10 research outputs found

    Concept of A Low-Cost Hybrid Car

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    Fuel economy and emissions reduction are the vital tasks, which are currently being solved by dismissing cars with only internal combustion engines to the benefit of electric and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). HEVs have a significant advantage over electric vehicles, namely a bigger drive range and independence from the charging stations at hand. However, high cost and big weight of HEVs discourage their wider use. To minimize the cost and weight of HEV, the algorithm of its power plant operation is changed. This paper presents a method for calculating the electric drive mode of a hybrid vehicle in accordance with the proposed algorithm for the power plant operation. The results of calculation of the main characteristics are presented and analyzed. The experimental studies were carried out with the hybrid vehicle developed on the base on the Lanos pickup vehicle. The research results showed good agreement between the experimental and the calculated results. The proposed technical solution is presented as practical and effective. The results of this work can be used in the automotive industry. The development helps to reduce the cost and weight of hybrid vehicles, maintaining their operational characteristics and good economic and environmental indicators

    Concept of A Low-Cost Hybrid Car

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    Fuel economy and emissions reduction are the vital tasks, which are currently being solved by dismissing cars with only internal combustion engines to the benefit of electric and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). HEVs have a significant advantage over electric vehicles, namely a bigger drive range and independence from the charging stations at hand. However, high cost and big weight of HEVs discourage their wider use. To minimize the cost and weight of HEV, the algorithm of its power plant operation is changed. This paper presents a method for calculating the electric drive mode of a hybrid vehicle in accordance with the proposed algorithm for the power plant operation. The results of calculation of the main characteristics are presented and analyzed. The experimental studies were carried out with the hybrid vehicle developed on the base on the Lanos pickup vehicle. The research results showed good agreement between the experimental and the calculated results. The proposed technical solution is presented as practical and effective. The results of this work can be used in the automotive industry. The development helps to reduce the cost and weight of hybrid vehicles, maintaining their operational characteristics and good economic and environmental indicators


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    Problem. Motor vehicles built on the basis of an electric transmission have been gaining popularity recently. The most important factors here are environmental and economic ones. For large cities these two factors are closely connected and form the requirements for modern vehicles. Goal. The goal is conducting analysis of electric motors in the context of their application in a traction electric drive of vehicles with the determination of the most promising one for manufacturing electric transmissions in Ukraine; calculation of the main characteristics of the traction induction motor for electric transmission of urban electric bus. Methodology. The methods of theoretical foundations of electrical engineering were used in calculating electric circuits of alternating current. Also the classical methods of calculating electric cars and the theory of electric drive were used in calculating the basic parameters of a traction motor for an electric transmission. Results. Based on the expert assessment, the AIR 225M2 traction motor has been selected. The calculation of the main parameters of the selected induction motor for the electric transmission of the urban electric bus has been carried out. Its main electrical and mechanical parameters have been determined and its natural characteristic has been constructed. Mechanical characteristic was built when operating in an electric transmission with an induction motor AIR 225M2 in the mode of the engine and in the generator mode with the fan load torque. Originality. The complex expert estimation of traction electric motors for electric transmission has been carried out. During this assessment, not only the electromechanical indices of electric motors, but also economic factors were taken into account. Practical value. The results of the conducted studies allow conducting a comprehensive expert evaluation of electric motors for an electric transmission in practice. By setting the load parameters for the traction drive it is possible to determine its mechanical characteristics, both in the motor mode and in the generator modeПроведен анализ электродвигателей с позиции их применения в тяговом электроприводе автотранспортных средств с определением наиболее перспективного для производства электрической трансмиссии в Украине. Проведено комплексную экспертную оценку тяговых электродвигателей для электрической трансмиссии. Выполнен расчет основных характеристик тягового асинхронного двигателя для электропривода электробуса городского назначенияПроведено аналіз електродвигунів з позиції їх застосування в тяговому електроприводі автотранспортних засобів з визначенням найбільш перспективного для виробництва електричної трансмісії в Україні. Проведено комплексну експертну оцінку тягових електродвигунів для електричної трансмісії. Виконано розрахунок основних характеристик тягового асинхронного двигуна для електроприводу електробуса міського призначенн


