3,091 research outputs found

    Modeling the jet quenching, thermal resonance production and hydrodynamical flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    The event topology in relativistic heavy ion collisions is determined by various multi-particle production mechanisms. The simultaneous model treatment of different collective nuclear effects at high energies (such as a hard multi-parton fragmentation in hot QCD-matter, thermal resonance production, hydrodynamical flows, etc.) is actual but rather complicated task. We discuss the simulation of the above effects by means of Monte-Carlo model HYDJET++.Comment: Talk given at Workshop "Hot Quarks 2010" (La Londe Les Maures, France, June 21-26, 2010); 4 pages including 2 figures as EPS-files; prepared using LaTeX package for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Dietary habits and lifestyle in school-aged children from Bucharest, Romania

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    Background. This study evaluated the difference between boys and girls in terms of nutritional status, lifestyle, and dietary habits during school life. Materials and Methods. A descriptive and observational study was conducted in 2016, in which 251 children, aged 7-17, from 3 elementary schools and a high school inBucharest,Romania, were evaluated. A questionnaire was used to assess food behavior, eating, and lifestyle habits. Results. Boys had a significantly higher waist circumference (71.18±9) than girls (67.46±9.91) (p=0.004). Thus 27% of boys were overweight or obese compared with only 22% of the girls. Differences were also seen between the two groups in terms of main meals and snacks and following a rhythm of meals: a statistically significant percentage of girls (36.3%) skip breakfast, while most boys (63.8%) take a food package to school. A total of 23.8% of the boys and 24% of the girls state that they eat while sitting in front of the computer or TV. Conclusions. We found that boys are more overweight or obese than girls. Obesity in the pediatric population of Romania could be explained by the country’s emergence from communism 25 years ago, pattern typical of all Eastern European countries and which currently involve an overexposure of people to fast food, fizzy drinks and sweets, as well as to a high consumption of salt and food additives. Unbalanced and highly caloric food had been preferable to healthy food in the last period. Leisure time is rather spent in front of the TV, tablet, detrimental to rational physical exercise, recreational sports or hiking. The family environment is very important and all our actions should be focused on continuous education about the risks of unhealthy food and a sedentary lifestyle

    Gluon shadowing in the Glauber-Gribov model

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    New data from HERA experiment on (diffractive) deep inelastic scattering has been used to parameterize nucleon and Pomeron structure functions. Within the Gribov theory, the parameterizations were employed to calculate gluon shadowing for various heavy ions and compared our results with predictions from other models. Calculations for d+Au collisions at forward rapidities at ultra-relativistic energies have been made and are compared to RHIC data on the nuclear modification factor. Results for gluon shadowing are also confronted with recent data on the nuclear modification factor at s=17.3\sqrt{s} = 17.3 GeV at various values of the Feynman variable xFx_F, and the energy dependence of the effect is discussed.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Workshop for young scientists on the physics of ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, Hot Quarks 2006. To be published in EPJ

    Color Skyrmions in the Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    We consider the general formulation of nonabelian fluid dynamics based on symmetry considerations. We point out that, quite generally, this admits solitonic excitations which are the color analog of skyrmions. Some general properties of the solitons are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, references adde

    Nuclear suppression at RHIC and LHC in Glauber-Gribov approach

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    The approach to problem of nuclear shadowing based on Gribov Reggeon calculus is presented. Here the total cross section of hAh A interaction is found in a parameter-free description, employing the new data on the gluon density of the Pomeron, measured with high precision at HERA, as input. The model is then applied for calculation of J/ψJ/\psi production in dAud Au collisions at top RHIC energy. It is shown that the theoretical estimates are in a very good agreement with the PHENIX data, and further predictions for the J/ψJ/\psi suppression in pPbp Pb collisions at coming soon LHC are made.Comment: SQM2007 proceedings, 6 page

    Equation of state at FAIR energies and the role of resonances

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    Two microscopic models, UrQMD and QGSM, are used to extract the effective equation of state (EOS) of locally equilibrated nuclear matter produced in heavy-ion collisions at energies from 11.6 AGeV to 160 AGeV. Analysis is performed for the fixed central cubic cell of volume V = 125 fm**3 and for the expanding cell that followed the growth of the central area with uniformly distributed energy. For all reactions the state of local equilibrium is nearly approached in both models after a certain relaxation period. The EOS has a simple linear dependence P/e = c_s**2 with 0.12 < c_s**2 < 0.145. Heavy resonances are shown to be responsible for deviations of the c_s**2(T) and c_s**2(mu_B) from linear behavior. In the T-mu_B and T-mu_S planes the EOS has also almost linear dependence and demonstrates kinks related not to the deconfinement phase transition but to inelastic freeze-out in the system.Comment: SQM2008 proceedings, 6 page

    Implementation of a medium-modified parton shower algorithm

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    We present a Monte Carlo implementation of medium-induced gluon radiation in the final-state branching process. Medium effects are introduced through an additive term in the splitting functions. We have implemented such modification within PYTHIA. We show the medium effects on the hump-backed plateau, and the transverse momentum and angular distributions with respect to the parent parton. As expected, with increasing medium densities there is an increase (decrease) of partons with small (large) momentum fraction, and angular broadening is observed. The effects on the transverse-momentum distributions are more involved, with an enhancement of low- and intermediate-pTp_T partons and a decrease at large pTp_T, which is related to energy conservation, and to the lack of momentum exchange with the medium in our approach.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 2 eps figures; proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions - Hard Probes 2008 (Illa de A Toxa, Spain, June 8th-14th 2008

    Suppression of High Transverse Momentum π0\pi^0 Spectra in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

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    Au+Au, s1/2=200s^{1/2} = 200 A GeV measurements at RHIC, obtained with the PHENIX, STAR, PHOBOS and BRAHMS detectors, have all indicated a suppression of neutral pion production, relative to an appropriately normalized NN level. For central collisions and vanishing pseudo-rapidity these experiments exhibit suppression in charged meson production, especially at medium to large transverse momenta. In the PHENIX experiment similar behavior has been reported for π0\pi^0 spectra. In a recent work on the simpler D+Au interaction, to be considered perhaps as a tune-up for Au+Au, we reported on a pre-hadronic cascade mechanism which explains the mixed observation of moderately reduced pp_\perp suppression at higher pseudo-rapidity as well as the Cronin enhancement at mid-rapidity. Here we present the extension of this work to the more massive ion-ion collisions. Our major thesis is that much of the suppression is generated in a late stage cascade of colourless pre-hadrons produced after an initial short-lived coloured phase. We present a pQCD argument to justify this approach and to estimate the time duration τp\tau_p of this initial phase. Of essential importance is the brevity in time of the coloured phase existence relative to that of the strongly interacting pre-hadron phase. The split into two phases is of course not sharp in time, but adequate for treating the suppression of moderate and high pp_\perp mesons.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure