127 research outputs found

    Is Cycling Safe? Does It Look like It? Insights from Helsinki and Barcelona

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    [EN] Cycling constitutes a clean, healthy, and low-cost mode of transport. Therefore, the promotion of cycling is currently one of the main goals of administrations around the word. Former studies have shown that safety perception plays a fundamental role in the acceptance of bikes as a habitual mode of transport. In this context, this research aims to determine which variables and actions can give rise to this feeling of safety and, therefore, collaborate in the modal shift towards a more sustainable mobility. For this purpose, different strategies have been developed in two different contexts, Helsinki and Barcelona, using two different methodologies, namely expert interviews and analysis of survey data. Particularly, the methodology of analysis used includes descriptive statistics and path analysis. Results point out that safety perception highly depends on trip purpose, as significant differences are observed for daily users compared to those who cycle for sport reasons. Demographic characteristics (age, gender, etc.) and use patterns are also associated with different perceptions of safety and different behaviors. However, for any cyclist, the quality of the available infrastructure significantly influences his/her safety perception. Thus, the provision of good quality and well-structured cycling infrastructure is the most important initiative to promote cycling.Martínez-Díaz, M.; Arroyo-López, MR. (2023). Is Cycling Safe? Does It Look like It? Insights from Helsinki and Barcelona. Sustainability. 15(2):1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/su1502090512515