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    Problem. Currently, the search for the ways to develop transport in the context of improving environmental friendliness and energy efficiency is a pressing issue for many developed countries. This is especially true for large cities. One of the main ways to solve the problem is to reduce the use of personal transport in large cities and, instead of introducing urban environmental transport, to refuse from transport using internal combustion engines in favour of electric vehicles (the so-called electric buses). Goal. The aim of the work is to improve the energy efficiency of urban transport in Kharkiv via introduction of electric buses. Methodology. Analytical methods of research and development of a new route of an electric bus instead of a trolleybus in Kharkiv were used. Results. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of buses and trolley buses compared with electric buses was made. Different types of electric buses were considered. A pilot route of the electric bus was proposed, covering a part of Pivnichna Saltovka region in Kharkiv. Originality. The pilot route of the electric bus, which covers the part of the Pivnichna Saltovka region in Kharkiv, was developed. The use of an electric bus on supercondensers, which is charged at stops during boarding / disembarking the passengers was suggested. The economic justification for choosing an electric bus for a new route is presented. Practical value. Practical implementation of urban ground transportation will gradually replace trolley buses and buses with electric buses, which will improve the aesthetics of the city, the environment, increase energy efficiency and mobility of transport, save human and material resources, reduce the number of accidents, thereby making Kharkiv a model for the introduction of modern technologies in accordance with «National Transport Strategy of Ukraine until 2030».В работе предложено повысить энергоэффективность транспорта Харькова за счет внедрения электробусов. Проведен анализ достоинств и недостатков автобусов и троллейбусов по сравнению с электробусами. Рассмотрены различные виды электробусов. Предложен пилотный маршрут электробуса, охватывающий часть Северной Салтовки г. Харькова. Предложено использовать электробус на суперконденсаторах, заряжающийся на остановках во время посадки/высадки пассажиров. Представлен предварительный расчет внедрения нового електробусного маршрута, из которого видно, что общие затраты на прокладку троллейбусного маршрута больше на прокладку електробусного примерно в 2,65 раза.У роботі запропоновано підвищити енергоефективність міського транспорту Харкова за рахунок упровадження електробусів. Проведено аналіз переваг і недоліків автобусів і тролейбусів порівняно з електробусами. Розглянуто різні види електробусів. Запропоновано пілотний маршрут електробуса, який охоплює частину Північної Салтівки м. Харкова завдовжки 7 км в обидва кінці. Запропоновано використовувати електробус на суперконденсаторах, що заряджається на кінцевій зупинці під час посадки/висадки пасажирів. Представлено попередній розрахунок упровадження нового електробусного маршруту, з якого видно, що загальні витрати на прокладання тролейбусного маршруту є більшимиза електробусний приблизно у 2,65 раз

    Calculating the main characteristics of the traction induction motor for electric transmission of urban electric bus

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    Problem. Motor vehicles built on the basis of an electric transmission have been gaining popularity recently. The most important factors here are environmental and economic ones. For large cities these two factors are closely connected and form the requirements for modern vehicles. Goal. The goal is conducting analysis of electric motors in the context of their application in a traction electric drive of ve-hicles with the determination of the most promising one for manufacturing electric transmissions in Ukraine; calculation of the main characteristics of the traction induction motor for electric transmission of urban electric bus. Methodology. The methods of theoretical foundations of electrical engineering were used in calculating electric circuits of alternat-ing current. Also the classical methods of calculating electric cars and the theory of electric drive were used in calculating the basic parameters of a traction motor for an electric transmission. Results. Based on the expert assessment, the AIR 225M2 traction motor has been selected. The calculation of the main parameters of the selected induction motor for the electric transmission of the urban electric bus has been carried out. Its main electrical and mechanical parameters have been determined and its natural characteristic has been constructed. Mechanical characteristic was built when operating in an electric transmission with an induction motor AIR 225M2 in the mode of the engine and in the generator mode with the fan load torque. Originality. The complex expert estimation of traction electric motors for electric transmission has been carried out. During this assessment, not only the electromechanical indices of electric motors, but also economic factors were taken into account. Practical value. The results of the conducted studies allow conducting a comprehensive expert evaluation of electric motors for an electric transmission in practice. By setting the load parameters for the traction drive it is possible to determine its mechanical characteristics, both in the motor mode and in the generator mode


