19 research outputs found

    Analisis Losses Pada Boiler Feed Pump PLTU Muara Karang Unit 5

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    Center Steam Power (power plant) is a type of power plant that is the most common and most of the electrical energy needs on the island of Java and Bali are supplied by the plant species. Broadly speaking, the system of steam power plant (power plant) is composed of some major equipment and support equipment. One part of the steam power generation equipment that plays a key role is the Boiler Feed Pump (BFP). BFP main function is to pump the fluid from the deaerator heading to Steam Boiler Drum through through High Pressure Heater and economizer. BFP in Muara Karang power plant unit 5 uses an electric motor as a pump drive and media use as transmission fluid coupling of the pump. BFP magnitude greatly affect the efficiency losses (losses) of the component - the component. Therefore, the magnitude of losses (losses) that occur need to be analyzed to gain efficiencies actual Boiler Feed Pump. This research aims to study and analyze the depth of the losses in the system BFP (Boiler Feed Pump). The results are used to determine the value of losses on some components of the system BFP. The results showed that the value of the copper losses and the loss of magnetization of electric motors at 216.051 kJ, losses due to fluid friction in the pump for 1424.8694 kJ, the losses can not be taken into account such as the pump bearings, clutch bearings, motor bearings, radiation and Lubricate the coupling of 262.3645 kJ

    Analisis Isolasi Panas Pada Casing Turbin Gas Tipe M701D Di PLTGU Grati

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    The function of the gas turbine casing insulation is to reduce the rate of heat transfer from the gas turbine to the surrounding air, preventing the risk of fire, prevent the risk of operator safety and other hazards. Based on the findings of a team of thermography in PLTGU Grati, it is known there are many points of leakage of heat (hot spots) in a gas turbine casing. One effect of this is the emergence of hot spots burning wires and thermocouple terminal BPTdi gas turbine, which led into a gas turbine trip. Several methods can be used to handle the emergence of hot spots in the insulation casing, is to replace the insulating material, adding thickness (Δx) isolasiserta modify the shape and position of isolation. After studying a variety of sources, it is known that the ceramic fiber insulation blankets is a type of casing the best and most appropriate to isolate the gas turbine casing in PLTGU Grati. In addition, of several methods that can be used to handle hot spots in the insulation casing, then the most effective way is to modify the shape and rearrange the position of the insulation to fit the shape of casing gas turbine (adjusted for standartnya), so there is no longer hot spot appear, so that the gas turbine can avoid the risk of trip

    Perancangan PLTMH Kapasitas 30 kW, Desa Giritirta, Kec. Pejawaran, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah

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    Utilization of water as electrical energy is a form of exploitation of natural resources as a renewable energy that is free of smoke and fuel. Mrawu river, Giritirta located in the village, district Pejawaran, Banjarnegara, Central Java has the potential for the development of Micro Hydro Power Plant. In designing this Micro Hydro , rapid optimum diameter pipe ( penstock ) D = 0.42 m , 52 m length of pipe , and the pipe thickness t = 10 mm , the author uses Crossflow turbine , with a design quantity Q = 0.35 m3 / s , and Head H = 14.5 m . Obtained power generated by P = 30 kW . With these data Main dimensions planned this crossflow turbine that is, the outside diameter D1 = 0.25 m runner , the inside diameter D2 = 0.17 m , width arm turbine bo = 0.4 m , the number of blades Z = 22 blade and shaft diameter Dp = 50 mm

    Pengembangan Model Perencanaan Alokasi Pesanan Pada Fungsi Koordinasi Produksi Untuk Meminimasi Biaya Produksi Dan Biaya Pengiriman

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    In many real situations, the estimated demand is very uncertain. This uncertainty has the tendency to greater degree for next coming period of time. Inefficiency of order management can give impact to customer service, order cycle time and operational costs for an order. Order management is a series of related to the management of customer orders using the standard order document. The main focus of this research is the development model of the planning system in coordination function to allocate production orders into the use of different capacities. The test uses three different distribution and calculating the total cost for 30 periods. The goal is to achieve an efficient and effective system taking into account the availability of generating capacity and minimize total costs of production and delivery. Based on experiments with a number of orders, the calculation of the total cost of the proposed method in accordance with the total cost equation. The total cost of the trial simulation on each distribution is influenced by the number of demands in each period

    Rancang Bangun Gasifier Tanpa Blower Berbahan Bakar Arang Limbah Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

