21 research outputs found

    Liikennealan kansallinen kasvuohjelma 2018 - 2022

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    Liikennealan kansallisen kasvuohjelman 2018–2022 lähtökohtana on edistää toimialan yritysvetoista kehitystä, kasvua ja kansainvälistymistä. Liikenne toimii Suomen kansantalouden merkittävänä ajurina sisältäen n. 35 000 yritystä ja työllistäen n. 200 000 henkilöä. Samaan aikaan liikenteen markkinoilla toimivien yritysten liikevaihto on arviolta yli 60 mrd. euroa. Liikenneala on merkittävien teknologisten, taloudellisten ja yhteiskunnallisten murrosten keskellä ja sen uudistuminen pohjautuu pitkälti digitalisaation mukanaan tuomiin mahdollisuuksiin. Liikennealan globaalit markkinat tarjoavat valtavan kasvupotentiaalin, esimerkiksi MaaSin (liikenne palveluna) markkinoiden ennustetaan kasvavan yli 1 000 miljardiin dollariin vuoteen 2030 menness

    Caring for a Person With Dementia on the Margins of Long-Term Care: A Perspective on Burden From 8 European Countries

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    © 2017 AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine Objectives To explore associations between carer burden and characteristics of (1) the informal carer, (2) the person with dementia, and (3) the care support network in 8 European countries. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting People with dementia judged at risk of admission to long-term care (LTC) facilities in 8 European countries (Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom). Participants A total of 1223 people with dementia supported by community services at home or receiving day care or respite care and their informal carers. Measurements Variables regarding the informal carer included familial relationship and living situation. Variables relating to the person with dementia included cognitive functioning (S-MMSE), neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPI-Q), depressive symptoms (Cornell depression scale), comorbidity (Charlson Comorbidity Index), and physical functioning (Katz Activity of Daily Living [ADL] Index). The care support network was measured using hours of caregiving (ADLs, instrumental ADLs [IADLs], supervision), additional informal care support, and service receipt (home care, day care). Experience of carer burden was recorded using the Zarit Burden Interview. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine factors associated with high carer burden. Results Carer burden was highest in Estonia (mean 39.7/88) and lowest in the Netherlands (mean 26.5/88). High burden was significantly associated with characteristics of the informal carer (family relationship, specifically wives or daughters), of the person with dementia (physical dependency in ADLs; neuropsychiatric symptoms, in particular nighttime behaviors and irritability), the care support network (hours of caregiving supervision; receipt of other informal care support) and country of residence. Conclusion A range of factors are associated with burden in informal carers of people with dementia judged to be on the margins of LTC. Support for informal carers needs to take account of gender differences. The dual challenges of distressed behaviors and difficulties in ADLs by the person with dementia may be addressed by specific nonpharmacological interventions focusing on both elements. The potential protective effect of additional informal support to carers highlights the importance of peer support or better targeted home support services. The implementation of appropriate and tailored interventions to reduce burden by supporting informal carers may enable people with dementia to remain at home for longer

    National Growth Programme for the Transport Sector 2018-2022

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    The main aim of the National Growth Programme for the Transport Sector is the promotion of the transport sector's business-driven growth as a collaboration with the public and private sectors. The measures under the Growth Programme rely on a combination of enabling legislation, proactive research and the diverse skills and expertise of innovative companies. Renewal and modernisation in cities are to be promoted by enabling market experimentation and pilots and by stepping up the scaling of good solutions through procurement. The introduction of new innovations and the growth in business ecosystems are to be promoted through the development of the availability and quality of information, carefully channelled RDI funding, and support for the assembly and orchestration of business-driven ecosystems. The internationalisation of companies and the Invest in venture are to be encouraged through the strengthening of Finland's internationally recognised reputation as a forerunner in the field of transport and through the promotion of internationalisation activitie

    Most appropriate placement for people with dementia: individual experts' vs. expert groups' decisions in eight European countries

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    © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aims: To investigate the extent of variability in individuals' and multidisciplinary groups' decisions about the most appropriate setting in which to support people with dementia in different European countries. Background: Professionals' views of appropriate care depend on care systems, cultural background and professional discipline. It is not known to what extent decisions made by individual experts and multidisciplinary groups coincide. Design: A modified nominal group approach was employed in eight countries (Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK) as part of the RightTimePlaceCare Project. Methods: Detailed vignettes about 14 typical case types of people with dementia were presented to experts in dementia care (n = 161) during November and December 2012. First, experts recorded their personal judgements about the most appropriate settings (home care, assisted living, care home, nursing home) in which to support each of the depicted individuals. Second, participants worked in small groups to reach joint decisions for the same vignettes. Results: Considerable variation was seen in individuals' recommendations for more than half the case types. Cognitive impairment, functional dependency, living situation and caregiver burden did not differentiate between case types generating high and low degrees of consensus. Group-based decisions were more consistent, but country-specific patterns remained. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary approach would standardize the decisions made about the care needed by people with dementia on the cusp of care home admission. The results suggest that certain individuals could be appropriately diverted from care home entry if suitable community services were available

