8 research outputs found

    Facteurs influençant la collaboration interprofessionnelle: cas d'un hôpital universitaire.

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    Les établissements de santé se trouvent confrontés à une remise en question de leurs modes de fonctionnement. Les changements économiques, socio-démographiques et technologiques actuels exercent des pressions pour une transformation majeure en faveur d’une plus grande intégration des services offerts. Ceci constitue un énorme défi pour le système de soins. L’extrême complexité structurelle des hôpitaux et les enjeux auxquels ils sont confrontés rendent obsolètes les structures actuelles d’organisation et de fonctionnement souvent héritées de leur histoire. De nouveaux modèles de pratique professionnelle favorisant le décloisonnement devraient être envisagés. En effet, l’impact d’une collaboration plus étroite entre les professionnels de la santé se situe à quatre niveaux : les patients, les professionnels, l’organisation et le système (D’Amour et Oandasan, 2005).Cet article se concentrera sur l’importance et les déterminants influençant la collaboration interprofessionnelle dans les hôpitaux. Ces éléments seront présentés à partir d’une revue de la littérature et du travail de terrain. La collaboration interprofessionnelle sera étudiée selon une méthodologie qualitative basée sur l’étude de cas et ce, à deux niveaux au sein d’un hôpital universitaire au Liban : 1- autour du patient hospitalisé dans les unités de soins et 2- au sein de comités interprofessionnels dans l’institution.Méthodologie qualitative; Etude de cas; Collaboration interprofessionnelle; Hôpitaux;

    Facteurs influençant la collaboration interprofessionnelle : cas d'un hôpital universitaire

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    Les établissements de santé se trouvent confrontés à une remise en question de leurs modes de fonctionnement. Les changements économiques, socio-démographiques et technologiques actuels exercent des pressions pour une transformation majeure en faveur d'une plus grande intégration des services offerts. Ceci constitue un énorme défi pour le système de soins. L'extrême complexité structurelle des hôpitaux et les enjeux auxquels ils sont confrontés rendent obsolètes les structures actuelles d'organisation et de fonctionnement souvent héritées de leur histoire. De nouveaux modèles de pratique professionnelle favorisant le décloisonnement devraient être envisagés. En effet, l'impact d'une collaboration plus étroite entre les professionnels de la santé se situe à quatre niveaux : les patients, les professionnels, l'organisation et le système (D'Amour et Oandasan, 2005).Cet article se concentrera sur l'importance et les déterminants influençant la collaboration interprofessionnelle dans les hôpitaux. Ces éléments seront présentés à partir d'une revue de la littérature et du travail de terrain. La collaboration interprofessionnelle sera étudiée selon une méthodologie qualitative basée sur l'étude de cas et ce, à deux niveaux au sein d'un hôpital universitaire au Liban : 1- autour du patient hospitalisé dans les unités de soins et 2- au sein de comités interprofessionnels dans l'institution.collaboration interprofessionnelle, hôpitaux, méthodologie qualitative, étude de cas

    The creation and monitoring of a network for solid healthcare waste management

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    Healthcare waste mismanagement constitutes a serious environmental and sanitary problem, especially in developing countries. This article describes the strategy and the methodology of the implementation of a national network for healthcare waste management by a non-profit organisation in Lebanon, taking into consideration environmental, social and economic issues. It presents a holistic description of the main aspects of this crucial sustainable development topic: the elaboration of the strategy and the selection of the optimal treatment technique based on an analysis of the context; the training on waste minimisation and waste management issues inside hospitals; the waste transportation and treatment procedures; the quality management of the process; the evaluation and the monitoring of the produced quantities and the established system; the optimisation of sterilisation parameters and process in order to reduce sterilisation time and fuel consumption

    Evaluating the governance and preparedness of the Lebanese health system for the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study

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    From BMJ via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-10-29, accepted 2022-05-16, ppub 2022-06, epub 2022-06-01Publication status: PublishedFunder: World Health Organization; FundRef: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100004423; Grant(s): 2002577199Objectives: This study aimed to assess the capacities and governance of Lebanon’s health system throughout the response to the COVID-19 pandemic until August 2020. Design: A qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews. Setting: Lebanon, February–August 2020. Participants: Selected participants were directly or indirectly involved in the national or organisational response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Lebanon. Results: A total of 41 participants were included in the study. ‘Hardware’ capacities of the system were found to be responsive yet deeply influenced by the challenging national context. The health workforce showed high levels of resilience, despite the shortage of medical staff and gaps in training at the early stages of the pandemic. The system infrastructure, medical supplies and testing capacities were sufficient, but the reluctance of the private sector in care provision and gaps in reimbursement of COVID-19 care by many health funding schemes were the main concerns. Moreover, the public health surveillance system was overwhelmed a few months after the start of the pandemic. As for the system ‘software’, there were attempts for a participatory governance mechanism, but the actual decision-making process was challenging with limited cooperation and strategic vision, resulting in decreased trust and increased confusion among communities. Moreover, the power imbalance between health actors and other stakeholders affected decision-making dynamics and the uptake of scientific evidence in policy-making. Conclusions: Interventions adopting a centralised and reactive approach were prominent in Lebanon’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Better public governance and different reforms are needed to strengthen the health system preparedness and capacities to face future health security threats

