1,752 research outputs found

    Respect in Organizations: Feeling Valued as ā€œWeā€ and ā€œMeā€

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    Research suggests that organizational members highly prize respect but rarely report adequately receiving it. However, there is a lack of theory in organizational behavior regarding what respect actually is and why members prize it. We argue that there are two distinct types of respect: generalized respect is the sense that ā€œweā€ are all valued in this organization, and particularized respect is the sense that the organization values ā€œmeā€ for particular attributes, behaviors, and achievements. We build a theoretical model of respect, positing antecedents of generalized respect from the senderā€™s perspective (prestige of social category, climate for generalized respect) and proposed criteria for the evaluation of particularized respect (role, organizational member, and character prototypicality), which is then enacted by the sender and perceived by the receiver. We also articulate how these two types of respect fulfill the receiverā€™s needs for belonging and status, which facilitates the self-related outcomes of organization-based self-esteem, organizational and role identification, and psychological safety. Finally, we consider generalized and personalized respect jointly and present four combinations of the two types of respect. We argue that the discrepancy between organizational membersā€™ desired and received respect is partially attributable to the challenge of simultaneously enacting or receiving respect for both the ā€œweā€ and the ā€œme.

    ā€œI Identify with Her,ā€ ā€œI Identify with Himā€: Unpacking the Dynamics of Personal Identification in Organizations

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    Despite recognizing the importance of personal identification in organizations, researchers have rarely explored its dynamics. We define personal identification as perceived oneness with another individual, where one defines oneself in terms of the other. While many scholars have found that personal identification is associated with helpful effects, others have found it harmful. To resolve this contradiction, we distinguish between three paths to personal identificationā€”threat-focused, opportunity-focused, and closeness-focused pathsā€”and articulate a model that includes each. We examine the contextual features, how individualsā€™ identities are constructed, and the likely outcomes that follow in the three paths. We conclude with a discussion of how the threat-, opportunity-, and closeness-focused personal identification processes potentially blend, as well as implications for future research and practice

    Seeing More than Orange: Organizational Respect and Positive Identity Transformation in a Prison Context

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    This paper develops grounded theory on how receiving respect at work enables individuals to engage in positive identity transformation and the resulting personal and work-related outcomes. A company that employs inmates at a state prison to perform professional business-to-business marketing services provided a unique context for data collection. Our data indicate that inmates experienced respect in two distinct ways, generalized and particularized, which initiated an identity decoupling process that allowed them to distinguish between their inmate identity and their desired future selves and to construct transitional identities that facilitated positive change. The social context of the organization provided opportunities for personal and social identities to be claimed, respected, and granted, producing social validation and enabling individuals to feel secure in their transitional identities. We find that security in personal identities produces primarily performance-related outcomes, whereas security in the company identity produces primarily well-being-related outcomes. Further, these two types of security together foster an integration of seemingly incompatible identitiesā€”ā€identity holismā€ā€”as employees progress toward becoming their desired selves. Our work suggests that organizations can play a generative role in improving the lives of their members through respect-based processes

    Work-life Events Theory: Making Sense of Shock Events in Dual-Earner Couples

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    Dual-earner couples are increasingly prevalent and encounter demands arising from each partnerā€™s commitment to various work and life domains. Unfortunately, there has been little theoretical progress in explaining how dual-earner couples navigate work-life shock events, which we define as disruptive, novel, and critical events that require investment of a coupleā€™s resources. Drawing from identity and sensemaking theories, we develop a theory of work-life shock events to explain how dual-earner couples perceive and respond to these events. We theorize that partners initially make sense of the event as individuals and then engage in couple-level sensemaking. We argue that each individualā€™s shock intensity perceptions are shaped by the shock eventā€™s characteristics and the identity factors of role salience hierarchy and future self. A subsequent couple-level process of sensemaking ensues, influenced by the salience of the originating domain and partner role, as well as relational identity factors. Couple-level shock intensity perceptions result in the coupleā€™s decision regarding resource investment in the shock eventā€™s originating domain. We discuss implications for future research and for organizations

    Ambivalence in Organizations: A Multilevel Approach

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    The experience of simultaneously positive and negative orientations toward a person, goal, task, idea, and such appears to be quite common in organizations, but it is poorly understood. We develop a multilevel perspective on ambivalence in organizations that demonstrates how this phenomenon is integral to certain cognitive and emotional processes and important outcomes. Specifically, we discuss the organizational triggers of ambivalence and the cognitive and emotional mechanisms through which ambivalence diffuses between the individual and collective levels of analysis. We offer an integrative framework of major responses to highly intense ambivalence (avoidance, domination, compromise, and holism) that is applicable to actors at the individual and collective levels. The positive and negative outcomes associated with each response, and the conditions under which each is most effective, are explored. Although ambivalence is uncomfortable for actors, it has the potential to foster growth in the actor as well as highly adaptive and effective behavior

    Updated Composite Materials Handbook-17 (CMH-17) Volume 5 - Ceramic Matrix Composites

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    A wide range of issues must be addressed during the process of certifying CMC (ceramic matrix composite) components for use in commercial aircraft. The Composite Materials Handbook-17, Volume 5, Revision A on ceramic matrix composites has just been revised to help support FAA certification of CMCs for elevated temperature applications. The handbook supports the development and use of CMCs through publishing and maintaining proven, reliable engineering information and standards that have been thoroughly reviewed. Volume 5 contains detailed sections describing CMC materials/processing, design/analysis guidelines, testing procedures, and data analysis and acceptance. A review of the content of this latest revision will be presented along with a description of how CMH-17, Volume 5 could be used by companies applying for certification with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and others in the future

    Emotion and performance

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    The study of emotions in organizational settings has attained considerable prominence in recent years, but I critical issue remains unresolved. This is the relationship between emotion and performance. in this special issue, 5 articles address this topic from a variety of viewpoints. Two are theoretical essays that deal, respectively, with emotion and creativity and the relationships between individual and team performance. Three are empirical studies that canvass the emotion-performance nexus across levels of analysis: within person, between persons, and in groups. Between them, the 5 articles present a strong case for the nexus of emotions and performance, but, more important, they provide a platform for potentially fruitful future research in this burgeoning area

    Joining the conspiracy? Negotiating ethics and emotions in researching (around) AIDS in southern Africa

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    AIDS is an emotive subject, particularly in southern Africa. Among those who have been directly affected by the disease, or who perceive themselves to be personally at risk, talking about AIDS inevitably arouses strong emotions - amongst them fear, distress, loss and anger. Conventionally, human geography research has avoided engagement with such emotions. Although the ideal of the detached observer has been roundly critiqued, the emphasis in methodological literature on 'doing no harm' has led even qualitative researchers to avoid difficult emotional encounters. Nonetheless, research is inevitably shaped by emotions, not least those of the researchers themselves. In this paper, we examine the role of emotions in the research process through our experiences of researching the lives of 'Young AIDS migrants' in Malawi and Lesotho. We explore how the context of the research gave rise to the production of particular emotions, and how, in response, we shaped the research, presenting a research agenda focused more on migration than AIDS. This example reveals a tension between universalised ethics expressed through ethical research guidelines that demand informed consent, and ethics of care, sensitive to emotional context. It also demonstrates how dualistic distinctions between reason and emotion, justice and care, global and local are unhelpful in interpreting the ethics of research practice
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