12 research outputs found

    MiR-193b promotes autophagy and non-apoptotic cell death in oesophageal cancer cells

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    Background: Successful treatment of oesophageal cancer is hampered by recurrent drug resistant disease. We have previously demonstrated the importance of apoptosis and autophagy for the recovery of oesophageal cancer cells following drug treatment. When apoptosis (with autophagy) is induced, these cells are chemosensitive and will not recover following chemotherapy treatment. In contrast, when cancer cells exhibit only autophagy and limited Type II cell death, they are chemoresistant and recover following drug withdrawal. Methods: MicroRNA (miRNA) expression profiling of an oesophageal cancer cell line panel was used to identify miRNAs that were important in the regulation of apoptosis and autophagy. The effects of miRNA overexpression on cell death mechanisms and recovery were assessed in the chemoresistant (autophagy inducing) KYSE450 oesophageal cancer cells. Results: MiR-193b was the most differentially expressed miRNA between the chemosensitive and chemoresistant cell lines with higher expression in chemosensitive apoptosis inducing cell lines. Colony formation assays showed that overexpression of miR-193b significantly impedes the ability of KYSE450 cells to recover following 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) treatment. The critical mRNA targets of miR-193b are unknown but target prediction and siRNA data analysis suggest that it may mediate some of its effects through stathmin 1 regulation. Apoptosis was not involved in the enhanced cytotoxicity. Overexpression of miR-193b in these cells induced autophagic flux and non-apoptotic cell death. Conclusion: These results highlight the importance of miR-193b in determining oesophageal cancer cell viability and demonstrate an enhancement of chemotoxicity that is independent of apoptosis induction

    The kinase RSK2 modulates the sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin

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    Platinum-based chemotherapy (e.g. cisplatin, carboplatin) is standard of care for many types of cancer including ovarian cancer, however, the efficacy of treatment is hampered by the development of therapy resistance. The mechanisms behind platinum resistance are not completely understood. Here, we have investigated the role of the family of p90 Ribosomal S6 kinases (RSK), important downstream mediators of ERK1/2, in the response to cisplatin chemotherapy. Strikingly, whereas treatment with cisplatin did not alter the levels of RSK1 in response to cisplatin treatment, the structurally related RSK2 protein was downregulated in an ovarian cancer cell line (A2780). Furthermore, we found that knockdown of RSK2, in contrast to knockdown of RSK1, gave rise to enhanced cisplatin sensitivity in a cisplatin sensitive as well as a cisplatin-resistant A2780 cell line. These results indicate that RSK2 is regulated in response to cisplatin treatment, and this downregulation may contribute to the cytotoxic action of cisplatin. Since RSK2 is frequently amplified in a growing number of cancers, this may have implications for the sensitivity of these tumours to platinum-based cytotoxic

    MicroRNAs as possible indicators of drug sensitivity in breast cancer cell lines.

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally. In this way they might influence whether a cell is sensitive or resistant to a certain drug. So far, only a limited number of relatively small scale studies comprising few cell lines and/or drugs have been performed. To obtain a broader view on miRNAs and their association with drug response, we investigated the expression levels of 411 miRNAs in relation to drug sensitivity in 36 breast cancer cell lines. For this purpose IC50 values of a drug screen involving 34 drugs were associated with miRNA expression data of the same breast cancer cell lines. Since molecular subtype of the breast cancer cell lines is considered a confounding factor in drug association studies, multivariate analysis taking subtype into account was performed on significant miRNA-drug associations which retained 13 associations. These associations consisted of 11 different miRNAs and eight different drugs (among which Paclitaxel, Docetaxel and Veliparib). The taxanes, Paclitaxel and Docetaxel, were the only drugs having miRNAs in common: hsa-miR-187-5p and hsa-miR-106a-3p indicative of drug resistance while Paclitaxel sensitivity alone associated with hsa-miR-556-5p. Tivantinib was associated with hsa-let-7d-5p and hsa-miR-18a-5p for sensitivity and hsa-miR-637 for resistance. Drug sensitivity was associated with hsa-let-7a-5p for Bortezomib, hsa-miR-135a-3p for JNJ-707 and hsa-miR-185-3p for Panobinostat. Drug resistance was associated with hsa-miR-182-5p for Veliparib and hsa-miR-629-5p for Tipifarnib. Pathway analysis for significant miRNAs was performed to reveal biological roles, aiding to find a potential mechanistic link for the observed associations with drug response. By doing so hsa-miR-187-5p was linked to the cell cycle G2-M checkpoint in line with this checkpoint being the target of taxanes. In conclusion, our study shows that miRNAs could potentially serve as biomarkers for intrinsic drug resistance and that pathway analyses can provide additional information in this context

    NIRS and IVUS for characterization of atherosclerosis in patients undergoing coronary angiography

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    The aim of this study was to compare the findings of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) virtual histology (VH), and grayscale IVUS obtained in matched coronary vessel segments of patients undergoing coronary angiography. Intravascular ultrasound VH has been developed to add tissue characterization to the grayscale IVUS assessment of coronary plaques. Near-infrared spectroscopy is a new imaging technique able to identify lipid core-containing coronary plaques (LCP). We performed NIRS and IVUS-VH pullbacks in a consecutive series of 31 patients with a common region of interest (ROI) between 2 side branches. For each ROI, we analyzed the chemogram blocks by NIRS, plaque area and plaque burden by grayscale IVUS, and tissue types by IVUS-VH. The chemogram block is a summary metric of a 2-mm vertical slice of the chemogram. The value ranges from 0 to 1 according to the presence of lipids and represents the probability of LCP with a color scale from red (low probability) through orange and tan to yellow (high probability). Plaque area (mm(2)) increases as percentage VH derived-necrotic core (NC) content (4.6 ± 2.7 vs. 7.4 ± 3.5 vs. 8.6 ± 3.4 vs. 7.9 ± 3.3, grouped in percentage NC quartiles, p <0.001) and chemogram block probability color bin thresholds increase (4.9 ± 3.8 red, 7.3 ± 3.6 orange, 8.1 ± 3.4 tan, and 8.7 ± 3.4 yellow, p <0.001). The correlation between the block chemogram detection of lipid core and percentage NC content by VH was weak (r=0.149). Correction for the presence of calcium does not improve this correlation. Larger plaque area by grayscale IVUS was more often associated with either elevated percentage VH-NC or LCP by NIRS; however, the correlation between the detection of LCP by NIRS and necrotic core by VH is wea