2 research outputs found
Eliciting Mathematical Thinking of Students Through Realistic Mathematics Eucation
This paper focuses on an implementation a sequence of instructional activities about addition of fractions that has been developed and implemented in grade four of primary school in Surabaya, Indonesia. The theory of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) has been applied in the sequence, which aims to assist low attaining learners in supporting students' thinking in the addition of fractions. Based on the premise that eliciting and addressing learners' alternative conceptions in mathematics is beneficial in assisting them to improve their understanding, the paper seeks to explore the role that RME plays pertaining to this particular supposition. The paper presents and discusses examples of learners' responses to contextual problems given to them during the course of the instructional activities
Proses Berpikir Mahasiswa dalam Membuktikan Proposisi: Konseptualisasi-gambar
Evidence is an absolute feature of mathematics and a key component in mathematics education. Although the evidence is very important, the fact is that the evidence is something that is difficult to teach or learn. One of the difficulty factors is the inadequacy of conceptual concepts and the inability to use definitions to structure evidentiary structures. This paper will describe the thinking process of students in proving a geometric proposition. Four concept of image conceptualization framework is used as a tool to explore students' thinking processes in proving a geometric proposition. One student's work and vignette, FMZ, was analyzed to provide a visualization of the image-conceptualization process used by FMZ in identifying a proposition. The results of the analysis confirm that the ability to construct evidence is related to the ability to conceptualize images, find local-local conceptualizations (traits / conclusions related to one part of the image) and global conceptualization and link relational relationships between local conceptualizations and global conceptualization into a series of statements supporting propositions / conclusion which will be proven to be a series of logical statements