744 research outputs found

    Fusion Rules and R-Matrices For Representations of SL(2)qSL(2)_q at Roots of Unity

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    We recall the classification of the irreducible representations of SL(2)qSL(2)_q, and then give fusion rules for these representations. We also consider the problem of \cR-matrices, intertwiners of the differently ordered tensor products of these representations, and satisfying altogether Yang--Baxter equations.Comment: 13 pages. This is a contribution to the Vth Conference on Mathematical Physics, Edirne, Turkey 15-22 Dec. 199

    On a deformation of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

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    We study a deformation of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation recently derived in the context of deformation of hierarchies of integrable systems. This systematic method also led to known integrable equations such as the Camassa-Holm equation. Although this new equation has not been shown to be completely integrable, its solitary wave solutions exhibit typical soliton behaviour, including near elastic collisions. We will first focus on standing wave solutions, which can be smooth or peaked, then, with the help of numerical simulations, we will study solitary waves, their interactions and finally rogue waves in the modulational instability regime. Interestingly the structure of the solution during the collision of solitary waves or during the rogue wave events are sharper and have larger amplitudes than in the classical NLS equation

    On a Lagrangian reduction and a deformation of completely integrable systems

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    We develop a theory of Lagrangian reduction on loop groups for completely integrable systems after having exchanged the role of the space and time variables in the multi-time interpretation of integrable hierarchies. We then insert the Sobolev norm H1H^1 in the Lagrangian and derive a deformation of the corresponding hierarchies. The integrability of the deformed equations is altered and a notion of weak integrability is introduced. We implement this scheme in the AKNS and SO(3) hierarchies and obtain known and new equations. Among them we found two important equations, the Camassa-Holm equation, viewed as a deformation of the KdV equation, and a deformation of the NLS equation

    R-matrices of U_qOSP(1,2) for highest weight representations of U_qOSP(1,2) for general q and q is an odd root of unity

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    We obtain the formula for intertwining operator(R-matrix) of quantum universal enveloping superalgebra U_qOSP(1,2) for U_qOSP(1,2)-Verma modules. By its restriction we obtain the R-matrix for two semiperiodic(semicyclic), two spin-j and spin-j and semiperiodic representationsComment: 9 pages, Yerevan preprint 1993, LATE

    New fusion rules and \cR-matrices for SL(N)qSL(N)_q at roots of unity

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    We derive fusion rules for the composition of qq-deformed classical representations (arising in tensor products of the fundamental representation) with semi-periodic representations of SL(N)qSL(N)_q at roots of unity. We obtain full reducibility into semi-periodic representations. On the other hand, heterogeneous \cR-matrices which intertwine tensor products of periodic or semi-periodic representations with qq-deformed classical representations are given. These \cR-matrices satisfy all the possible Yang Baxter equations with one another and, when they exist, with the \cR-matrices intertwining homogeneous tensor products of periodic or semi-periodic representations. This compatibility between these two kinds of representations has never been used in physical models.Comment: 12 page
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