60 research outputs found

    Comparative study of Intravenous Ferric Carboxymaltose and Iron Sucrose in the management of postnatal Iron Deficiency Anaemia

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    INTRODUCTION: Anemia is defined as decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood. It is one of the major illness affecting more than 50% of antenatal and postnatal women in developing countries like India leading to increased maternal mortality and morbidity. Most common type is the nutritional anemia – IRON DEFICIENCY ANAEMIA. Menstruation and pregnancy put women at a higher risk for anemia. Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant mother is mainly due to increased demand or due to poor absorption. This unmet need during antenatal period may lead to anemia in postnatal mother. Postnatal anemia may also result from acute blood loss during delivery and also even due to multiple birth without adequate spacing. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to compare the efficacy of ferric carboxymaltose and iron sucrose in the management of postnatal iron deficiency anaemia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 postnatal women with haemoglobin level between 8-10gm were randomly selected and allocated into two groups. One group received iron sucrose and another group received FCM. For iron sucrose 200mg is administered as a single dose and repeated on alternate days as required. In FCM 1000mg can be administered as a single dose. The haemoglobin, blood indices, and serum ferritin is measured before and after 2nd and 4th week. RESULTS: The improvement in haemoglobin level, serum ferritin level, patient’s quality of life is seen with both iron sucrose and FCM. The mean improvement in haemoglobin level with iron sucrose is about 2.35g at four weeks whereas in ferric carboxymaltose the increment is about 2.83g.The mean improvement in MCV is about 85.44 from baseline 80.12 (fl) in iron sucrose whereas in FCM it increases about 88.18 from 78.94. Serum ferritin increases about 199.98 from 37.2 in iron sucrose. In FCM serum ferritin increases to about 266.02 from 31.5. The side effects in FCM are lower than iron sucrose. CONCLUSION: The improvement in Haemoglobin, serum ferritin FCM are greater and faster than iron sucrose. Large single dose can be given with FCM when compared with iron sucrose. So FCM appears to be significant than iron sucrose in the management of postnatal iron deficiency anaemia

    Women with Migraine Having High Risk of Hypertension, Heart Disease and Stroke : A Quick Survey

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    Biomedical informatics is a field which mainly concentrates on the effective usage of medical data often provided by the use of technology and people to improve individual health. Currently headache is a significant trouble among human with regard to several causes. Tension, stress, Obesity and medication overuse are the main reasons for the occurrence of headache. The objective of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the effects of biomedical informatics applications with related to headaches. A data frame with 4152 observations on 133 subjects for 9 variables is taken for the study and from this a subset of data on migraine treatments collected by Tammy Kostecki-Dillon consist of headache entries kept in a treatment program. Patients entered the program at different times over a period of about 3 years. It is observed that women are having the high risk of occurrence migraines. This leads to higher degree of occurrence of hypertension and cardiovascular disorder in women than in men

    Prediction of Leaf Diseases by using Machine Learning Techniques-A New Approach to Applied Informatics

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    Applied Informatics is a new emerging field which encompasses information technology and other areas of science. Many Automatic detection of a plant disease is proving their benefits in more fields of plant leaves. Proposed work focus on using machine learning techniques with multilayer Perceptron and simple K-Means algorithm for predicting sugarcane leaf disease by using Weka tool and the obtained results are promising

    Image Segmentation and Morphological Process of Skin Dermis for Diagnosis in Anthropoid

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    Mammals and plants are affected by skin diseases due to infection of known and unknown bacteria or virus. These type of disease occurred in many forms in the skin and produce irritable sensations in the human or animal�s body. There is need to diagnosis of skin infections and provide control measures are the important to the society. This paper focus towards different image processing techniques used for predicting various skin problems. Image processing techniques like segmentation, image pre-processing, edge detection and morphology are part of process for diagnosis of skin disease and are used to illustrate the part exaggerated by disease, the form of affected area. The segmentation performance is considered with dissimilar well known procedures and the consequences are significant. Morphology is used along with their combination for the detecting using the extracted features.These techniques are carried out with an experiment by using MATLAB software. The obtained results are promising


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    Objective: The present pilot study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Seenthil sarkarai, a Classical Siddha medicine in Moothirakiricharam (Urinary Tract Infection) patients.Method: This study was approved by IEC and registered in Clinical Trial Registry of India and was conducted at the National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram, Chennai, India. The investigator recruited 20 patients of both male and female with an inclusion and exclusion criteria. All the patients were treated with Seenthil Sarkarai at the dose level of 2 grams two times a day with warm water for 21 days. Dietary regimen was advised for the patients. Study outcome was studied with negative Urine culture and also based on the improvement in the reduction of Burning micturition, Frequency of micturition, Dysuria with fever, Foul smelling urine.Results: The symptoms such as burning micturition, persistent urge to urinate, foul smelling urine, and presence of bacteriuria reduced markedly within 21 days of duration. Out of 20 patients, 12 patients were completely relieved from the compliance of UTI with negative Urine culture. The symptoms of UTI were markedly reduced in remaining 8 patients. There were no adverse effect reported during the study and no recurrence of UTI was noticed in 12 patients who were completely cured.Conclusion: Results suggest that the trial drug Seenthil Sarkarai is effective and safe for the management of Moothirakiricharam (UTI) and in alleviating recurrences


