1,368 research outputs found

    Formation and characteristics of zinc phosphate coatings obtained by electrochemical treatment: Cathodic vs. anodic

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    Electrochemical treatment and galvanic coupling are some of the possible modes of acceleration of low temperature phosphating process. The cathodic and anodic treatments during phosphating influence the deposition mechanism, characteristic properties and the corrosion resistance of the resultant coatings in a differentway. The present paper aims to compare these aspects and to identify the possible applications of phosphate coatings obtained by these treatments

    Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Indigofera cordifolia leaf extract and their pharmacological potential

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    Biologically the silver nanoparticles were synthesized from Indigofera cordifolia leaves extract. The absorbance of the silver nanoparticles centered at four hundred and twenty nm, with respect to the surface plasmon resonance of silver nanoparticles wavelength. XRD method proves, biosynthesized NPs would retain the face centered cubic (fcc) structure. In TEM image analysis, silver NPs morphology was spherical in shape. The composition of the silver nanoparticles was obtained by EDAX analysis method. FTIR analysis concluded that biosynthesis Ag NPs was observed at 1384 cm-1, with respect to –NO3 stretching arises from AgNO3. Ten types of bands are present in the broad emission because of organic matrix bound to silver nanoparticles, which reveals as the result of photoluminescence measurements. The silver NPs possess more antibacterial activity as compared to the standard drug, Amoxicillin

    Simulations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Parallel Hybrid GPU/CPU Platform

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    Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is an effect of self-interaction of an electron bunch as it traverses a curved path. It can cause a significant emittance degradation, as well as fragmentation and microbunching. Numerical simulations of the 2D/3D CSR effects have been extremely challenging due to computational bottlenecks associated with calculating retarded potentials via integrating over the history of the bunch. We present a new high-performance 2D, particle-in-cell code which uses massively parallel multicore GPU/GPU platforms to alleviate computational bottlenecks. The code formulates the CSR problem from first principles by using the retarded scalar and vector potentials to compute the self-interaction fields. The speedup due to the parallel implementation on GPU/CPU platforms exceeds three orders of magnitude, thereby bringing a previously intractable problem within reach. The accuracy of the code is verified against analytic 1D solutions (rigid bunch) and semi-analytic 2D solutions for the chirped bunch. Finally, we use the new code in conjunction with a genetic algorithm to optimize the design of a fiducial chicane

    Detection of an ultra-bright submillimeter galaxy in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field using AzTEC/ASTE

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    We report the detection of an extremely bright (\sim37 mJy at 1100 μ\mum and \sim91 mJy at 880 μ\mum) submillimeter galaxy (SMG), AzTEC-ASTE-SXDF1100.001 (hereafter referred to as SXDF1100.001 or Orochi), discovered in 1100 μ\mum observations of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field using AzTEC on ASTE. Subsequent CARMA 1300 μ\mum and SMA 880 μ\mum observations successfully pinpoint the location of Orochi and suggest that it has two components, one extended (FWHM of \sim 4^{\prime\prime}) and one compact (unresolved). Z-Spec on CSO has also been used to obtain a wide band spectrum from 190 to 308 GHz, although no significant emission/absorption lines are found. The derived upper limit to the line-to-continuum flux ratio is 0.1--0.3 (2 σ\sigma) across the Z-Spec band. Based on the analysis of the derived spectral energy distribution from optical to radio wavelengths of possible counterparts near the SMA/CARMA peak position, we suggest that Orochi is a lensed, optically dark SMG lying at z3.4z \sim 3.4 behind a foreground, optically visible (but red) galaxy at z1.4z \sim 1.4. The deduced apparent (i.e., no correction for magnification) infrared luminosity (LIRL_{\rm IR}) and star formation rate (SFR) are 6×10136 \times 10^{13} LL_{\odot} and 11000 MM_{\odot} yr1^{-1}, respectively, assuming that the LIRL_{\rm IR} is dominated by star formation. These values suggest that Orochi will consume its gas reservoir within a short time scale (3×1073 \times 10^{7} yr), which is indeed comparable to those in extreme starbursts like the centres of local ULIRGs.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Addition of dinitrogentrioxide to Δ<SUP>1</SUP>-arylcyclohexenes

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    Gigantic anisotropic uniaxial pressure effect on superconductivity within the CuO2 plane of La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4 - strain control of stripe criticality

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    The effect of uniaxial pressure on superconductivity was examined for a high-Tc cuprate La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4, which is located at the boundary between the superconducting and stripe phases. We found remarkably large anisotropy of the uniaxial pressure effect not only between the in-plane and out-of-plane pressures but also within the CuO2-plane. When the pressure is applied along the tetragonal [110] direction, we found the largest pressure effect ever observed in cuprates, dTc/dP - 2.5 K/kbar, while the change of Tc was not appreciable when applied along [100]. This substantial in-plane anisotropy is attributed to an intimate link between the symmetry of the one-dimensional stripes and that of the strain produced within the CuO2 plane.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure

    Exploited marine fishery resources off Tuticorin along the Gulf of Mannar coast

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    Tuticorin coast of Gulf of Mannar is endowed with rocky bottom, coral reefs and sea grass beds with characteristic flora and fauna. It also acts as home for several endangered marine mammals, sea cows and marine turtles. These resources were exploited by a variety of gears during 2000-2005