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    Durante los últimos años, se ha reconocido la importancia de considerar los factores psicosociales en los estudios de movilidad, con el fin de entender las motivaciones que guían las decisiones de las personas cuando viajan (p. ej., en qué modo, a qué hora o lugar o con quién realizan sus viajes). Esta tesis pretende contribuir a los estudios de movilidad mediante el análisis de las relaciones entre la movilidad de las personas, sus valores, actitudes sobre los modos de transporte y percepciones de los entornos peatonales y ciclistas y las características de una parte de la red social compuesta por los acompañantes en los desplazamientos y actividades. Esta tesis se enmarca en el contexto del proyecto Minerva (Estudio de la movilidad de personas mediante métodos innovadores de recogida de datos, TRA2015-71184-C2-1-R), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, se han realizado tres estudios, que responden a las hipótesis planteadas en la investigación. Los datos empleados en esta tesis, proceden de una encuesta online desarrollada en el proyecto Minerva y de una encuesta con dos oleadas realizada en el marco de un Programa de Cambio de Movilidad en el proyecto Maryposa (Movilidad de Personas en Áreas Urbanas y Pautas Sostenibles de Desplazamiento - MICINN, E29/08). La metodología empleada se basa en análisis estadísticos descriptivos previos y la modelización posterior utilizando un modelo de regresión tipo Probit en dos etapas con la corrección de Heckman en el primer estudio y Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM) en el segundo y tercer estudio. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto, la influencia de los valores, las actitudes y percepciones y los acompañantes de actividades y viajes en la movilidad de las personas. Algunas de las principales conclusiones de la tesis doctoral, señalan la influencia de los acompañantes en la flexibilidad de la movilidad personal, introduciendo cierta rigidez en la movilidad del individuo, lo cual es especialmente relevante cuando los acompañantes son no familiares. El momento del día también influye, siendo más flexibles los viajes realizados por las tardes. Por otra parte, se encuentra que la movilidad sostenible está relacionada con actitudes más positivas respecto a los modos activos. Así mismo, se observan interesantes relaciones entre las características sociodemográficas y de los acompañantes en las percepciones de entornos peatonales y ciclistas mediadas por la movilidad. De igual modo, se obtiene que los valores personales explican la movilidad, así como las actitudes respecto a los modos de transporte. Por último, se proponen diversas aplicaciones prácticas que ponen de manifiesto la importancia de considerar los factores psicosociales en la planificación de los sistemas de transporte, así como en las medidas de promoción de la movilidad sostenible.En aquests últims anys, s'ha reconegut la importància de considerar els factors psicosocials als estudis de mobilitat, amb la fi d'entendre les motivacions que guien les decisions de les persones quan viatgen (p. ex. en quin mode, a quina hora o lloc o qui realitza els seus viatges). Aquesta tesi pretén contribuir als estudis de mobilitat mitjançant l'anàlisi de les relacions entre la mobilitat de les persones, els seus valors, actituds i percepcions sobre els models de transport i l'entorn urbà i les característiques d'una part de la xarxa social composta pels acompanyants als desplaçaments i activitats. Aquesta tesi s'emmarca al context del projecte Minerva (Estudi de la mobilitat de persones mitjançant mètodes innovadors de recollida de dades, TRA2015-71184-C2-1-R), finançat pel Ministeri d'Economia, Industria i Competitivitat, com una de les línies d'investigació d'aquest. Per assolir els objectius proposats, s'han realitzat tres estudis, que responen a les hipòtesi plantejades a la investigació. Les dades emprades a aquesta tesi procedeixen d'una enquesta online desenvolupada al projecte Minerva i d'una enquesta amb dos tandes realitzada al marc d'un Programa de Canvi de Mobilitat al projecte Maryposa (MICINN, E29/08). La metodologia emprada per a l'anàlisi es basa en anàlisis estadístics descriptius previs i la modelització posterior mitjançant un model Probit en dues etapes amb la correcció de Heckman al primer estudi y Models d'Equacions Estructurals (SEM) al segon i tercer estudi. Els resultat reflecteixen la influencia dels valors, les actituds i percepcions i els acompanyants en la mobilitat de les persones. Algunes de les principals conclusions de la tesi doctoral, senyalen la influencia dels acompanyants en la flexibilitat de la mobilitat personal, que introdueixen certa rigidesa en la mobilitat del individu, la qual cosa és especialment rellevant quan els acompanyants són no familiars. El moment del dia també influeix, sent més flexibles els viatges realitzats per les vesprades. D'altra banda, es troba que la mobilitat sostenible està relacionada amb actituds més positives respecte als modes actius. Tanmateix, s'obté que els valors expliquen la mobilitat, així com les actituds respecte als modes de transport. Per últim, es proposen diverses aplicacions pràctiques que posen de manifest la importància de considerar els factors psicosocials en la planificació dels sistemes de transport, així com en les mesures de promoció de la mobilitat sostenible.The importance of considering psychosocial factors in travel behavior research has been acknowledged over the last years. These variables improve the understanding of the motivations that lead individuals to make decisions when travelling (e.g. transport mode, timing and place or with whom they share their trips). This thesis aims to contribute to travel behavior research through the analysis of the relationships between travel behavior, personal values, attitudes toward transport modes, perceptions of cyclist and pedestrian environments and characteristics of the subset of the social network composed by companions of trips and activities. This thesis has been developed within the framework of Minerva project (TRA2015-71184-C2-1-R), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Three studies have been developed in order to reach the objectives of the thesis and test the hypothesis established in the research. For this purpose, data is provided from two sources: a web-based survey developed for Minerva project and a two-wave survey conducted in a previous project (Maryposa - MICINN, E29/08) within a Travel Behavior Change Program. The methodology consists of descriptive analysis, followed by the estimation of different models. A Probit model with two-steps Heckman correction is estimated in the first study, while Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used for the second and third studies. Results of this thesis highlight the influence of personal values, attitudes and perceptions and travel-activities companions on travel behavior. Main conclusions of the thesis include the effect of companions on personal mobility, by adding certain rigidity on the individuals' decisions. This fact is especially relevant for non-family companions. The trip timing is also found significant, late afternoon and evening trips are more flexible than those trips executed in the morning or at night. Similarly, relationships between sociodemographics and companions characteristics with perception of the cyclist and pedestrian environment mediated by travel behavior are found relevant. Additionally, it is found that personal values and attitudes toward transport modes can explain travel behavior. Finally, several transport policy implications can be derived from this research, which point out the importance of considering psychosocial factors in transport planning and in sustainable mobility campaigns.Arroyo López, MR. (2018). CONTRIBUCIÓN AL ESTUDIO DE LAS RELACIONES ENTRE LA MOVILIDAD DE LAS PERSONAS, LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL ENTORNO SOCIAL, Y LOS FACTORES PSICOLÓGICOS, PARA FOMENTAR LA MOVILIDAD SOSTENIBLE [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/114796TESI

    Analysis of the Logistics of Home Delivery of Food and Household Goods. Implementation in Consum in the Valencia Area. Proposals for Improvement

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    [EN] The problem of urban distribution in large cities, particularly the home delivery of goods, does not have a simple solution, given that it involves a range of different factors and parties with different interests. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main characteristics of this service, which has been studied very little in urban logistics, with a view to proposing measures which will guarantee its sustainability economically, socially and environmentally. The analysis is applied to the company Consum, which will be studied in major detail and will then be followed by 29 actions (for this case of study). (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Arroyo-López, MR.; Colomer Ferrandiz, JV. (2016). Analysis of the Logistics of Home Delivery of Food and Household Goods. Implementation in Consum in the Valencia Area. Proposals for Improvement. Transportation Research Procedia. 18:189-196. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2016.12.026S1891961

    Structural Equation Approach to Analyze Cyclists Risk Perception and Their Behavior Riding on Two-Lane Rural Roads in Spain