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    Problem. The growing number of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly cars requires a completely new approach to the development of transport infrastructure designed for their operation, maintenance and repair. In this regard, a joint Master’s degree program in dual degree “Electric Cars and Energy Saving Technologies” (EC & EST) has been developed. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were problems with the implementation of this program. Goal. The goal is analysis of problems that have arisen in higher education institutions due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of a joint educational Master’s program of dual degree “Electric vehicles and energy-saving technologies” and search for the ways to solve them. Methodology. Analytical and experimental methods of research of the solar charging station for electric cars which is intended for carrying out laboratory works are used. Results. The result is the analysis of the situation that arose in the university in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of the international educational Master’s program of dual degree EC & EST. It identified a number of problems that prevent the timely implementation of this program. Namely: the implementation of priority tasks related to improving the level of technical English of the research and teaching staff; to retraining and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical staff; to increasing mobility of teachers and students. Most of the planned activities have been postponed indefinitely. However, as part of the EC & EST program, a distance course in the Moodle educational environment has been developed. The paper provides a brief description of this course; description of the complex for laboratory and practical classes on the basis of a solar charging station for electric vehicles, which was developed in the conditions of adaptive quarantine. Laboratory and practical classes have been developed at this complex. Originality. The list of laboratory and practical classes that can be conducted on the developed complex is presented. Practical value. This work is an intermediate stage in the implementation of the program of EC & EST dual degree.роботі здійснено аналіз проблем, що виникли в ЗВО через пандемію COVID-19 на прикладі міжнародної освітньої магістерської програми подвійних дипломів «Електромобілі та енергозбережувальні технології» (ЕМ&ЕСТ). Подано короткий аналіз програми ЕМ&ЕСТ і розглянуті першочергові завдання, які були визначені для її реалізації. Окреслено проблеми, які перешкоджають своєчасному виконанню деяких з цих завдань. Наведено короткий опис дистанційного курсу, який розроблено в межах програми ЕМ&ЕСТ в освітньому середовищі Moodle. Проаналізовано комплекс для проведення лабораторних і практичних занять на базі сонячної зарядної станції для електромобілів. Розроблено лабораторні та практичні заняття на цьому комплексі


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    Problem. Currently, the problem of energy independence is one of the most urgent. Consequently, there is a significant need for alternative sources of power. Along with this, throughout the history of human development, the issues of roads and their quality have been very topical and relevant. It is especially true for Ukraine. With the development of science and technology, these issues are expanded by functionality of roads, their safety both for drivers and for other road users and the ability to perform several functions simultaneously, for example, to provide transport traffic and generate electricity. Goal. The goal is development of the method of road marking and automatic control of the road traffic using multifunctional road panels. Methodology. The analytical methods of research on the development and application of methods and devices for transforming the energy of the sun into electricity were used. Methods of mathematical modulation were used when considering the principle of multi-functional road panels, combined in one system. Results. The functional features of multi-functional road panels of pavement are revealed and their scheme on the roadway is presented. The principle of operation of the road as a unified system of multifunctional road surface panels has been researched. The scheme of implementation of road marking and automatic control of road traffic is presented. Origina­lity. It is suggested to use special plates – multifunctional road panels – instead of the top layer of the road cover. Such an upper layer of road clothing will allow the road, as an integral complex system, to perform several functions simultaneously: to be a part of the road for motor transport, to generate electricity and to draw a road marking independently, and if necessary – to change it. Practical value. The use of the proposed method of road markings and automatic control of road traffic will make possible quality performance and rapid change of road markings at any time of the year and day, depending on the current natural and traffic conditions. Also, the proposed road pavement will generate electricity as an alternative renewable source of energyПредложено выполнять верхний слой дорожного покрытия в виде многофункциональных панелей (МП). Раскрыто функциональные возможности МП дорожного покрытия и представлены их схемы на проезжей части дороги. Исследован принцип работы системы с МП. Представлена схема выполнения дорожной разметки и автоматического управления движением автотранспортных средствЗапропоновано виконувати верхній шар дорожнього покриття у вигляді багатофункціональних панелей (БП). Розкрито функціональні можливості БП дорожнього покриття і представлено їх схему на проїжджій частині дороги. Досліджено принцип роботи системи з БП. Представлена схема виконання дорожньої розмітки та автоматичного управління рухом автотранспортних засобі

