjukkan distribusi pelanggan PLN tidak hanya pelanggan berbayar tetapi juga pelanggan belum dibayar. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memberi manfaat bagi petugas PLN untuk meningkatkan layanan terbaik mereka kepada pelanggan juga membantu mereka memantau pelanggan secara sistematis dengan menggunakan sistem aplikasi geolokasi seluler ini

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Siswa SD di Perkotaan dan di Pedesaan melalui Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Flash Flip Book Pendidikan Kewarnegaraan

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    Understanding of the nation's character and national insight is one of the absolute musts of Indonesian society to create unity and unity of the nation. However, after the New Order era when entering the beginning of the reform era, there began to degradation of community understanding related to national character and national insight. Although Indonesia in the era of reform has become the third largest democracy in the world, but without understanding the character and national identity and national insight is not enough to be a strong country. The era of globalization as one thing that is absolute and inevitable is one of the challenges for the life of nation and state in almost all countries, including Indonesia. So many emerging threats that are no longer in the form of conventional wars, but other threats that attack the concepts of thought and lifestyle of the community so that the love of the homeland faded. The young generation of this nation which is the root of a nation must know and respect the historical values ​​that have been laid down the founders of the nation. History continues to be written, in all civilizations and at all times, History in writing or documentation is an important tool in studying the progress and decline of a nation contained in events in the past. The purpose of this study is to determine the comparison of learning outcomes of elementary school students in urban as well as in rural areas through multimedia-based learning method flash flip book education civic education with quasi experimental studies pretest posttest design in improving character education nation and nationality insight amid ethnic, religious, and culture. SD Bani Saleh 5 Bekasi is an Islamic elementary school located in the center of Bekasi City which has facilities and infrastructure that support the learning process. SDN SetiaDarma Bekasi is SD Negri located in Bekasi Regency that is Tambun Selatan Bekasi whose learning activity is not supported by supporting facilities and infrastructures in learning process

    Modul Pembelajaran Plta Berbasis Augmented Reality

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    Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) is one plant that uses water flow to be converted into electrical energy. This power plant works by changing the energy of water flowing (from dam or waterfall) into mechanical energy (with the help of water turbines) and of the mechanical energy into electrical energy (with the help of a generator). The electrical energy then flowed through networks that have been made, until finally the electrical energy to the consumer. Hydropower has five main components, namely dams, turbines, generators, penstock, and track transmisi..Augmented Reality is a technology that combines virtual objects are two-dimensional or three-dimensional environment into a real three. This study uses a multimedia development stage is done by six stages, namely the concept, design, collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. Application of Augmented Reality as a learning medium hydroelectric plants which can visualize the turbine and generator in 3D. Manufacture and design of 3D objects is done by using software blender. Then this object is inserted into the Unity 3D that can be viewed when the marker is detected

    Sistem Pakar untuk Mengidentifikasi Penyakit Mata dengan Metode Certainty Factor

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    Eye disease today is no longer a rare disease suffered by humans. Many symptoms encountered makes people become confused if the types of eye diseases from which they suffer. Type of eye disease that often affects people of Indonesia according to the Ministry of Health is conjunctivitis, Pterygium, Cataract and Glaucoma. It's no secret if in a meeting with the ophthalmologist will cost not less. Expert systems are computer-based systems that use knowledge, facts and reasoning techniques in solving problems that normally can only be solved by an expert in the field. Forward chaining inference engine used in this study to chronicling the symptoms are inconclusive, then the certainty factor method so that we can determine what percentage of the disease in the suffering of patients through the results of the count in the method. Application web-based expert system created to provide information to people with eye disease illness is entered in accordance with the symptoms

    Klasifikasi Pesan Gangguan Pelanggan Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes Classifier

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    The application of customer disturbance message classifiers is made because of the process of reporting the interruption by the customer must be done by selection of data disorders by one by the admin to be able to follow-up from the existing customer reports. Naive Bayes is one of machine learning methods that uses probability calculations where the algorithm takes advantage of probability and statistical methods that predict future probabilities based on past experience. The application of the naive bayes classifier method with text mining as the initial data processor of the disorder messaging application can be concluded that this study yields an accuracy of probability values of 95 percent and proves that the Naive Bayes method can be used to help classify interference messages sent by customers