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    [EN] The use of bicycles on two-lane rural roads in Spain has been increasing in recent years. However, these roads have no bicycle infrastructure, being cyclists forced to share the road and interact with motorized vehicles. In rural environments, the interaction between road users from the cyclist's point of view is still not well understood. To analyze it, the relationships between risk perceptions and behavioral factors of rural cyclists according to their demographic characteristics, profile, and self-reported knowledge on traffic rules were obtained. An online survey was used, which collected the opinion of 523 cyclists. Data were analyzed by using structural equation models. The Thurstonian Item Response Theory approach was adopted to include raking responses. Different perceptions among demographic groups were found. Younger cyclists present the lowest risk perception while having a higher risk behavior. The knowledge about traffic rules was correlated with safety behavior, showing the importance of this factor. These results are in line with urban cycling. However important differences under risk elements for rural cyclists, mainly associated with potential hazards on the shoulder, have been drawn. These findings may help policy makers to integrate cycling with vehicular traffic on two-lane rural roads in a safe way.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, grant number TRA2016-80897-R and project titled: "Improvement of safety and operation of two-lane rural roads with cyclists (Bike2Lane)"; and by the Direccion General de Trafico of Spain, grant number SPIP2017-02280 and project title: "Road safety countermeasures for two-lane rural roads with groups of cyclists (Safe4Bikes)".López-Maldonado, G.; Arroyo-López, MR.; García García, A. (2021). Structural Equation Approach to Analyze Cyclists Risk Perception and Their Behavior Riding on Two-Lane Rural Roads in Spain. Sustainability. 13(15):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13158424S119131

    Mobility and wellbeing during the covid-19 lockdown. Evidence from Spain

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    [EN] The lockdown of March and April 2020 declared by Spanish authorities in the Valencian Region to bending the Covid-19 curve, caused a drastic reduction of the economic activity and a severe limitation of mobility. People were asked to stay at home as much as possible. Education and administrative centers, as well as restaurants, theaters, sport arenas, etc., were closed. Work at conventional workplaces was prohibited for people who could tele-work, and students were compelled to attend classes on-line. Such limitation of mobility and spending so many time at home, could affect the wellbeing of people. The objective of the present paper is to present a study on the differences on wellbeing according to the mobility of respondents during the lockdown. Information from 1,827 individuals regarding the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs (Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness) and Positive and Negative affect were collected through and web-survey during the first lockdown of the Covid-19 pandemic, together with mobility data and sociodemographic characteristics. Mann-Whitney U tests, Confirmatory Factor Analyses and Structural Equation models are used to find out differences in the wellbeing of people according to their mobility characteristics during the first lockdown, and how these mobility characteristics are associated to the psychological variables studied. Mobility of people during the first lockdown reduced drastically, especially the youngest ones, and the main travel mode was walking. In general, the youngest participants in this research and females present lower values of the psychological wellbeing variables during the lockdown. A very low or very high degree of mobility is also associated to discomfort, although the more time spent traveling the better people feel. Those who walked more are related to lower values of wellbeing. Some lessons are learned to improve transport and mobility planning during a pandemic.This research has been partially funded by Catedra Transporte y Sociedad (Generalitat Valenciana) , and the I + D + I project Travelwell + (PID2019-108843RB-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI /https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033Mars, L.; Arroyo-López, MR.; Ruiz Sánchez, T. (2022). Mobility and wellbeing during the covid-19 lockdown. Evidence from Spain. Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice. 161:107-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2022.05.00410712916

    Attitudes towards the environment related to travel and personal mobility

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    [EN] The objective of this paper is to study the relationship between personal mobility and attitudes towards the environment related to travel behavior considering sociodemographic characteristics. The dataset used for this study was collected through a web-based survey carried out in Valencia (Spain) during 2017 and 1684 valid responses were obtained. In this research a subpart of the survey is used, including 5 items which measure attitudes towards the environment related to travel and 5 items to measure personal mobility. The items were measured using a 5 points Likert Scale. Additionally, individual and household demographic characteristics are considered. The methodology of this research consist on descriptive analysis and frequency distributions. Factor Analysis (Exploratory and Confirmatory) is used to construct the latent variables which measure attitudes and Mann-Whitney U is test are assessed to find significant differences among the variables of the study. Preliminary results show that environmental concerns are taken into account by women as a factor to decrease their car use, while men do not consider this factor that relevant. Next, young people and men carry our more activities while traveling in public transport, for instance: reading, listening to music or checking social networks. The results of this research are useful for the development of transport policies to promote sustainable transport.This study has been developed within the framework of Minerva Project, founded by the I+D+i National Program of Society Challenges of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance (TRA2015-71184-C2-1-R).Arroyo-López, MR.; Ruiz Sánchez, T.; Mars Aicart, L. (2021). Attitudes towards the environment related to travel and personal mobility. Transportation Research Procedia. 58:201-208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2021.11.0282012085


