2,097 research outputs found

    Partial wave amplitudes and multiparticle production

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    Recursion relations for integrals of amplitudes over the phase space, i.e. for partial wave amplitudes, are introduced. In their simplest form these integrals are proportional to the s-wave amplitudes and represent rigorous lower bounds on the total cross sections. The connection with classical field equations in DD dimensions is established. Previous results on multiparticle amplitudes are easily reproduced.Comment: 7 pages, CERN-TH.6971/93, (typing errors corrected

    The Coulomb branch of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theory with adjoint and fundamental matter

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    We consider N=1 SU(N_c) gauge theory with an adjoint matter field Φ\Phi, N_f flavors of fundamentals Q and antifundamentals \tQ, and tree-level superpotential of the form \tQ\Phi^l Q. This superpotential is relevant or marginal for lNf≤2NclN_f\leq 2N_c. The theory has a Coulomb branch which is not lifted by quantum corrections. We find the exact effective gauge coupling on the Coulomb branch in terms of a family of hyperelliptic curves, thus providing a generalization of known results about N=2 SUSY QCD to N=1 context. The Coulomb branch has singular points at which mutually nonlocal dyons become massless. These singularities presumably correspond to new N=1 superconformal fixed points. We discuss them in some detail for N_c=2, N_f=1.Comment: 12 pages, revte

    The Vacuum Structure of N=2 SuperQCD with Classical Gauge Groups

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    We determine the vacuum structure of N=2 supersymmetric QCD with fundamental quarks for gauge groups SO(n) and Sp(2n), extending prior results for SU(n). The solutions are all given in terms of families of hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces of genus equal to the rank of the gauge group. In the scale invariant cases, the solutions all have exact S-dualities which act on the couplings by subgroups of PSL(2,Z) and on the masses by outer automorphisms of the flavor symmetry. They are shown to reproduce the complete pattern of symmetry breaking on the Coulomb branch and predict the correct weak--coupling monodromies. Simple breakings with squark vevs provide further consistency checks involving strong--coupling physics.Comment: 29 pages, harvmac, 1 figure included using epsf.te

    Nullification of multi-Higgs threshold amplitudes in the Standard Model

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    We show that nullification of all tree-order threshold amplitudes involving Higgs particles in the Standard Model occurs, provided that certain equations relating the masses of all existing elementary particles to the mass of the Higgs scalar are satisfied. The possible role of these relations in restoring the high-multiplicity unitarity and their phenomenological relevance are briefly discussed.Comment: CERN-TH.6853/93, 9 pages, Late

    Quantum Higgs branches of isolated N=2 superconformal field theories

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    We study the Higgs branches of the superconformal points of four-dimensional N=2 super Yang-Mills (SYM) which appear due to the occurrence of mutually local monopoles having appropriate charges. We show, for example, that the maximal superconformal point of SU(2n) SYM has a Higgs branch of the form C^2/Z_n. These Higgs branches are intrinsic to the superconformal field theory (SCFT) at the superconformal point, but do not appear in the SYM theory in which it is embedded. This is because the embedding is a UV extension of the SCFT in which some global symmetry acting on the Higgs branch is gauged irrelevantly. Higgs branches deduced from earlier direct studies of these isolated SCFTs using BPS wall-crossing or 3-d mirror symmetry agree with the ones we find here using just the Seiberg-Witten data for the SYM theories.Comment: 18 page

    N=2 Moduli Spaces and N=1 Dualities for SO(n_c) and USp(2n_c) SuperQCD

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    We determine the exact global structure of the moduli space of N=2N{=}2 supersymmetric SO(n)SO(n) and \USp(2n) gauge theories with matter hypermultiplets in the fundamental representations, using the non-renormalization theorem for the Higgs branches and the exact solutions for the Coulomb branches. By adding an (N=2)(N{=}2)--breaking mass term for the adjoint chiral field and varying the mass, the N=2N{=}2 theories can be made to flow to either an ``electric'' N=1N{=}1 supersymmetric QCD or its N=1N{=}1 dual ``magnetic'' version. We thus obtain a derivation of the N=1N{=}1 dualities of Seiberg.Comment: 20 pages, harvmac (b

    The Nonperturbative Gauge Coupling of N=2 Supersymmetric Theories

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    We argue that the topology of the quantum coupling space and the low energy effective action on the Coulomb branch of scale invariant N=2 SU(n) gauge theories pick out a preferred nonperturbative definition of the gauge coupling up to non-singular holomorphic reparametrizations.Comment: 9 pages latex and 2 figures using psfig.sty; computation of S-duality group corrected and reference adde

    Multiscalar amplitudes to all orders in perturbation theory

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    A method for calculating loop amplitudes at the multiboson threshold is presented, based on Feynman-diagram techniques. We explicitly calculate the one-loop amplitudes in both Ď•4\phi^4-symmetric and broken symmetry cases, using dimensional regularization. We argue that, to all orders in the perturbation expansion, the unitarity-violating behaviour of the tree-order amplitudes persists.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, CERN-TH.6852/9

    The Worldsheet Conformal Field Theory of the Fractional Superstring

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    Two of the important unresolved issues concerning fractional superstrings have been the appearance of new massive sectors whose spacetime statistics properties are unclear, and the appearance of new types of ``internal projections'' which alter or deform the worldsheet conformal field theory in a highly non-trivial manner. In this paper we provide a systematic analysis of these two connected issues, and explicitly map out the effective post-projection worldsheet theories for each of the fractional-superstring sectors. In this way we determine their central charges, highest weights, fusion rules, and characters, and find that these theories are isomorphic to those of free worldsheet bosons and fermions. We also analyze the recently-discovered parafermionic ``twist current'' which has been shown to play an important role in reorganizing the fractional-superstring Fock space, and find that this current can be expressed directly in terms of the primary fields of the post-projection theory. This thereby enables us to deduce some of the spacetime statistics properties of the surviving states.Comment: 56 pages (LaTeX), McGill/93-01. (discussion clarified in places, but results unchanged
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