1 research outputs found

    Analisis Ergonomi Industri Garmen Dengan Posture Evaluation Index Pada Virtual Environment

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    Ergonomic  Analysis  of  Garment  Industry  using  Posture  Evaluation Index  (PEI)  in  Virtual  Environment.  This research tried to study, in a virtual environment, the ergonomics of four divisions in garment industry: cutting division, sewing division, button division, and finishing division. Variables that influence the working conditions in each division are different; depend on the real situations that happened. The purpose is to assess the real working conditions based on ergonomics  study  using Posture Evaluation Index (PEI). PEI integrates  the scores of  low back analysis (LBA), ovako working  posture  (OWAS),  and  rapid  upper  limb assessment  (RULA).  Analysis  phase  was  done  using  digital  human model  in  virtual  environment  that  available  on  Jack  6.0.  The  results show  that  the  working  conditions  in  garment industry had enough amount of risk that can injured the musculoskeletal system of the workers. This research enriches the  body  of  ergonomics  knowledge  in Indonesia  because  it  is  the  first  research  in  Indonesia that  applied  virtual environment approach to ergonomics analysis in industry. &nbsp