4 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Lifetime stress accelerates epigenetic aging in an urban, African American cohort: relevance of glucocorticoid signaling

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    WebGestalt Disease enrichment analysis of the set of unique DEX-regulated genes (n = 139) with TSS near epigenetic clock CpGs. For the primary analysis, we used as reference the set of genes expressed above background in our peripheral blood gene expression arrays. This analysis was repeated using a more condensed background comprised only of the genes neighboring 21 K CpGs that showed DEX-induced mRNA expression changes (n = 5,443). While this post-hoc analysis yielded no statistically significant results after correction for multiple testing (P values presented in the last column), the top 10 diseases were very similar (with higher but nominally significant P values for the top three hits) with the analysis using the broader reference set of genes. (XLSX 10 kb