    Study of Load Characteristics of Various Types of Silicon PV Panels for Sustainable Energy Efficient Road Pavement

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    This paper presents a new approach to the creation of innovative roads having sustainable energy efficient road pavement as their basis. It is a new type of intelligent roads that is able to service itself and provide power, i.e. it is also a renewable source of electricity. It is planned to use the studies on the PV panels in sustainable energy efficient road pavement to determine their load parameters. The work used the methods of mathematical analysis and theoretical electrophysics to carry out the studies on load characteristics of various types of silicon PV panels in order to define the most effective panels from the point of view of generated electrical energy load resistance values. The analysis of the obtained results of the experimental research has shown that in order to make the operation of PV panels of series FS-100M and FS-110P most efficient, their load must be maintained within 3–3.5 Ω range. If load resistance exceeds the specified limits, the work of PV panels of this series will be ineffective. The road having a sustainable energy efficient road pavement is able to track road conditions, traffic, weather conditions and react quickly to their changes. It is shown how road markings can change dependance on road conditions

    Study of load characteristics of various types of silicon PV panels for sustainable energy efficient road pavement

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    This paper presents A new approach to the creation of innovative roads. Their basis is sustainable energy efficient road pavement-a new intellectual road that is able to service itself and provide power, ie  is also a renewable source of electricity. The PV panels studies are planned to be used in sustainable energy efficient road pavement to determine their load parameters. Knowing these parameters can ensure the transmission of the maximum power generated by PV panels into the load. In such systems, the load, and therefore its resistance, can dynamically change over time. Therefore, to ensure the most efficient operation of photovoltaic modules, it is necessary to constantly monitor the ratio of internal resistance PV panels and load resistance. Maintaining the equality of these resistances can provide the criterion of transmission of maximum power to the load. The work used methods of mathematical analysis and theoretical electrophysics to carry out studies of load characteristics of various types of silicon PV panels with the definition of the most effective from the point of view of generated electrical Energy load resistance values. The analysis of the obtained results of the experimental research has shown that in order to make the operation of PV panels of series FS-100M and FS-110P most efficient, their load must is maintained within 3-3.5 Ohm. If the load resistance will exceed the specified limits, the work of PV panels this series will be ineffective. The road consisting of sustainable energy efficient road pavement is able to track road conditions, traffic, weather conditions and react quickly to their changes. It is shown how road markings can change depending on road conditions

    Sustainable Approach Development for Education of Electrical Engineers in Long-Term Online Education Conditions

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    The prolongation of the online education period is a significant challenge nowadays in Ukraine. Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, educational institutions have been destroyed, leading to a significant movement of students both within the country and abroad. Consequently, the quality of educational services has suffered, particularly in technical specialties that require hands-on and laboratory work. The objective of this article is to explore solutions for training Ukrainian students in technical fields under the circumstances of war, with a focus on ensuring their safety and improving the overall quality of education. This article analyzes the existing methods of conducting laboratory work in remote settings. It identifies that distance learning at foreign universities, without the necessity of physical relocation, holds the most promising potential. Moreover, it recommends leveraging the “My Digital Electrical Engineering” (MDEE) laboratory, developed at RTU, for conducting remote laboratory work. A comprehensive examination of the MDEE laboratory is presented, along with a step-by-step algorithm for integrating it into the educational process at KhNAHU. The findings of this study can be utilized to enhance distance learning practices in Ukrainian technical universities. This, in turn, will enable students to continue their education during the war while ensuring their safety and facilitating the acquisition of knowledge at a high standard