    Inter-country exploration of factors associated with admission to long-term institutional dementia care: evidence from the RightTimePlaceCare study

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    © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aim: To explore inter-country variation of factors associated with institutionalization of people with dementia. Background: There is an urgent need for evidence on whether factors associated with admission to institutional dementia care are applicable across healthcare systems, as increasing evidence suggests that these factors could be country-specific. Design: A prospective cohort study. Method: Primary data were collected in eight European countries, at baseline and after 3 months follow-up (November 2010-April 2012). The sample included 2014 dyads of people with dementia and their informal caregivers; 791 patients were recently institutionalized, 1223 patients lived at home and were at risk of institutionalization. Associations between care setting (institution vs. home) and factors shown to influence institutionalization (e.g. cognition, independence in activities of daily life, behaviour) were studied. Results: Considerable differences were found between the eight countries in characteristics of people with dementia who had been recently admitted to ILTC. However, caregiver burden appeared the most consistent factor associated with institutionalization in all analyses. Indications for the importance of independence in activities of daily life were found as well, although country differences may be more prominent for this factor. Conclusion: Evidence was found for two common factors, crucial in the process of institutionalization across countries: caregiver burden and independency in activities of daily life. However, this study also suggests that admission to institutional dementia care is context-specific, as wide variation exists in factors associated with institutionalization across countries. Tailored best-practice strategies are needed to reflect variations in response to these needs

    Changes in caregiver burden and health-related quality of life of informal caregivers of older people with Dementia: evidence from the European RightTimePlaceCare prospective cohort study

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    © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aims: To describe differences in caregiver burden and health-related quality of life of informal caregivers of people with dementia in eight European countries and assess changes after transition from home to institutional long-term care. Background: Country differences in the experience of burden and health-related quality of life are rarely described. Design: Prospective cohort study. Methods: Data on burden and health-related quality of life were collected at baseline (conducted between November 2010-April 2012) and follow-up (after 3 months) using face-to-face interviews. Two groups of informal caregivers included those: (1) of people with dementia recently admitted to institutional long-term care facilities; and those (2) of people with dementia receiving home care. Statistical analyses focused on descriptive comparisons between groups and countries. Results: Informal caregivers of about 2014 were interviewed. Informal caregivers of people with dementia at home experienced more burden compared with informal caregivers of recently institutionalised people with dementia. Almost no differences in health-related quality of life were found between groups. Large differences between countries on outcomes were found. Informal caregivers of people with dementia who made the transition to an institutional long-term care facility experienced a statistically significant decrease in burden and psychological distress at follow-up. Conclusion: Cross-country differences may be related to differences in health and social care systems. Taking this into account, informal caregiver interventions need to be tailored to (country specific) contexts and (individual) needs. Findings highlight the positive impact of admission to institutional long-term care on informal caregiver well-being

    Older persons with dementia at risk for institutionalization in eight European countries: a cross-sectional study on the perceptions of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals

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    © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aims: To explore the perceptions of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals regarding potential reasons for the institutionalization of older persons with dementia in eight European countries. Background: Healthcare professionals may have an important role in facilitating informal caregivers' decision-making regarding institutionalization. Little is known about the perceptions of informal caregivers and healthcare professionals prior to institutionalization. Design: Cross-sectional survey in eight European countries (November 2010-January 2012). Methods: Healthcare professionals reported why they clinically judged persons with dementia at risk for institutionalization. Informal caregivers reported potential reasons from their perspectives. Answers were openly coded and categorized. Variation between informal caregivers and healthcare professionals was investigated (agreement on at least one potential reason per case/proportion of maximum attainable kappa). Results: Judgements of healthcare professionals and informal caregivers on 1160 persons with dementia were included. A total of 22 categories emerged. Approximately 90% of informal caregivers reported potential reasons. In 41% of the cases, informal caregivers and healthcare professionals agreed on at least one reason. Discrepancy was high for potential reasons related to caregiver burden. For the most frequent categories (caregiver burden, caregiver unable to provide care, neuropsychiatric symptoms, overall deterioration, care dependency), 24-41% of the attainable kappa was achieved. Differences between countries emerged indicating more favourable agreement in Finland, Sweden and Estonia and lowest agreement in England and Spain. Conclusion: Agreement between healthcare professionals and informal caregivers on potential reasons for institutionalization was low-to-moderate. Healthcare professionals are challenged to develop a detailed understanding of the perspectives and perceived burden of informal caregivers