Correlation and Path Analysis between Sorghum Yield to Growth and Yield Characters


Mutual association between characters of two sorghum varieties (ICSV III and SAMSORG 14) was determined using correlation coefficient of two years experiment. The percent contribution of growth and yield components to yield was also determined with path coefficient analysis. In both years and the average over the years, a positive and highly significant correlation was observed between sorghum yield and plant height, leaf area index and total dry matter. Likewise, sorghum yield also had a positive and highly significant interaction with panicle weight and 1000- grain weight. The highest individual contribution was made by leaf area index, followed by plant height. Total dry matter, panicle length and weight also contributed positively to the final yield. The highest combined percent contribution to yield resulted from plant height via leaf area index.  This was followed by contribution from plant height via panicle weight, panicle length via leaf area index respectively. In improving sorghum yield emphasis on breeding should be on its height, leaf area index and panicle length. Keywords: Sorghum, correlation, growth, regression and yield

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