20 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Perilaku Membuang Sampah pada Siswa antara Sebelum dan Sesudah Diberikan Live And Symbolic Modeling

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    Littering behavior is an individual physical activity which is a result of habituation developed by environment. One of the ways to develop the habitual behavior in throwing litter into the proper places and the corresponding bin colors is by applying the modeling technique. Modeling is an individual's learning way through studying and direct observing the current behavior of others and using symbols that represent information as a modeling medium. The objective of this study was to find out the differences in littering behavior of class V students between before and after provided with live and symbolic modeling by the teacher. The proposed hypothesis was that there were differences in littering behavior of class V students between before and after provided with live and symbolic modeling by the teacher. The subjects were 20 people. The sampling technique used in this study was saturated sampling technique. Data were collected using the scale of littering behavior. The calculation result of the observation in pre-test was 33.3% while in post-test 86.7%. The results of the paired t test showed that there were differences in littering behavior between before and after the students were provided with live and symbolic modeling. The effective contribution of live and symbolic modeling treatment to the littering behavior was significant where the outcome after the treatment was 86.7% while 13.3% was from other variables not examined in this study. It can be concluded that live and symbolic modeling improved student behavior in throwing litter into the proper places and the corresponding bin colors

    Gambaran Kenakalan Berlalu Lintas pada Remaja dan Faktor – Faktor Penyebab

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    Road traffic delinquency is one form of juvenile delinquency. The purpose of this study was to describe the road traffic delinquency behavior in adolescents in Batulicin and the contributing factors. Subjects in this study were three teenagers who were the perpetrators of road traffic delinquency in Batulicin. Data were gathered through semi-structured in-depth interviews and observation of passive participation. It can be concluded from the results of the analysis that there were some various types of road traffic delinquency, namely not having a driver\u27s license, not carrying vehicle registration when driving, not using the license plate numbers, not wearing helmets while driving, not wearing the right and left rear-view mirrors, applying loud-voiced exhaust, not activating the Speedo meter, doing dangerous maneuvers, delivering verbal harassment or vulgarity on the other riders, wild racing, speeding, running a red light, and driving in a drunken state. There were some factors found in the three subjects that affected the road traffic delinquency. The first was the internal factors that included negative self-identity, low self-control, mischief in early age, male gender, low self-esteem, less emotional stability, hampered self-actualization, lack of good models, less social adjustment, less social development, and lack of attachment to parents. The second was the external factors including negative peer influences, low school performance, middle and lower socioeconomic status, poor parental role and poor quality of the surrounding environment

    Studi Tentang Persepsi Keharmonisan Keluarga pada Remaja Pelaku Pemerkosaan di Lapas Klas II A Anak Martapura

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    Masa remaja adalah ambang masa dewasa, yang ditandai dengan memusatkan diri pada perilaku yang dihubungkan dengan status dewasa, seperti merokok, minum-minuman keras, menggunakan obat-obatan, dan cenderung terlibat dalam perbuatan seks yang menyimpang dalam hal ini tindakan pemerkosaan. Pemerkosaan merupakan suatu tindakan memaksa, dengan kekerasan maupun ancaman kekerasan yang dilakukan untuk melampiaskan nafsu seksual yang ada dalam diri pelaku kepada korbannya, yang dinilai melangggar norma dan hukum yang berlaku. Fokus penelitian ini diarahkan pada persepsi keharmonisan keluarga pada remaja pelaku pemerkosaan di Lapas Klas II A Anak Martapura, faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya tindakan pemerkosaan yang dilakukan oleh remaja dan jenis pemerkosaan apa yang dilakukan oleh remaja pelaku pemerkosaan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah dua orang remaja yang berada di Lapas Klas II A Anak Martapura dengan kasus pemerkosaan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, melalui wawancara, observasi dan pemeriksaan psikologis (tes grafis) sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat dikatakan bahwa kedua remaja dalam penelitian ini sama-sama mempersepsikan adanya ketidakharmonisan di dalam keluarganya. Terdapat dua faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya tindakan pemerkosaan yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal. Jenis Pemerkosaan yang dilakukan berupa Pemerkosaan untuk Kekuasaan dan Pemerkosaan oleh teman kencan atau pacar. Kata Kunci : Persepsi Keharmonisan Keluarga, Remaja, PemerkosaanAdolescence is the threshold of adulthood, which is characterized by self focusing on behaviors associated with adult status, such as smoking, drinking, drug abusing, and engaging in deviant sexual acts, which is rape in this case. Rape is an act of force, with violence or threats of violence committed for releasing sexual lust by the rapist to the victim, which is considered against the norms and laws. The study focused on the perception of family harmony in young rapists in Juvenile Facility Class II A Martapura, the factors influencing the occurrence of rape and the types of rape committed by juveniles. The subjects in this study were two juveniles imprisoned in Juvenile Facility Class II A Martapura with rape cases. The study employed qualitative research method, through interview, observation and psychological examination (test graphics) as the data collection techniques. Based on the data analysis it suggested that both adolescents in this study equally perceived disharmony in the family. There were two factors that influenced the occurrence of rape committed by juveniles, namely internal and external factors. The types of rape were the rape for power and the rape for sex committed by a date or a boyfriend

