6 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Media Tradisional untuk Diseminasi Informasi Publik

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    Sejak dibubarkannya Departemen Penerangan di awal era reformasi, diseminasi informasi publik dari badan-badan publik mengalami hambatan. Akibatnya, masyarakat kelas bawah, warga perdesaan dan daerah pinggiran yang belum terjangkau jaringan Internet mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan informasi publik. Media tradisional sebenarnya dapat menjadi pilihan untuk diseminasi informasi publik bagi mereka. Namun, keberadaan media tradisional di beberapa wilayah ternyata tidak sama dan cenderung problematik sebagai akibat kuatnya tekanan seni modern yang dihasilkan oleh kekuatan kolaboratif antara kapital dan teknologi. Hasil penelitian kualitatif menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan lokasi di Bali dan Sulawesi Tengah menunjukkan bahwa media tradisional yang mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan kemajuan teknologi dapat tetap eksis dan mempunyai potensi sebagai sarana untuk diseminasi informasi publik. Namun, media tradisional yang tidak mampu bersaing dengan seni modern menunjukkan kecenderungan mengalami pelemahan. Sehubungan dengan itu, pihak-pihak yang akan memanfaatkan media tradisional untuk diseminasi informasi publik sebaiknya melakukan pemetaan eksistensinya terlebih dahulu

    Komunikasi Pembangunan & Perubahan Sosial Perspektif Dominan Kajian Ulang dan Teori Kritis

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    Penulis Buku: H.Rochajat Harun & Elvinaro Ardianto. Cetakan 1: Tahun,2011.. Tebal Buku : 325 halarnan, xvii. Penerbit : PT.Rajagrasido Persada. Alarnat Penerbit : Jl.Janur Kuning I Blok,WF I No:l Kelapa Gading Permai, Jakarta, 14240 Phone, 021-4520951- 45847329. e-mail: [email protected], http:// www .rajagrafindo.co

    Makna “Nasionalisme Negara- Bangsa” Melalui Teks Media

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    Nationalism has a strategic role in maintaining identity of nation-state. Although it is disputable. This article describes and analyses it from some perspectives. The results are: (a) From economic perspective, it emerges a pragmatic need to achieve dominan economic growth. It\u27s expected to contribute to public welfare, economic stability for nationalism, nation-state; (b). From economic, social politic perspective, globalization and local community strengthenment which is caracterized by regional authonomy. If there is mismanagement, it wil be an obstruction for nationalism; (c). From cultural perspective, there is an indication that culture tends to unravel nationalism, nation-state. Therefore, “glocalisation” of culture in local community should not be viewed as counternationalism againts nation-state, on the contrary, it strengthens nationalism, in the context of nation-state. Media contents is able to frame and articulate representation & nationalism concept. Nation-state is not only in the cognitif level, but also in the level nationalism ideology, nation-state. Hence, nationalism spirit of nation-state must be bolstered, although only by construction on media text

    Informasi Bencana & Budaya Komunikasi Lokal Kasus Bukit Duri Jakarta Selatan

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    This article is a part of the study Effectiveness of Information Dissemination for Disaster area, and conducted by Research and Development APTEL SKDI years 2009. The area of South Jakarta Bukit Duri in this case study because it is unique. Residents location of Bukit Duri on the banks of ci/iwung rivers. Despite living near in the middle of metropolis almost no information as expected. The level of awareness of hygiene and environmental regulation is relatively low. The results of this study indicate that the information flood is still required, is considered important as a guide to the locals' knowledge. They understand not only formally, but also read symbols and natural phenomena. While the most dominant search and distribute information on flood disaster is television. In addition to interpersonal media are also personal because it has a closeness with the people of Bukit Duri