1,787 research outputs found

    Vermicompost Suppression Of Pythium Aphanidermatum Seedling Disease: Practical Applications And An Exploration Of The Mechanisms Of Disease Suppression

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    Composts, vermicomposts and their liquid extracts can suppress plant infections caused by a variety of pathogens, however this suppression is highly variable, which limits their use in commercial crop production. In addition to the inherent variability of these materials, conflicting information abounds in the industry and extension educational materials regarding liquid compost extracts which were critically evaluated with respect to the existing scientific literature. As a case study, non-aerated liquid vermicompost extract was produced that promoted seedling growth, consistently suppressed zoospore-mediated infections of Pythium aphanidermatum on cucumber and maintained suppressiveness for 60 days at room temperature. As both a liquid fertilizer and a cultural practice for the suppression of seedling damping off, this material could satisfy multiple needs for organic growers. After decades of study, we still lack critical insight into the mechanisms of action of suppressive composts. We sought to uncover potential mechanisms by which vermicomposted dairy manure suppresses Pythium aphanidermatum infections on cucumber by investigating the interactions between seed-associated microbial communities and P. aphanidermatum zoospores. We found that vermicompost-derived seed-colonizing microbes prevented the arrival of zoospores on the seed surface and greatly reduced infection in disease suppression bioassays. When microbially modified seed exudates were collected from the bioassay apparatus and exposed to zoospores in vitro, fewer zoospores swam towards, encysted on and germinated in response to exudates from seeds colonized by a suppressive microbial community than to those from seeds sown in sterile sand. Combining control and modified exudates failed to restore zoospore response, indicating the presence of a toxin or repellant confirmed by the consistent lysis of zoospores in the vermicompost and combined treatment, but not the sand controls. Exposing zoospores to control and modified seed exudates that had been ethyl acetate fractionated provided evidence that the putative toxin/repellant is exclusively present in the organic fraction

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    17911791 (A2,T12)-1791.Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : MAEDI011Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : MAEDIGen


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    Contient : Vie de saint Pacôme ; Prière de saint Pacôme ; Recueil de XX épîtres de saint AntoineNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Copie anonyme, achevée le 6 Baʾūna 1555 des Martyrs (f. 247).Provient de la collection Amélineau

    Maine de Biran : sujet et politique / Agnès Antoine

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    Collection : Philosophies ; 122Collection : Philosophies ; 122Contient une table des matièresAvec mode text


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    Contient : Quarante histoires de moines ; PHILOXÈNE DE MABBUG. Épître sur la vie religieuse ; Recueil d'œuvres ascétiques, intitulé : al-Firdaws wa-huwa basātīn al-ruhbān ; SAINT ANTOINE. Œuvres diverses ; SAINT MACAIRE. Réponse à certaines questions ; EVAGRE. Traité sur les huit mauvaises pensées ; ISAIE DE SCÉTÉ. Préceptes et enseignement ; Apophtegmes des pères ; SAINT EPHREM. Homélies ; SAINT NIL. Homélie spirituelle au moine Thaumasius ; SAINT BARSŪS. Homélie sur le mal qui attaque l'āme ; Paroles des saints pères pour le profit de l'âme et du corps ; SAINT BASILE. Homélie sur le renoncement au monde ; SAINT CLÉMENT. Propos à un moine novice ; Exhortation anonyme à ceux qui embrassent la vie monastique ; Histoire d'un homme qui fut jugé trois jours avant sa mort ; Propos des philosophes intitulés : Min qawl al-ḥukamāʾ wa-amṯālihim wa-mawāʿiẓihimNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Copie anonyme, achevée le 20 Ayyār 1605 d'Alexandre (f. 312 v).Marque de lecteur en syriaque (f. 346 v)