4 research outputs found

    Correlation and Path Analysis between Sorghum Yield to Growth and Yield Characters

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    Mutual association between characters of two sorghum varieties (ICSV III and SAMSORG 14) was determined using correlation coefficient of two years experiment. The percent contribution of growth and yield components to yield was also determined with path coefficient analysis. In both years and the average over the years, a positive and highly significant correlation was observed between sorghum yield and plant height, leaf area index and total dry matter. Likewise, sorghum yield also had a positive and highly significant interaction with panicle weight and 1000- grain weight. The highest individual contribution was made by leaf area index, followed by plant height. Total dry matter, panicle length and weight also contributed positively to the final yield. The highest combined percent contribution to yield resulted from plant height via leaf area index.  This was followed by contribution from plant height via panicle weight, panicle length via leaf area index respectively. In improving sorghum yield emphasis on breeding should be on its height, leaf area index and panicle length. Keywords: Sorghum, correlation, growth, regression and yield

    Productivity of Apple as Influenced by Rates of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Irrigation Interval

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    Field experiment was conducted on an established orchard of the Kaduna State Agricultural Development Project (KADP) at Maigana during the 1998- 2001 to evaluate the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and irrigation interval on some selected growth attributes of apple. The treatments consisted of four levels of nitrogen (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N h -1, three levels of phosphorus (0, 22 and 44) and irrigation intervals (3, 5 and 7 days). Treatments were laid out in a split plot design with factorial combination of nitrogen and irrigation interval allocated to main plots and phosphorus assigned to sub-plots and replicated three times. The result showed that application of nitrogen up to 180 kg N ha -1 resulted to taller plants with more branches and wider canopy as well as thicker stem and heavier fruit yield. Likewise, applications of phosphorus up to 44 kg P ha -1 resulted to taller plants, more branches, wider canopy, thicker stem and heavier fruit yield. There was inconsistency in response of the parameters to irrigation interval, however the yield responded up to 7 days irrigation interval. It can be concluded that for proper apple growth, application of 180 kg N ha -1 plus 44 kg P ha -1, with 7 days irrigation interval should be adopted. Keywords: fruit yield, nitrogen, phosphorus, irrigation and nitrogen conten

    Growth Response of Upland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties to Nitrogen and Seed Rates in the Northern Guinea Savahah.

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    Field experiments were carried out at the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) farm at Samaru during 2011 and 2012 rainy season. The treatments evaluated were two rice varieties (NERICA 4 and 8), three rates of nitrogen (0, 65 and 130 kg N ha-1) and three seed rates (30, 60 and 90kgha-1). The treatments were factorially combined and laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated three times. Results obtained shows that NERICA 4 produced taller plants than NERICA 8. Application of nitrogen up to 65 kg N ha-1significantly increased plant height, and leaf area index, however, crop growth rate and relative growth rate responded to applied 130 kg N ha-1. Plant height was not significantly increased beyond seed rate of 60 kg ha-1. Based on this study it can be concluded that both NERICA varieties can be sown at the rate of 60 kg ha-1 with application of 65 kg N ha-1. Key words: NERICA, Nitrogen, Seed rate, Northern guinea savanna

    Dry Matter Accumulation in Maize as Influenced by Row Arrangement, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels in Maize (Zea Mays L)/ Castor (Ricinus Commumis L.) Mixture

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    Field experiment was conducted at the Institute for Agricultural Research farm Samaru, Zaria in the Northern Guinea Savanna zone of Nigeria during the 2007, 2008 and 2009 rainy seasons to evaluate the effect of row arrangements, nitrogen and phosphorus levels on maize dry matter  accumulation. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations of three alternate row arrangements of maize: castor in 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1, four levels of nitrogen (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha-1) and three levels of phosphorus (13, 26 and 39 kg P ha-1), laid out in a split plot design and replicated three times.  Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer were assigned to the main plots while row arrangements were assigned to the sub-plots. The result showed that row arrangement significantly increased plant height and LAI only at 10 WAS in 2007and 2008. Where 1:2 recorded higher measured parameters than the other patterns. Increase in nitrogen up to 120 kg N ha-1 resulted in significantly taller plants and higher LAI in 2007 and at 10 WAS in 2009. TDM was also observed to increase throughout the years of study except at 10 WAS. The response was observed up to 120 kg N ha-1 for most of the parameters. Application of phosphorus significantly increased plant height only in 2009, LAI in 2007 and 2009, and TDM at 6 WAS in 2007 only. These parameters showed no response beyond applied 26 kg P ha-1. Based on the finding of this study, maize can be intercropped with castor with 1:2 planting pattern with application of 80 kg N ha –l plus 26 kg P ha –l. Key words; nitrogen, phosphorus, leaf area index, total dry matte