14 research outputs found

    Modeling the spatial distribution of endemic species for their conservation: case of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels

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    La conservation et la gestion des espèces endémiques, impose la connaissance de leurs aires de distribution potentielle et des facteurs environnementaux conditionnant ces répartitions. Ce travail vise l’identification des facteurs écologiques régissant la répartition géographique d’Argania spinosa et la cartographie de son aire potentielle sous les conditions climatiques actuelles et ce, pour une meilleure planification de sa gestion. L’approche d’entropie maximale a été utilisée. Le principal résultat est une carte de probabilité continue montrant l’aire potentielle de distribution de l’arganier au Maroc. Le modèle développé est d’excellente qualité. Il valide l’aire de répartition connue, et prédit la présence de l’espèce dans d’autres zones. Les variables les plus significatives conditionnant la distribution de l’arganier sont les précipitations du trimestre le plus froid, la saisonnalité de la température et l’humidité relative moyenne annuelle,Conservation and management of endemic species require knowledge of their potential distribution areas and the environmental factors controlling these distributions. This work aims to identify factors governing the geographical distribution of Argania spinosa and to map the potential distribution of this Moroccan endemic species. Suitability has been assessed under the current climatic conditions in order to ensure sustainable management of that species. The Maximum-Entropy algorithm was used as a Species Distribution Modeling approach to link species locations with environmental characteristics. The main result of the trained model is a continuous probability map showing the potential distribution area of the argan tree in Morocco. The predicted suitable area of Argania spinosa agrees well with documented range. In addition, other areas where the species does not occur presently, seem to be suitable under current climate conditions. Result obtained is a valuable tool for decision makers to better identify suitable sites for conservation and restoration. According to validation criteria, the developed model has an excellent predictive quality. The relative contribution of covariates shows that the most significant parameters explaining the spatial distribution of argan tree are the rainfall of the coldest quarter, seasonality of temperature and annual mean relative humidity


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    Leptospirosis is an infectious disease affect human and animal. The diagnosis is challenging due to none specific clinical features, lack of awareness and poor access to health care. Therefore the disease becomes underreported. Early diagnosis is essential because antibiotic treatment is most effective when it is initiated early. However, laboratories tests for early diagnosis still lacking. The disease may be demonstrated by direct or indirect methods. Direct methods are the detection of the organism or its components and indirect methods are the detection of specific antibodies of the organism. This review highlights the major diagnostic techniques in leptospirosis with their advantages and disadvantages as well as the treatment. The search criteria focused on the thesis we obtained and searching in the websites (Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct and LibGen, etc.) using the keywords: leptospirosis, leptospira, zoonotic diseases, PCR, Elisa, MAT, SAT, Darkfield microscopic, leptospirosis diagnostic, leptospira treatment, Doxycycline and tropical diseases

    Évaluation de la dynamique de l’occupation du sol dans la zone humide Ramsar de Tahaddart (Nord-ouest du Maroc)

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    Assessment of land cover dynamics in the Tahaddart Ramsar wetland (North-western Morocco). Land cover and land cover dynamics, in both time and space, were analysed in the Tahaddart wetland (Northern Morocco) to determine the evolution of the environmental quality of this Site of Biological and Ecological Interest (since 1996), also classified as a Ramsar site (since 2005). Remote sensing was used to estimate the impact of land use changes on natural habitats over a 35-year period from 1978 to 2013. The first image used MSS captures from 1978 with a spatial resolution of 80 m. The resolution was improved since 1991 with the use of Landsat 4 satellite images (spatial resolution of 30 m in multi-band modes) and then with satellite images from Landsat 7 and 8 (spatial resolution of 15 m in panchromatic mode). The images were classified and then analysed using Erdas Imagine 9.2 software program. The results were verified using a confusion matrix, which provided a global precision rates ranging from 82 to 86 %. This qualitative data on the land cover evolution revealed that despite its important conservation status, the Tahaddart wetland has been subject to substantial changes over time. Important declines in natural habitats such as forests, estuarine vegetation and sand dunes were observed for the benefit of an increase of areas of urbanization and bare soil. This analysis demonstrates the important anthropogenic pressures that affect the site and the need to enforce current legislation in order to conserve local biodiversity over the long-term.L’occupation du sol et sa dynamique ont été analysées, dans le temps et dans l’espace, au niveau de la zone humide de Tahaddart (Maroc septentrional) afin de déterminer l’évolution de l’état environnemental de ce Site d’Intérêt Biologique et Ecologique (depuis 1996), et désigné site Ramsar (depuis 2005). Les outils de la télédétection ont été utilisés pour estimer l’impact des changements de l’utilisation des sols sur les habitats naturels durant 35 ans (1978-2013). La première image de référence utilise des captures MSS de 1978 avec une résolution spatiale de 80 m. La précision a été améliorée à partir de 1991 avec l’utilisation des images satellites Landsat 4 (résolution spatiale de 30 m en mode multi-spectral), puis avec des images satellites Landsat 7 et 8 (résolution spatiale de 15 m en mode panchromatique). Les images ont été classifiées puis analysées en utilisant le logiciel Erdas Imagine 9.2. Les résultats ont été vérifiés à l’aide d''une matrice de confusion, qui indique des taux globaux de précision variant entre 82 et 86 %. Les données qualitatives sur l’évolution révèlent que, malgré ses statuts importants de conservation, la zone humide de Tahaddart a été sujette à des changements substantiels au cours de la période analysée. Ainsi, un important déclin des habitats naturels a été constaté, notamment au niveau des forêts, de la végétation estuarienne et des dunes de sable et qui ont été globalement remplacées par le bâti et le sol nu. Cette analyse révèle les fortes pressions anthropiques qui impactent le site, et met en évidence la nécessité de renforcer la législation en vigueur afin de conserver la biodiversité locale sur le long terme.Rifai Nabil, Khattabi Abdellatif, Moukrim Said, Arahou Moustapha, Rhazi Laïla. Évaluation de la dynamique de l’occupation du sol dans la zone humide Ramsar de Tahaddart (Nord-ouest du Maroc). In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 73, n°2, 2018. pp. 142-152