    Participation by conflict-affected and forcibly displaced communities in humanitarian healthcare responses: A systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Community participation in health responses in humanitarian crises is increasingly promoted by humanitarian actors to support adoption of measures that are relevant and effective to local needs. Our aim was to understand the role of community participation in humanitarian health responses for conflict-affected populations (including forcibly displaced populations) in low- and middle-income countries and the barriers and facilitators to community participation in healthcare responses. METHODS: Using a systematic review methodology, following the PRISMA protocol, we searched four bibliographic databases for publications reporting peer-reviewed primary research. Studies were selected if they reported how conflict-affected populations were involved in healthcare responses in low- and middle-income settings, and associated changes in healthcare responses or health outcomes. We applied descriptive thematic synthesis and assessed study quality using study design-specific appraisal tools. RESULTS: Of 18,247 records identified through the database searching, 18 studies met our inclusion criteria. Various types of community participation were observed, with participation mostly involved in implementing interventions rather than framing problems or designing solutions. Most studies on community participation focused on changes in health services (access, utilisation, quality), community acceptability and awareness, and ownership and sustainability. Key barriers and facilitators to community participation included political will at national and local level, ongoing armed conflict, financial and economic factors, socio-cultural dynamics of communities, design of humanitarian responses, health system factors, and health knowledge and beliefs. Included studies were of mixed quality and the overall strength of evidence was weak. More generally there was limited critical engagement with concepts of participation. CONCLUSION: This review highlights the need for more research on more meaningful community participation in healthcare responses in conflict-affected communities, particularly in framing problems and creating solutions. More robust research is also required linking community participation with longer-term individual and health system outcomes, and that critically engages in constructs of community participation

    Facteurs influençant la collaboration interprofessionnelle : cas d'un hôpital universitaire

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    Les établissements de santé se trouvent confrontés à une remise en question de leurs modes de fonctionnement. Les changements économiques, socio-démographiques et technologiques actuels exercent des pressions pour une transformation majeure en faveur d'une plus grande intégration des services offerts. Ceci constitue un énorme défi pour le système de soins. L'extrême complexité structurelle des hôpitaux et les enjeux auxquels ils sont confrontés rendent obsolètes les structures actuelles d'organisation et de fonctionnement souvent héritées de leur histoire. De nouveaux modèles de pratique professionnelle favorisant le décloisonnement devraient être envisagés. En effet, l'impact d'une collaboration plus étroite entre les professionnels de la santé se situe à quatre niveaux : les patients, les professionnels, l'organisation et le système (D'Amour et Oandasan, 2005).Cet article se concentrera sur l'importance et les déterminants influençant la collaboration interprofessionnelle dans les hôpitaux. Ces éléments seront présentés à partir d'une revue de la littérature et du travail de terrain. La collaboration interprofessionnelle sera étudiée selon une méthodologie qualitative basée sur l'étude de cas et ce, à deux niveaux au sein d'un hôpital universitaire au Liban : 1- autour du patient hospitalisé dans les unités de soins et 2- au sein de comités interprofessionnels dans l'institution

    Colorectal cancer screening knowledge and uptake in lebanon: a national survey

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    Ibrahim Bou-Orm - ORCID: 0000-0003-3563-4014 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3563-4014Item is not available in this repository.Objective The main aim of this national survey was to identify the levels of colorectal cancer screening knowledge and uptake in Lebanon. Methods A total of 1200 participants were enrolled in this cross-sectional household survey targeting the Lebanese population aged 50 years and above. The sample was recruited using a two-stage stratified cluster sampling approach. Results Of the total sample, 38.3% knew about any screening test for colorectal cancer but only 7.5% had ever used any. Thirty-nine percent of the participants rated their risk of getting colorectal cancer as very low or low, and only 53.5% were confident in their ability to undertake a screening test. Almost all participants agreed that medical advice and test reimbursement would encourage them to do a screening test. At the multivariate analysis level, hearing of an awareness campaign in the last two years showed the strongest association with the knowledge of a colorectal cancer screening test with an estimated ORadj = 5.12 (95%CI: 3.67 – 7.15). Other factors that were significantly associated with this knowledge variable included: a family history of colorectal cancer, a personal history of colorectal illness, having a health coverage, and knowledge of colorectal cancer signs and symptoms. Discussion This national study highlights an alarming lack of uptake and low levels of knowledge of colorectal cancer screening tests even though it is among the most prevalent cancers in Lebanon and its prevalence has been continuously increasing in the past years. The evidence suggests that people who had an experience with colorectal cancer diagnostic tests, either personally or through a family member, and those who have heard of an awareness campaign about colorectal cancer in the last two years are more likely to know its screening tests. Conclusion Colorectal cancer screening knowledge and uptake in Lebanon are limited and justify the need for public health interventions. This study gives evidence that awareness campaigns, coupled with the involvement of medical providers and the reimbursement of screening test fees, would alleviate the burden of colorectal cancer in Lebanon.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respe.2022.01.128pubpu