6 research outputs found

    Docentes de pós-graduação: grupo de risco de doenças cardiovasculares

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    Os docentes de pós-graduação apresentaram aumento nos pedidos de licenças médicas, principalmente por sintomas ou sequelas de doenças cardiovasculares. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi, por meio de um questionário direcionado a professores de pós-graduação, quantificar entre eles quantos realizavam atividades físicas frequentes, dietas balanceadas e visitas médicas, e outros fatores, e comparar isso com: i) a ocorrência de intervenções cardíacas, doenças coronarianas e acidentes vasculares cerebrais; ii) o número de produção científica e o número de orientando médio por ano. Foram respondidos e analisados 540 questionários. A hipótese deste trabalho foi aceita, ou seja, quanto maiores o número de produção científica e o número de orientandos em média por ano, maiores foram as ocorrências médias de intervenções cardíacas, doenças coronarianas e os acidentes vasculares cerebrais (hemorrágico e isquêmico) em docentes de pós-graduação, principalmente, pela falta de dieta equilibrada e balanceada, de atividades físicas supervisionadas regularmente, e visitas médicas frequentes, justificados pela excessiva carga horária fora do expediente, para se manter os indicadores de qualidade dos cursos de pós-graduação e de seus currículos atualizados. Teachers of post-graduate programs presented an increase in requests for sick leaves, mainly by symptoms or sequela of cardiovascular diseases. By using a questionnaire addressed to teachers of post-graduate courses, this study aimed to: i) identify how many of them had performed frequent physical exercise, balanced diets and medical visits, and other factors, and compare this: i) with the occurrence of cardiac interventions, coronary heart diseases, strokes and cerebral vascular accident; and ii) with the number of scientific production and the average number of advisees per year. 540 questionnaires were returned and analyzed. Our working hypothesis was accepted, that is: the increase in the number of scientific production and the average number of advisees per year was directly related with the increase on the average occurrence of cardiac procedures, coronary heart disease, stroke and cerebral vascular accident (ischemic and hemorrhagic) in teachers of post-graduation, mainly due to the lack of a balanced diet, physical activities regularly supervised, and frequent medical visits, which is justified by the excessive workload out of work time in order to maintain the quality indicators of post-graduate programs and updated curriculum

    Influencia del relleno sanitario de la ciudad de Goiânia sobre la agrupación de especies arbóreas en la sabana brasileña

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue mostrar la influencia de un depósito municipal de basura de la ciudad de Goiânia, capital del Estado de Goiás - Brasil en la agrupación de las especies de la vegetación natural arbórea de la sabana brasileña. El lugar de estudio se ubica en un área adyacente al basural. Se realizaron pruebas de laboratorio para medir la contaminación del suelo y del agua freática. Por el análisis de la correspondencia canónica y de la fitosociología se concluyó que el basural influye directamente en la agrupación de las especies arbóreas del bosque adyacente. Algunas especies como Alibertia macrophylla Schum., Eugenia dysenterica DC., Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana y Virola sebifera Aubl., conforme se alejan del área del basural se modifican drásticamente en la relación del peso ecológico en la comunidad vegetal de las sabanas. En función de la distancia del basural, seis elementos químicos: acidez, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad, sólidos totales disueltos, sulfato y amonio incidieron directamente en el comportamiento y la agrupación de especies de la vegetación arbórea existente. Esos seis elementos mostraron una presencia excesiva en relación con los patrones establecidos por el Ministerio de la Salud, Organización Mundial de la Salud y del Consejo Nacional del Medio Ambiente

    Student perspectives about mobile learning initiatives at Open University of Brazil: the mobile phone issue

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    The objectives of this study were to verify if students of Open University of Brazil approve of mobile learning (m-learning) initiatives, to identify the students' perspectives about m-learning, to develop a model of instructional design for m-learning environments, and to quantify student satisfaction with the presented model. 1,328 students agreed to participate in this study, all students of Open University of Brazil. They were questioned about their perspectives on m-learning at this university and if they agree with this educational model. The students agreed with the possible implementation of m-learning at this university, especially through mobiles phones. Collectively, the main ideas that the students offered to improve the efficiency of knowledge construction were classified into three groups: theory, practice, and interactivity. They also agreed with an instructional design model that was developed and shown to the three groups