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    Dikenal sebagai salah satu negara yang memiliki kebun kelapa sawit terluas, terbuka peluang besar bagi Indonesia untuk menggunakan potensi sumber daya energi terbarukan untuk menghasilkan energi listrik, terutama untuk daerah-daerah pedesaan atau kawasan terpencil. Limbah kelapa sawit dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahan bakar dalam  proses gasifikasi untuk menghasilkan syntetic gas (syngas) yang akan digunakan untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Proses gasifikasi sangat dipengaruhi oleh reaktor gasifier agar gas yang dihasilkan memiliki nilai kalor tinggi dan bersifat mampu bakar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membuat reaktor gasifier tipe updraft tanpa blower sehingga tidak memerlukan energi listrik dalam pengoperasiannya, akan tetapi menggunakan daya hisap mesin. Desain ini sesuai untuk pembangkit listrik skala kecil yang tidak terhubung ke jaringan listrik (off-grid) di daerah pedesaan. Berdasarkan perhitungan, ketersediaan energi biomassa diketahui 2113,8 MJ dan hasil rancang bangun gasifier ini diketahui untuk luas penampang reaktor 375 cm2 dan untuk tinggi 100 cm dengan bahan baku 2.47 kg/jam serta menghasilkan daya output dengan kapasitas 5 kW. Penelitian menggunaan genset gasolin dengan output maksimal 2,5 kW. Pada percobaan terakhir, gasifier dioperasikan selama 3 jam dengan menggunakan beban 1 kW menghabiskan arang sebanyak  6.9 kg. percobaan masih perlu diusahakan untuk daya lebih besar dan penggunaan bahan bakar sesedikit mungkin. Kata kunci: Kelapa sawit, gasifier, listrik   Known as one of the countries with the largest oil palm plantations, there is a great opportunity for Indonesia to use the potential of renewable energy resources to produce electricity, especially for rural areas or remote areas. Palm oil waste can be used as a fuel source in the gasification process to produce syntetic gas (syngas) which will be used to produce electricity. The gasification process is strongly influenced by the gasifier reactor so that the gas produced has a high heating value and is capable of combustion. This study aims to design and make an updraft type gasifier reactor without a blower so that it does not require electrical energy in its operation, but uses engine suction power. This design is suitable for small scale power plants that are not connected to the electricity network (off-grid) in rural areas. Based on calculations, the availability of biomass energy is known to be 2113.8 MJ and the results of this gasifier design are known for the reactor cross-sectional area of ​​375 cm2 and for a height of 100 cm with a raw material of 2.47 kg / hour and produce an output power with a capacity of 5 kW. The research uses a gasoline generator with a maximum output of 2.5 kW. In the last experiment, the gasifier was operated for 3 hours using a 1 kW load consuming 6.9 kg of charcoal. trials still need to be tried for more power and as little fuel usage as possible. Keywords: Palm oil, gasifier, electricit

    Kajian Kelayakan Penambahan Fuel Gas Heatergas Turbin Tipe M701D Untuk Meningkatkan Effisiensi PLTGU Grati

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    PT Indonesia Power UBP Perak RoW have six gas turbines with a capacity of 100 MW each in which the fuel used is natural gas. One of the things that is very considered in the generation of electricity is the efficiency of an equipment, the observation that we encounter in the gas turbine efficiency is still relatively low, wasting fuel and have high production costs. To overcome this, the existing power plant should need to improve the efficiency of the total system that will reduce fuel consumption and production costs. In this case, one way to improve the efficiency of gas turbine type M701 D by adding a fuel gas heater (FGH) to absorb most of the heat in the exhaust (waste heat) through the Rotor Cooling Water (RCA) utilized to heat the fuel before entering into the gas turbine, without reducing the functionality of the cooling system of the gas turbine is even improve the functioning of the RCA itself, it aims to minimize waste heat are dumped into the atmosphere is not too large so that the efficiency of the system at the Gas Turbine increased overall, lower fuel consumption so that the production cost becomes less. Having done a comparison of calculation before and after FGH fitted with a variety of load Gas Turbine in getting power output increase by 1.11% - 1.37% and the efficiency of gas turbines rose by 0.25% - 0.39% and a decrease in heat rate ranging between 0.8% - 1.47%

    Analisa Pengaruh Cleaning Kondensor Terhadap Vibrasi CWP 2C Vakum Kondensor Dan Temperatur Cooling PLTU Paiton 2

