34 research outputs found

    Perfect mappings in topological groups, cross-complementary subsets and quotients

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    summary:The following general question is considered. Suppose that GG is a topological group, and FF, MM are subspaces of GG such that G=MFG=MF. Under these general assumptions, how are the properties of FF and MM related to the properties of GG? For example, it is observed that if MM is closed metrizable and FF is compact, then GG is a paracompact pp-space. Furthermore, if MM is closed and first countable, FF is a first countable compactum, and FM=GFM=G, then GG is also metrizable. Several other results of this kind are obtained. An extensive use is made of the following old theorem of N. Bourbaki [5]: if FF is a compact subset of a topological group GG, then the natural mapping of the product space G×FG\times F onto GG, given by the product operation in GG, is perfect (that is, closed continuous and the fibers are compact). This fact provides a basis for applications of the theory of perfect mappings to topological groups. Bourbaki's result is also generalized to the case of Lindelöf subspaces of topological groups; with this purpose the notion of a GδG_\delta -closed mapping is introduced. This leads to new results on topological groups which are PP-spaces

    The rank of the diagonal and submetrizability

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    summary:Several topological properties lying between the submetrizability and the GδG_\delta -diagonal property are studied. We are mostly interested in their relationship to each other and to the submetrizability. The first example of a Tychonoff space with a regular GδG_\delta -diagonal but without a zero-set diagonal is given. The same example shows that a Tychonoff separable space with a regular GδG_\delta -diagonal need not be submetrizable. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for submetrizability of a regular separable space. The rank 55-diagonal plays a crucial role in this criterion. Every closed bounded subset of a Tychonoff space with a GδG_\delta -diagonal is shown to be Čech-complete. Under a slightly stronger condition, any such subset is shown to be a Moore space. We also establish that every closed bounded subset of a Tychonoff space with a regular GδG_\delta -diagonal is metrizable by a complete metric and, therefore, has the Baire property. Some further results are obtained, and new open problems are posed

    Addition theorems and DD-spaces

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    summary:It is proved that if a regular space XX is the union of a finite family of metrizable subspaces then XX is a DD-space in the sense of E. van Douwen. It follows that if a regular space XX of countable extent is the union of a finite collection of metrizable subspaces then XX is Lindelöf. The proofs are based on a principal result of this paper: every space with a point-countable base is a DD-space. Some other new results on the properties of spaces which are unions of a finite collection of nice subspaces are obtained

    A note on condensations of Cp(X)C_p(X) onto compacta

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    summary:A condensation is a one-to-one continuous mapping onto. It is shown that the space Cp(X)C_p(X) of real-valued continuous functions on XX in the topology of pointwise convergence very often cannot be condensed onto a compact Hausdorff space. In particular, this is so for any non-metrizable Eberlein compactum XX (Theorem 19). However, there exists a non-metrizable compactum XX such that Cp(X)C_p(X) condenses onto a metrizable compactum (Theorem 10). Several curious open problems are formulated

    Supergravity Black Holes and Billiards and Liouville integrable structure of dual Borel algebras

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    In this paper we show that the supergravity equations describing both cosmic billiards and a large class of black-holes are, generically, both Liouville integrable as a consequence of the same universal mechanism. This latter is provided by the Liouville integrable Poissonian structure existing on the dual Borel algebra B_N of the simple Lie algebra A_{N-1}. As a by product we derive the explicit integration algorithm associated with all symmetric spaces U/H^{*} relevant to the description of time-like and space-like p-branes. The most important consequence of our approach is the explicit construction of a complete set of conserved involutive hamiltonians h_{\alpha} that are responsible for integrability and provide a new tool to classify flows and orbits. We believe that these will prove a very important new tool in the analysis of supergravity black holes and billiards.Comment: 48 pages, 7 figures, LaTex; V1: misprints corrected, two references adde

    Two types of remainders of topological groups

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    summary:We prove a Dichotomy Theorem: for each Hausdorff compactification bGbG of an arbitrary topological group GG, the remainder bGGbG\setminus G is either pseudocompact or Lindelöf. It follows that if a remainder of a topological group is paracompact or Dieudonne complete, then the remainder is Lindelöf, and the group is a paracompact pp-space. This answers a question in A.V. Arhangel'skii, {\it Some connections between properties of topological groups and of their remainders\/}, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull. 54:3 (1999), 1--6. It is shown that every Tychonoff space can be embedded as a closed subspace in a pseudocompact remainder of some topological group. We also establish some other results and present some examples and questions

    GδG_\delta-modification of compacta and cardinal invariants

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    summary:Given a space XX, its GδG_\delta -subsets form a basis of a new space XωX_\omega , called the GδG_\delta -modification of XX. We study how the assumption that the GδG_\delta -modification XωX_\omega is homogeneous influences properties of XX. If XX is first countable, then XωX_\omega is discrete and, hence, homogeneous. Thus, XωX_\omega is much more often homogeneous than XX itself. We prove that if XX is a compact Hausdorff space of countable tightness such that the GδG_\delta -modification of XX is homogeneous, then the weight w(X)w(X) of XX does not exceed 2ω2^\omega (Theorem 1). We also establish that if a compact Hausdorff space of countable tightness is covered by a family of GδG_\delta -subspaces of the weight c=2ω\leq c=2^\omega , then the weight of XX is not greater than 2ω2^\omega (Theorem 4). Several other related results are obtained, a few new open questions are formulated. Fedorchuk's hereditarily separable compactum of the cardinality greater than c=2ωc=2^\omega is shown to be GδG_\delta -homogeneous under CH. Of course, it is not homogeneous when given its own topology

    Addition theorems for dense subspaces

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    summary:We study topological spaces that can be represented as the union of a finite collection of dense metrizable subspaces. The assumption that the subspaces are dense in the union plays a crucial role below. In particular, Example 3.1 shows that a paracompact space XX which is the union of two dense metrizable subspaces need not be a pp-space. However, if a normal space XX is the union of a finite family μ\mu of dense subspaces each of which is metrizable by a complete metric, then XX is also metrizable by a complete metric (Theorem 2.6). We also answer a question of M.V. Matveev by proving in the last section that if a Lindelöf space XX is the union of a finite family μ\mu of dense metrizable subspaces, then XX is separable and metrizable

    On topological and algebraic structure of extremally disconnected semitopological groups

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    summary:Starting with a very simple proof of Frol'\i k's theorem on homeomorphisms of extremally disconnected spaces, we show how this theorem implies a well known result of Malychin: that every extremally disconnected topological group contains an open and closed subgroup, consisting of elements of order 22. We also apply Frol'\i k's theorem to obtain some further theorems on the structure of extremally disconnected topological groups and of semitopological groups with continuous inverse. In particular, every Lindelöf extremally disconnected semitopological group with continuous inverse and with square roots is countable, and every extremally disconnected topological field is discrete

    On a theorem of W.W. Comfort and K.A. Ross

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    summary:A well known theorem of W.W. Comfort and K.A. Ross, stating that every pseudocompact group is CC-embedded in its Weil completion [5] (which is a compact group), is extended to some new classes of topological groups, and the proofs are very transparent, short and elementary (the key role in the proofs belongs to Lemmas 1.1 and 4.1). In particular, we introduce a new notion of canonical uniform tightness of a topological group GG and prove that every GδG_\delta -dense subspace YY of a topological group GG, such that the canonical uniform tightness of GG is countable, is CC-embedded in GG