    Cobertura del suelo del área del eco-museo del Cerrado, Brasil

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    The area of the Savannah Eco-Museum covers 8066 km2. The area in two occasions at the years 2002 and 2017 was interpreted through satellite images. The area is located in central Brazil region, specific in seven counties of the state of Goiás. It was classified three interpretative units: forest, savannah and human settlements covers areas. These units were classified into the counties and watersheds. The most surface change was observed at the human settlements. In 2002, 58 % of the total area was occupied with the human’s settlements, with emphasis in the west side of the eco-museum. In 2017, it was verified an increase of 9.2 %. As opposed the forest and savannah areas shows a decrease from 16.5 and 16.2 % respectively.El área del Eco-Museo del Cerrado cubriendo una superficie de 8.066 km2 fue interpretada por imágenes de satélite, en dos ocasiones, en los años 2002 y 2017. Se ubica en la región central del Brasil, específicamente en siete distritos municipales (municipios) del estado de Goiás. Fueron clasificadas tres unidades interpretativas: el área cubierta por bosques, sabanas y asentamientos humanos. Esas unidades fueron clasificadas por distrito municipal y por cuenca hidrográfica. El mayor cambio de superficie se observó en los asentamientos humanos. En 2002 58% del área total, los asentamientos humanos estaban ocupados por pequeñas poblaciones, con énfasis en la parte este del eco-museo. En 2017 se verificó correspondientemente un aumento del 9,2 %. En contra posición, los bosques y las sabanas disminuyeron para 16,5 y 16,2 % respectivamente

    Integration of face-to-face and virtual classes improves test scores in Biology undergraduate courses on days with flooding in Brazil

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    Ubiquitous Education, omnipresent education, has established with the using of virtual learning objects, and integrating with the face-to-face classroom brought satisfactory results in the knowledge construction. In parallel, one of the recurring problems of cities is the traffic immobility and consequently the student's arrival to the University. In days of flooding, the student takes longer to get to university or sometimes cannot reach. This work has the hypothesis that the integration of face-to-face classes with virtual classes would be the option for the days of traffic immobility in cities. The objectives of this work were: i) to analyse the types of transport used by students from their homes to go to university, ii) to analyse how long students spent commuting from their homes to university, and iii) compare the results of student evaluations of biology courses that have lessons integrated between virtual and face-to-face classes with students who only have face-to-face classes. Six metropolitan areas of Brazil were evaluated for two semesters, one with flooding days and another without. The results indicated that students who had a virtual support of the discipline, mainly on flooding days, had higher grades and success in knowledge construction.

    Desafios e aprendizados do Mestrado Profissional em Rede Nacional para Ensino das Ciências Ambientais

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    A priorização institucional da CAPES para maior diálogo e alcance de professores da educação básica resultou na indução de 11 programas de mestrado em rede nacional, com áreas de concentração e temáticas vinculadas diretamente à melhoria da Educação Básica, com centenas de instituições envolvidas e localizadas nas cinco regiões do Brasil. Neste contexto, este artigo tem como objetivo destacar aspectos-chave da experiência da REDE PROFCIAMB, explorando de-safios e aprendizados na consolidação do programa, enquanto um exemplo positivo de resposta da pós-graduação brasileira frente aos desafios de alinhamento ao desenvolvimento sustentável. O artigo aborda a construção interdisciplinar de uma cultura do mestrado profissional; a estruturação e integração da REDE PROFCIAMB; a interface com a extensão enquanto processo de aprendizagem e impacto social; os produtos educacionais resultantes e sua usabilidade; e finalmente os esforços da REDE para alcançar regiões de contextos críticos quanto à vulnerabilidade socioambiental.La priorización institucional de CAPES para un mayor diálogo y alcance de los docentes de educación básica resultó en la inducción de 11 programas de maestría en formato de red nacional, con concentración y áreas temáticas directamente vinculadas al mejoramiento de la educación básica, con cientos de instituciones involucradas y ubicadas en las cinco regiones de Brasil. En este contexto, este artículo tiene como objetivo resaltar aspectos clave de la experiencia de la RED PROFCIAMB, explorando desafíos y lecciones aprendidas en la consolidación del programa, como un ejemplo positivo de la respuesta de los estudiantes de posgrado brasileños a los desafíos de alineación con el desarrollo sostenible. El artículo aborda la construcción interdisciplinar de una cultura de máster profesional; la estructuración e integración de la RED PROFCIAMB; la interfaz con la extensión como proceso de aprendizaje e impacto social; los productos educativos resultantes y su usabilidad; y finalmente los esfuerzos de la RED para llegar a regiones de contextos críticos en cuanto a vulnerabilidad socioambiental.CAPES’ institutional prioritization for greater dialogue and reach of elementary education teachers resulted in the induction of 11 national network master's programs, with concentration and thematic areas directly linked to the improvement of elementary education, with hundreds of institutions involved and located in the five regions of Brazil. In this context, this article aims to highlight key aspects of the PROFCIAMB NETWORK experience, exploring challenges and lessons learned from the consolidation of the program, as a positive example of the response of Brazilian postgraduate programs to the challenges of the alignment with sustainable development. The article addresses the interdisciplinary construction of a culture of the professional master's program; the structuring and integration of the PROFCIAMB NETWORK; the interface with extension as a learning process and social impact; the resulting educational products and their usability; and finally the efforts of the NETWORK to reach regions of critical contexts regarding socio-environmental vulnerability