6 research outputs found

    Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Acid-Sulfate Alteration of Basaltic Material on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii: Jarosite and Hydrated Halloysite

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    Sulfates have been identified on the martian surface during robotic surface exploration and by orbital remote sensing. Measurements at Meridiani Planum (MP) by the Alpha-Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and Mossbauer (MB) instruments on the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity document the presence of a ubiquitous sulfate-rich outcrop (20-40% SO3) that has jarosite as an anhydrous Fe3+-sulfate [1- 3]. The presence of jarosite implies a highly acidic (pH <3) formation environment [4]. Jarosite and other sulfate minerals, including kieserite, gypsum, and alunite have also been identified in several locations in orbital remote sensing data from the MEx OMEGA and MRO CRISM instruments [e.g. 5-8]. Acid sulfate weathering of basaltic materials is an obvious pathway for formation of sulfate-bearing phases on Mars [e.g. 4, 9, 10]. In order to constrain acid-sulfate pathways on Mars, we are studying the mineralogical and chemical manifestations of acid-sulfate alteration of basaltic compositions in terrestrial environments. We have previously shown that acidsulfate alteration of tephra under hydrothermal conditions on the Puu Poliahu cone (summit region of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii) resulted in jarosite and alunite as sulfate-bearing alteration products [11-14]. Other, more soluble, sulfates may have formed, but were leached away by rain and melting snow. Acidsulfate processes on Puu Poliahu also formed hematite spherules similar (except in size) to the hematite spherules observed at MP as an alteration product [14]. Phyllosilicates, usually smectite }minor kaolinite are also present as alteration products [13]. We discuss here an occurrence of acid-sulfate alteration on Mauna Kea Volcano (Hawaii). We report VNIR spectra (0.35-2.5 microns ASD spectrometer), Mossbauer spectra (MER-like ESPI backscatter spectrometer), powder XRD (PANalytical), and major element chemical compositions (XRF with LOI and Fe redox) for comparison to similar data acquired or to be acquired by MRO-CRISM and MEx OMEGA, MERMB, MSL-CheMin, and MER and MSL APXS, respectively

    Oxychlorine Species in Gale Crater and Broader Implications for Mars

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    Of 15 samples analyzed to date, the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) has detected oxychlorine compounds (perchlorate or chlorate) in 12 samples. The presence of oxychlorine species is inferred from the release of oxygen at temperatures less than 600degC and HCl between 350-850degC when a sample is heated to 850degC. The O2 release temperature varies with sample, likely caused by different cations, grain size differences, or catalytic effects of other minerals. In the oxychlorine-containing samples, perchlorate abundances range from 0.06 +/- 0.03 to 1.15 +/- 0.5 wt% Cl2O7 equivalent. Comparing these results to the elemental Cl concentration measured by the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) instrument, oxychlorine species account for 5-40% of the total Cl present. The variation in oxychlorine abundance has implications for their production and preservation over time. For example, the John Klein (JK) and Cumberland (CB) samples were acquired within a few meters of each other and CB contained approximately1.2 wt% Cl2O7 equivalent while JK had approximately 0.1 wt%. One difference between the two samples is that JK has a large number of veins visible in the drill hole wall, indicating more post-deposition alteration and removal. Finally, despite Cl concentrations similar to previous samples, the last three Murray formation samples (Oudam, Marimba, and Quela) had no detectable oxygen released during pyrolysis. This could be a result of oxygen reacting with other species in the sample during pyrolysis. Lab work has shown this is likely to have occurred in SAM but it is unlikely to have consumed all the O2 released. Another explanation is that the Cl is present as chlorides, which is consistent with data from the ChemCam (Chemical Camera) and CheMin (Chemistry and Mineralogy) instruments on MSL. For example, the Quela sample has approximately1 wt% elemental Cl detected by APXS, had no detectable O2 released, and halite (NaCl) has been tentatively identified in CheMin X-ray diffraction data. These data show that oxychlorines are likely globally distributed on Mars but the distribution is heterogenous depending on the perchlorate formation mechanism (production rate), burial, and subsequent diagenesi

    Mineralogy of Fluvio-Lacustrine Sediments Investigated by Curiosity During the Prime Mission: Implications for Diagenesis

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    The Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity investigated sedimentary rocks that were deposited in a diversity of fluvio-lacustrine settings. The entire science payload was employed to characterize the mineralogy and chemistry of the Sheepbed mudstone at Yellowknife Bay and the Windjana sandstone at the Kimberley. Data from the CheMin instrument, a transmission Xray diffractometer, were used to determine the quantitative mineralogy of both samples. The Sheepbed mudstone contains detrital basaltic minerals, calcium sulfates, iron oxides or hydroxides, iron sulfides, trioctahedral smectite, and amorphous material. The mineral assemblage and chemical data from APXS suggest that the trioctahedral smectite and magnetite formed authigenically as a result of alteration of olivine. The apparent lack of higher-grade phyllosilicates (e.g., illite and chlorite) and the presence of anhydrite indicate diagenesis at ~50- 80 C. The mineralogy of the Windjana sandstone is different than the Sheepbed mudstone. Windjana contains significant abundances of K-feldspar, low- and high-Ca pyroxenes, magnetite, phyllosilicates, and amorphous material. At least two distinct phyllosilicate phases exist: a 10 phase and a component that is expanded with a peak at ~11.8 . The identity of the expanded phase is currently unknown, but could be a smectite with interlayer H2O, and the 10 phase could be illite or collapsed smectite. Further work is necessary to characterize the phyllosilicates, but the presence of illite could suggest that Windjana experienced burial diagenesis. Candidates for the cementing agents include fine-grained phyllosilicates, Fe-oxides, and/or amorphous material. Interpretations of CheMin data from the Windjana sandstone are ongoing at the time of writing, but we will present an estimate of the composition of the amorphous material from mass balance calculations using the APXS bulk chemistry and quantitative mineralogy from CheMin