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    In the process of production of the power plant cooling water system has a very important role to change the vapor phase from the expansion turbine into water stored in Hotwell. The condenser is equipment which becomes the venue for the process, but keep in mind the level of cleanliness of the condenser becomes an important factor because it can reduce the heat transfer in the condenser and reduces the cooling process. Moreover, it can also result in other equipment eg in CWP (circulating water pump) increased vibration due to flow of pumped water can not flow the maximum because of blockage in the tube-tube condenser can for garbage, excrement of marine life, or the rubber peeled off later cover tube-tube condenser. This will also result in the efficiency of the unit as well as derating occurs during the process of cleaning the condenser. Cleaning the condenser lowers vibration values ​​CWP 2C Motor inboard side Axial from 6754 mm / s to 1080 mm / s and horizontal outboard motor side of 4645 mm / s to 2827 mm / s according to ISO 10816-3 standard vibration value falls within the normal conditions of operation .Kenaikan dry vacuum condenser before becoming 695 mmHg 683 mmHg after cleaning the condenser this is because the maximum heat transfer process. Mass amounts of water cooling which increased from 15133.88 kg / s into 19221.1 kg / s cause the temperature difference cooling water in and out decreased from before cleaning the condenser is 13 0C becomes 8.6 0C

    Analisis Isolasi Panas pada Casing Turbin Gas Tipe M701D di PLTGU Grati

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    The function of the gas turbine casing insulation is to reduce the rate of heat transfer from the gas turbine to the surrounding air, preventing the risk of fire, prevent the risk of operator safety and other hazards. Based on the findings of a team of thermography in PLTGU Grati, it is known there are many points of leakage of heat (hot spots) in a gas turbine casing. One effect of this is the emergence of hot spots burning wires and thermocouple terminal BPTdi gas turbine, which led into a gas turbine trip. Several methods can be used to handle the emergence of hot spots in the insulation casing, is to replace the insulating material, adding thickness (Δx) isolasiserta modify the shape and position of isolation. After studying a variety of sources, it is known that the ceramic fiber insulation blankets is a type of casing the best and most appropriate to isolate the gas turbine casing in PLTGU Grati. In addition, of several methods that can be used to handle hot spots in the insulation casing, then the most effective way is to modify the shape and rearrange the position of the insulation to fit the shape of casing gas turbine (adjusted for standartnya), so there is no longer hot spot appear, so that the gas turbine can avoid the risk of trip

    Effect degree of temperature subcooling in the performance of refrigeration with CFC, HFC and hydrocarbons refrigerant

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    Global warming is the result of the use of Chloro Fluoro Carbon (CFC) and Hydro Flouro Carbon (HFC) refrigerants. CFC and HFC refrigerants are not environmentally friendly in air conditioning systems. Researchers conducting the research to find an alternative refrigerant with hydrocarbon and the use of liquid suction heat exchanger (LSHX) subcooling in the vapor compression refrigeration system. One kind of LSHX is heat exchanger between tube to tube. Retrofit refrigerant is used to find a replacement refrigerant for R22, R134a, R404A with R600, and mixture refrigerant R290/R600a in the ratio 50:50. From the analysis are conclude that the increases of degree of subcooling temperature significantly affects to the effectiveness of LSHX, increase the refrigeration capacity and also refrigeration capacity index, increase the compressor of work, compressor work of index, COP and COP index. The parameters of the indicators that mixture the refrigerant R290/R600a in the ratio of 50:50 can be used as a substitution for R404A and R22, while the R600 refrigerant can be used as a substitution for R134a in the vapor compression refrigeration system with LSHX

    Analisis Losses pada Boiler Feed Pump PLTU Muara Karang Unit 5

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    Center Steam Power (power plant) is a type of power plant that is the most common and most of the electrical energy needs on the island of Java and Bali are supplied by the plant species. Broadly speaking, the system of steam power plant (power plant) is composed of some major equipment and support equipment. One part of the steam power generation equipment that plays a key role is the Boiler Feed Pump (BFP). BFP main function is to pump the fluid from the deaerator heading to Steam Boiler Drum through through High Pressure Heater and economizer. BFP in Muara Karang power plant unit 5 uses an electric motor as a pump drive and media use as transmission fluid coupling of the pump. BFP magnitude greatly affect the efficiency losses (losses) of the component - the component. Therefore, the magnitude of losses (losses) that occur need to be analyzed to gain efficiencies actual Boiler Feed Pump. This research aims to study and analyze the depth of the losses in the system BFP (Boiler Feed Pump). The results are used to determine the value of losses on some components of the system BFP. The results showed that the value of the copper losses and the loss of magnetization of electric motors at 216.051 kJ, losses due to fluid friction in the pump for 1424.8694 kJ, the losses can not be taken into account such as the pump bearings, clutch bearings, motor bearings, radiation and Lubricate the coupling of 262.3645 kJ