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    Infertility is a common problem of new age couples. It is affecting them psychologically and also affecting the harmony of the family. Among infertility couples, 40% was caused by male partner particularly by oligospermia. Literally oligospermia means insufficient number of spermatozoa in semen, but significantly, it means that oligospermia is a medical condition characterized by the total sperm count less than 20 million/ml of ejaculate. Extensive clinical researches are going on worldwide to treat oligospermia by utilizing various natural sources like plants, mineral and animal origin.Siddha medicine is having many formulations to treat oligospermia, one among them is Dhathu bushti chooranam described in Noigalukku Siddha Parigaram –a Sasthiric siddha literature. 10 male partners of infertility couples attending Sool mahalir maruthuvam OPD of the Ayothidoss Pandithar Hospital, National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram sanatorium, Chennai-47 were recruited for this pilot study. All patients were treated with 10 gm of Dhathu bushti chooranam twice a day with milk for 90 days. All patients were subjected to complete semenogram on 0th and 90th day of treatment. Results were observed by analyzing the semenogram parameters. The ingredients of Dhathu bushti chooranam are Salamisiri, Nilapanai kizhangu,Thaneervittan kizhangu, Poonaikaali vidhai, Boomisarkkarai kizhangu and most of them are having good spermatogenesis and aphrodiasic activities, hence the author selected this drug for this study. The efficacy of the trial drug Dhathu bushti chooranam was appreciable and the drug may be taken for clinical trial in large number of population


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    The title mol­ecule, C14H9NO2, is nearly planar with a dihedral angle of 3.72 (4)° beteewn the plane of the phenyl ring and the 3,1-benzoxazin-4-one fragment. The mol­ecules are arranged into stacks parallel to the b axis via π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid-centroid distance = 4.2789 (11) Å] and the crystal packing is additionally stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions

    1-Naphthyl 9H-carbazole-4-sulfonate

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    In the title compound, C22H15NO3S, the plane of the carbazole ring system forms a dihedral angle of 65.06 (4)° with the naphthalene ring system. In the crystal structure, a weak intra­molecular C—H⋯O inter­action is observed between the naphthalene ring system and the sulfonate group. Two weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions are also observed


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    In the title compound, C20H17BrClNO2S, the dihedral angle between the benzene ring and the naphthalene plane is 8.95 (8)°. The crystal packing is stabilized by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O, C—H⋯Cl and π–π [centroid–centroid distance = 3.8782 (16) Å] inter­actions

    Dizaj i statistička optimizacija liposfera s glipizidom pomoću metodologije odgovora površine

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    A 32 factorial design was employed to produce glipizide lipospheres by the emulsification phase separation technique using paraffin wax and stearic acid as retardants. The effect of critical formulation variables, namely levels of paraffin wax (X1) and proportion of stearic acid in the wax (X2) on geometric mean diameter (dg), percent encapsulation efficiency (% EE), release at the end of 12 h (rel12) and time taken for 50% of drug release (t50), were evaluated using the F-test. Mathematical models containing only the significant terms were generated for each response parameter using the multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Both formulation variables studied exerted a significant influence (p < 0.05) on the response parameters. Numerical optimization using the desirability approach was employed to develop an optimized formulation by setting constraints on the dependent and independent variables. The experimental values of dg, % EE, rel12 and t50 values for the optimized formulation were found to be 57.54 ± 1.38 µm, 86.28 ± 1.32 %, 77.23 ± 2.78 % and 5.60 ± 0.32 h, respectively, which were in close agreement with those predicted by the mathematical models. The drug release from lipospheres followed first-order kinetics and was characterized by the Higuchi diffusion model. The optimized liposphere formulation developed was found to produce sustained anti-diabetic activity following oral administration in rats.32 faktorijalni dizajn primijenjen je za pripravu liposfera s glipizidom metodom separacije pomoću emulzija koristeći parafinski vosak i starinsku kiselinu kao tvari za usporavanje. Pomoću F-testa praćen je učinak kritičnih varijabli tijekom formuliranja, tj. količina parafinskog voska (X1) i udio stearinske kiseline (X2) na srednji promjer liposfera (dg), postotak inkapsulirane ljekovite tvari (% EE), oslobađanje ljekovite tvari nakon 12 h (rel12) te vrijeme potrebno za oslobađanje 50% ljekovite tvari (t50). Pomoću multiple linearne regresijske analize (MLRA) i analize varijabli (ANOVA) za svaki su parametar načinjeni matematički modeli koji sadrže samo značajne varijable. Proučavanje varijabli na oba načina ukazalo je na njihov značajan utjecaj (p < 0,05) na parametre liposfera. Postavljanjem ograničenja na zavisne i nezavisne varijable provedena je numerička optimizacija na principu poželjnosti. Eksperimentalne vrijednosti dg, % EE, rel12 i t50 optimiziranih formulacija bile su 57,54 ± 1,38 µm, 86,28 ± 1,32%, 77,23 ± 2,78% i 5,60 ± 0,32 h. Dobivene eksperimentalne vrijednosti iznosile su vrlo slične vrijednostima predviđenim matematičkim modelima. Oslobađanje glipizida iz liposfera slijedio je kinetiku prvog reda i okarakterizirano je Higuchijevim difuzijskim modelom. Optimizirane liposfere su nakon peroralne primjene na štakorima pokazale produljeni antidijabetički učinak