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    [EN] Qualitative methodology is extensively used in a wide range of scientific areas, such as Sociology and Psychology, and it is been used to study individual and household decision making processes. However, in the Transportation Planning and Engineering domain it is still infrequent to find in the travel behavior literature studies using qualitative techniques to explore activity-travel decisions. The aim of this paper is first, to provide an overview of the types of qualitative techniques available and to explore how to correctly implement them. Secondly, to highlight the special characteristics of qualitative methods that make them appropriate to study activity-travel decision processes. Far from been an unempirical or intuitive methodology, using qualitative methods properly implies a strong foundation on theoretical frameworks, a careful design of data collection and a deep data analysis. For such a purpose, a review of the scarce activity-travel behavior literature using qualitative methods, or a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, is presented. The use of qualitative techniques can play a role of being a supplementary way of obtaining information related to activity-travel decisions which otherwise it would be extremely difficult to find. This work ends with some conclusions about how qualitative research could help in making progress on activity-travel behavior studies.Mars Aicart, MDL.; Ruiz Sánchez, T.; Arroyo López, MR. (2016). QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN TRAVEL BEHAVIOR STUDIES. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1192-1208. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.4268OCS1192120

    Metodología de trabajo y evaluación de la Competencia Transversal “Innovación, creatividad y emprendimiento” en la asignatura Modelización del Transporte

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    [EN] This paper presents the methodology developed to improve and evaluate softskills related to Innovation, Creativiy and Entrepreneurship. This work was carried out in Transpor Modeling Course (Master Degree). Three activities are proposed to advance the adquisition of these skills: two of them based on SWOT matrix technique (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threads) and a third one, which includes the integration of several external disciplines. With the aim of evaluating the improvement of the skills, a rubric was developed. Results show an appropriate acquisition of the proposed competences for the majority of the students.[ES] Este trabajo expone la metodología desarrollada para el trabajo y la evaluación de la competencia transversal “Innovación, creatividad y emprendimiento”, en la asignatura de Máster “Modelización del Transporte”. Para el trabajo de dicha competencia en el aula, se proponen tres ejercicios, dos consistentes en la técnica de análisis DAFO (Debilidades, Amenazas, Fortalezas y Oportunidades) y otro que comprende la integración de diversas disciplinas. Con el objetivo de evaluar el grado de adquisición de la competencia, se presenta una rúbrica desarrollada a tal efecto. Los resultados muestran una adecuada adquisición de la competencia para la mayor parte de los estudiantes.Arroyo López, MR.; Ruiz Sánchez, T. (2019). Metodología de trabajo y evaluación de la Competencia Transversal “Innovación, creatividad y emprendimiento” en la asignatura Modelización del Transporte. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1354-1361. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10521OCS1354136

    Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space

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    [EN] Universities are showing a growing interest in becoming green institutions and improving campus open space management. Well-designed urban landscapes guided by green criteria integrate eco-friendly infrastructure which may be effective in facing urban challenges in the context of climate change. Student preferences and uses of campus outdoor environment should draw the attention of campus landscape planners. This study aims to analyse how the university community perceives landscape services provided by the Spanish Universitat Politecnica de Valencia's campus open space. An online questionnaire was sent to the university community to check its opinions, level of satisfaction, and their demands related to the current situation of the outdoor areas. Campus open spaces with different urban green infrastructure have a high potential to provide cultural, provisioning, and regulation landscape services. Respondents perceive the main benefits provided by campus open spaces to be that they are a place to relax, meet friends, and pass through. Their needs related to the welfare of outdoor areas and their preferences differ according to age, occupation, and time spent at the campus. This paper intends to help the university to meet environmental guidelines and to help other universities in their endeavour to reach sustainability and ensure the university community's well-being.This research was funded by European Commission, European Union's Horizon 2020, Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments; grant number 730283.Tudorie, CA.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Gielen, E.; Arroyo-López, MR.; Galiana, F. (2020). Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space. Sustainability. 12(15):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/su121560471261215Raising the standard. 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    Análisis de la logística del reparto a domicilio de la compra de alimentación y hogar. Aplicación a Consum en el área de Valencia. Propuestas para su mejora

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    [ES] El problema de la distribución urbana en las grandes ciudades y en particular, el reparto de mercancías a domicilio, no tiene una solución simple, ya que confluyen múltiples factores y diversos actores con intereses diferentes. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las principales características de este servicio, muy poco estudiado dentro de la logística urbana, con el fin de proponer medidas de actuación, que garanticen la sostenibilidad desde los puntos de vista económico, social y ambiental. El análisis se aplica a la empresa Consum, que se estudia con mayor detalle y para finalizar se proponen 29 medidas de actuación para este caso prácticoArroyo López, MR.; Colomer Ferrandiz, JV. (2016). Análisis de la logística del reparto a domicilio de la compra de alimentación y hogar. Aplicación a Consum en el área de Valencia. Propuestas para su mejora. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 788-799. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3541OCS78879