20 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kualitas Gerak Dasar Lari pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar melalui Permainan dan Olahraga Tradisional

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas gerak dasar lari pada siswa sekolah dasar melalui permainan dan olahraga tradisional. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan selama dua siklus, subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Pangeranan 2 Bangkalan sejumlah 29 siswa. Data peningkatan kualitas gerak dasar lari diperoleh dari hasil tes dan pengukuran serta observasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalsis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permainan dan olahraga tradisional meningkatkan kualitas gerak dasar lari siswa, jumlah siswa yang tuntas sejumlah 9 siswa (31,03%) pada kondisi awal menjadi 15 siswa (51,72%) pada siklus I dan 22 siswa (79,31%) pada siklus II, dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 75%

    Inventarisasi dan Karakterisasi Jamur Liar yang Dapat di Konsumsi di Desa Wonojati Kecamatan Gondangwetan Kabupaten Pasuruan - Jawa Timur

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    -Diversity of wild mushrooms in Indonesia is still not widely studied. Among the species of wild mushrooms can be consumed. Need to do an inventory and characterization of the various species of wild mushrooms, especially edible mushrooms. This study aims to inventory and characterize wild mushrooms that can be consumed by the Society in the Wonojati Village, Subdistrict of Gondangwetan, District of Pasuruan, East Java. The study was conducted in February-March 2014. Research method used is purposive sampling methods. Location of collecting mushrooms are grouped into 3 areas including paddy field, plantation areas and residential areas. Mushroom samples obtained from Wonojati village, Subdistrict of Gondangwetan, Pasuruan District. The results of the study were found 3 groups of wild mushrooms consumed by the society of Wonojati Village, namely Termitomyces, Auricularia, and Volvariella. Found 6 species of mushrooms belonging to the genus Termitomyces. Each mushroom has a different morphological characteristics that predicted different species but still into one genus. Termitomyces character is the growing medium in the form of termite nests that is below the ground surface. Another group of mushrooms are Auricularia and Volvariella. Auricularia has a character that resembles the shape of the ear. Volvariella has a volva characters. From some wild mushrooms were found to have been cultivated for consumption by the public is Auricularia and Volvariella. Termitomyces is still not cultivated mushrooms so there are opportunities to be cultivated as a food diversification efforts

    Kampanye Pentingnya Mengetahui Pengetahuan Dasar Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas

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    Pertolongan Pertama adalah penanganan awal yang diberikan kepada seseorang yang mengalami cidera atau sakit yang bersifat mendadak, sebelum ditangani oleh dokter atau anggota medis lainnya. Melihat betapa pentingnya pertolongan pertama tidak diimbangi oleh kesadaran masyarakat akan hal tersebut. Maka dari itu perlu diadakan sebuah kampanye yang mampu meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat betapa pentingnya pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan. Selain itu kampanye ini juga tidak cukup hanya meningkatkan kesadaran tapi juga mampu memberikan wawasan dasar pada masyarakat tentang apa yang harus dilakukan dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan pada korban jika terjadi sebuah kecelakaan.// // /

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Keberhasilan Elektronik Government Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Jepara

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    The use of information and communication technologies very important in the globalization area. Based on the presidential intruction No. 3 of 2003 on local governments to take advantage of information technology white the avilable resources with in thegovernmental activities, including the district of jepara. The use of IT will give birth to an electronic-based system of government (e-Government). Thesuccessful implementation of e-Government is very influentialon the efficiency, effectiveness, seen from the successful elements of the Harvard JFK School of Government are Support, Capacity and Value.This research aims to determine the implementation of e-Government of Jepara and determie the factors that drive and inhibit. Attempt to answer the problems and research objective successfully done white parliaments of Harvard JFK School of Government. Methodology used in this research is qualitative diskripsif.Successful of implementation of the elements of e-Government in Jepara, are; website creation www.jeparakab.go.id, the increasing of infrastructure development the private sectors and do learning improvement one-Government. The success rate ofimplementation of e-Government in Jepara regencyin on their level of maturation.In the development of e-Government it is necessary to support program of e- Government, the need for cooperation on increase the budget, the need for socialization of the exstence of e-Government directly from the government and the use of information tecnology

    Multicultural Islamic Education Model in Islamic Religious Education Learning in Schools

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    This article is the result of research on the model of multicultural Islamic education conducted in multi-cultural and multi-religious school. This research was conducted to determine a model of multicultural Islamic education in Islamic Religious Education learning. This research utilized a qualitative approach with a case study type. The data in this research was successfully gathered by means of observation, in-depth interviews, and interpretation of related documents. Moreover, the data in this research were then analyzed by using Robert K Yin's case analysis which contains five analysis phases, namely: (1) Compiling, (2) Disassembling, (3) Reassembling (and Arraying), (4) Interpreting, and (5) Concluding. The result of the research was a model of implementing multicultural Islamic education values ​​in PAI learning in the form of “Integrated-Multicultural Practice Model” which could be carried out by integrating multicultural values ​​into the school's vision, mission, goals, syllabus, lesson plans, implementation of learning that includes approaches, methods and use of learning media, and evaluation of learning. Subsequently, the values were practiced in various school activities, specifically in religious and social activities

    Frequency and Usefulness in Practicing English Outside Classroom Towards Speaking Anxiety in English Education Students

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    There are still many gaps or problems that occured in students' Speaking English learning activities, especially in activities for learning outside the classroom. In this case, the researcher is interested in exploring the relationship between the frequency and usefulness of students who studied English outside the class room on their level of anxiety. There are still not many researchers who pay attention to this field. In this study, researchers used descriptive quantitative methods to draw correlations between these aspects that influence each other. The type of the instruments that used in this research were FLCAS (Foreign Language Class Anxiety Scale) questionnaire and the Frequency & Usefulness of the Out-of-class Activities. The results show that the average frequency of learning to speak English outside the classroom is 3, while the average value of learning to speak English outside the classroom is 3.31. On the other side, the anxiety value is indicated by the total number of students having a moderate anxiety level of 42.5%. The significance of correlation of the frequency and usefulness of students that studying outside class hours on the level of students' speaking anxiety is not very significant. Although, these three aspects have a fairly good value. This research is still limited to a quantitative design. Future research is expected to be able to continue with a different design in order to gain new results