    Modélisation de la distribution spatiale des espèces endémiques pour leur conservation : cas de l’Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels.

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    Modeling the spatial distribution of endemic species for their conservation : case of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels. Conservation and management of endemic species require knowledge of their potential distribution areas and the environmental factors controlling these distributions. This work aims to identify factors governing the geographical distribution of Argania spinosa and to map the potential distribution of this Moroccan endemic species. Suitability has been assessed under the current climatic conditions in order to ensure sustainable management of that species. The Maximum-Entropy algorithm was used as a Species Distribution Modeling approach to link species locations with environmental characteristics. The main result of the trained model is a continuous probability map showing the potential distribution area of the argan tree in Morocco. The predicted suitable area of Argania spinosa agrees well with documented range. In addition, other areas where the species does not occur presently seem to be suitable under current climate conditions. Result obtained is a valuable tool for decision makers to better identify suitable sites for conservation and restoration. According to validation criteria, the developed model has an excellent predictive quality. The relative contribution of covariates shows that the most significant parameters explaining the spatial distribution of argan tree are the rainfall of the coldest quarter, seasonality of temperature and annual mean relative humidity.La conservation et la gestion des espèces endémiques, impose la connaissance de leurs aires de distribution potentielle et des facteurs environnementaux conditionnant ces répartitions. Ce travail vise l’identification des facteurs écologiques régissant la répartition géographique d’Argania spinosa et la cartographie de son aire potentielle sous les conditions climatiques actuelles et ce, pour une meilleure planification de sa gestion. L’approche d’entropie maximale a été utilisée. Le principal résultat est une carte de probabilité continue montrant l’aire potentielle de distribution de l’arganier au Maroc. Le modèle développé est d’excellente qualité. Il valide l’aire de répartition connue, et prédit la présence de l’espèce dans d’autres zones. Les variables les plus significatives conditionnant la distribution de l’arganier sont les précipitations du trimestre le plus froid, la saisonnalité de la température et l’humidité relative moyenne annuelle.Moukrim Said, Lahssini Said, Mharzi Alaoui Hicham, Rifai Nabil, Arahou Moustapha, Rhazi Laïla. Modélisation de la distribution spatiale des espèces endémiques pour leur conservation : cas de l’Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels.. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 73, n°2, 2018. pp. 153-166

    Serodiagnosis of human leptospirosis by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

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    Background Leptospirosis is a zoonotic bacterial disease that affects humans and animals. The disease occurs by contact direct or indirect with the urine of infected animal and common among agriculture workers, garbage collectors, sewage works, forestry and animal slaughtering. The disease also spreads in tropical regions where the conditions are favourable for leptospires. Aims The purpose of this study is to determine human leptospirosis among suspected cases by ELISA IgM (a retrospective study on 50 cases from 2004 to 2010). Methods Sera from patients had fever and jaundice suspected clinically from leptospirosis, were referred to the National Institute of Hygiene in Rabat, Morocco. ELISA IgM and SAT were used for the diagnosis. Results While 33 serums were positive by Slide Agglutination Test (SAT), thirty one serums were positive by ELISA IgM. The sensitivity was 62 per cent and 66 per cent in ELISA and SAT respectively. Conclusion ELISA IgM and SAT seem to be useful for human leptospirosis; they can detect the disease from the 5th day of the illness. They are easy, inexpensive and useful for developing countries and less equipped laboratories. However, if the first sera was negative, the second sera should obtained in the second week, or PCR used in combination with serological tests if it is available