    Gambaran Regulasi Diri dan Perilaku Kenakalan Seksual pada Remaja di Batulicin

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    Juvenile delinquency behavior in Indonesia is quite alarming and needs to be immediately addressed. The purpose of this study was to obtain the description of self-regulation and sexual delinquency behavior in adolescents in Batulicin. A qualitative research method was used in the study, and data were collected using the techniques of interviews, observation, and graphics test. Subjects of the study were three adolescents who resided in Batulicin, two males and one female. The results indicated that the three subjects had self-regulation of type 2, which was a short-term process away from the relevant self-goal, and it was also found out that subject BA had better self-regulation than subjects DK and MK. The self-regulation component of each subject in general was that each of them wanted to define himself/herself to achieve the expected ideals. Each subject had different forms of monitoring, instruction, evaluation and imposition of self-contingency. The forms of sexual delinquency behavior they committed were kissing, hugging, holding the sensitive area of the opposite sex, and sexual intercourse

    Peranan Conscientiousness terhadap Perilaku Cyberloafing pada Mahasiswa

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    The USAge of internet can have negative impacts on students, one of which is cyberloafing, the action of an individual using the internet access of an institution during the lecture hours for personal interests and other internet activities that are not related to the lectures. Cyberloafing influences some personality traits, such as conscientiousness. Students whose high level of conscientiousness can control their behavior to reach their goals and are not affected by personal desires and so will not do cyberloafing. The purpose of this study was to find out the role of conscientiousness towards cyberloafing behavior in students. The sampling technique used in the study was a random cluster sampling technique with the subjects of 60 people. Data were collected using two scales, namely conscientiousness scale with 45 items (α = 0.927) and cyberloafing scale with 50 items (α = 0.940). These scales used Likert scale model, and the data were analyzed using simple linear regression. The results showed that the value of -t count < -t table (-2.219 < -2.002), indicating that there was a negative role of conscientiousness towards cyberloafing behavior. The higher the level of conscientiousness, the lower the cyberloafing behavior. The role of conscientiousness towards cyberloafing behavior was only 7.8%, so conscientiousness did not directly contribute to cyberloafing behavior in students

    Peranan Penguasaan Lingkungan terhadap Motivasi Migrasi pada Penduduk yang Tinggal di Pemukiman Kumuh

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    Residence affects psychological well-being, and one of the dimensions in it is environment control. For those who cannot control the environment, the condition will most likely contribute to their motivation to move from their place to somewhere else, which is called motivation for migration. The objective of this study was to find out the role of the environmental control towards the motivation for migration in residents living in the slum of Cempaka Raya in Banjarmasin. The hypothesis of this study was that there was a role of environmental control towards motivation for migration in the population living in the slum of Cempaka Raya Banjarmasin. Subjects in this study were 60 residents in Cempaka Raya Banjarmasin RT 42. The subjects were selected using cluster random sampling technique. Data were collected using the scale of environmental control and the scale of motivation for migration. The data were then analyzed using simple linear regression. The results showed the value of t count > t table (13.273 > 1.672), indicating that there was a role of environmental control towards the motivation for migration, with the value of t 13.273, which meant there was a positive role of environmental control towards motivation for migration. The higher the environmental control, the higher the migration motivation, and vice versa. The role of the environmental control towards the motivation for migration was 75.2% while 24.8% was from other factors not included in this study