1,295 research outputs found


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    Francesco Antonio Anselmi LE POLITICHE PUBBLICHE PER IL TURISMO IN ITALIA NEL CICLO DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE COMUNITARIA 2007-2013 Sommario Questo contributo attiene alle novit\ue0 e alle Priorit\ue0 contenute nel Quadro Strategico Nazionale (QSN) del nuovo ciclo di programmazione comunitaria 2007/2013 con centralizzazione dell\u2019interesse nell\u2019ambito della \u201cPriorit\ue0 5\u201d del QSN, che vuole valorizzare le risorse naturali e culturali, attraverso la realizzazione di progetti integrati orizzontalmente e verticalmente, capaci di attivare la filiera del turismo culturale e di quello ambientale per sfruttare le potenzialit\ue0 dei grandi attrattori che beneficiano dei flussi della domanda turistica internazionale e di quella dei siti che non sono ancora stati valorizzati e quindi non visibili sui mercati. Nel lavoro si vuole sottolineare, inoltre, che le politiche comunitarie di sviluppo regionale, in particolare quelle a sostegno dello sviluppo turistico, hanno superato l\u2019ottica fortemente localistica, per una necessit\ue0 sovra regionale. Keywords: Sviluppo del turismo; Politiche comunitarie sul turismo; Politiche regionali del turismo; Politiche pubbliche e turismo Summary This paper relates to the novelty and the Priorities contained in the National Strategic Framework (NSF) of the new programming Community cycle 2007/2013 with interest in the "Priority 5" of the NSF, which wants to exploit natural and cultural resources, through horizontally and vertically integrated projects, capable of activating the sector of cultural and environmental tourism to exploit the potential of benefiting from the great attractor flows of international tourism demand and that of sites that have not yet been exploited and then not visible on the markets. In the work we want to emphasize also that EU policies for regional development, particularly those in support of tourism development, have passed the 1 Professore aggregato di Economia Applicata presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Aziendali e Finanziarie (DSEAF) dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Palermo. highly local perspective, for a super regional need

    Economics of Knowledge and Emergent Qualitative Changes

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    Economics of Knowledge and Emergent Qualitative Changes The traditional economics has its barycentre on the static equilibrium and on the allocation of the scarce resources for alternative uses, on the linear rationality. The economics of knowledge founds instead, upon a reflexive rationality, that has a long run, that acts as dynamic force does not management inside the usual trade-off of resources. The economics of knowledge and the real economy are changing deeply, the subjectivities that are compared through the market and in institutions they become less impersonal and less deterministic. Persons are entrusted less to the automatism of machines or organizational and they discover the requirement of being directly involved in the choices with their intelligence and their capabilities to plan, to discover, to assume risks and to enhance ways that are not predetermined. The conveniences, calculated by people and compared by market, can notably develop, if there is a joined benefit at personal and social level. Persons replace individuals and they don't operate in an abstract space anymore; contrarily their job is lent in personal nets and in social connection. The economics of knowledge considers economy a system that does not produce deterministic surplus, but to varying geometry, in relationship to the initiatives, that are not prefixed. of employment of available knowledge and those that is possible to conceive, to create through the experience of people. The factors that allow to turn knowledge into value are fundamentally three: 1) the effectiveness; 2) the numerousness of the uses; 3) the appropriability of the results of the cognitive job. They notice, within the knowledge economy, six great qualitative changes in comparison to the economy of the energy (what has dominated the industrial economy), that constitute some emergencies, that are: 1) a new regime of ownership of the productive resources; 2) an active role of the territories, in the increase of the useful knowledge on development; 3) a different role of people, both in production and in consumption; 4) a new conception of the time; 5) an imposing flow of externality, of discontinuity and asymmetries, that appear during the propagation of knowledge; 6) the emerge some complexity in the construction of the economic and social world of post-modern (or the second modernity). The objective of this research is to investigate on such emergencies on which it is not succeeded in taking well the measures yet. There are problems, concerning intellectual property rights and the privatization of knowledge; problems of control and fragmentation of knowledge

    Covariant Pauli-Villars Regularization of Quantum Gravity at the One Loop Order

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    We study a regularization of the Pauli-Villars kind of the one loop gravitational divergences in any dimension. The Pauli-Villars fields are massive particles coupled to gravity in a covariant and nonminimal way, namely one real tensor and one complex vector. The gauge is fixed by means of the unusual gauge-fixing that gives the same effective action as in the context of the background field method. Indeed, with the background field method it is simple to see that the regularization effectively works. On the other hand, we show that in the usual formalism (non background) the regularization cannot work with each gauge-fixing.In particular, it does not work with the usual one. Moreover, we show that, under a suitable choice of the Pauli-Villars coefficients, the terms divergent in the Pauli-Villars masses can be corrected by the Pauli-Villars fields themselves. In dimension four, there is no need to add counterterms quadratic in the curvature tensor to the Einstein action (which would be equivalent to the introduction of new coupling constants). The technique also works when matter is coupled to gravity. We discuss the possible consequences of this approach, in particular the renormalization of Newton's coupling constant and the appearance of two parameters in the effective action, that seem to have physical implications.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, SISSA/ISAS 73/93/E

    Holomorphic Currents and Duality in N=1 Supersymmetric Theories

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    Twisted supersymmetric theories on a product of two Riemann surfaces possess non-local holomorphic currents in a BRST cohomology. The holomorphic currents act as vector fields on the chiral ring. The OPE's of these currents are invariant under the renormalization group flow up to BRST-exact terms. In the context of electric-magnetic duality, the algebra generated by the holomorphic currents in the electric theory is isomorphic to the one on the magnetic side. For the currents corresponding to global symmetries this isomorphism follows from 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. The isomorphism between OPE's of the currents corresponding to non-linear transformations of fields of matter imposes non-trivial conditions on the duality map of chiral ring. We consider in detail the SU(Nc)SU(N_c) SQCD with matter in fundamental and adjoint representations, and find agreement with the duality map proposed by Kutasov, Schwimmer and Seiberg.Comment: 19 pages, JHEP3 LaTex, typos correcte

    Fermion Mass Hierarchy in Lifshitz Type Gauge Theory

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    We study the origin of fermion mass hierarchy and flavor mixing in a Lifshitz type extension of the standard model including an extra scalar field. We show that the hierarchical structure can originate from renormalizable interactions. In contrast to the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism, the higher the dimension of associated operators, the heavier the fermion masses. Tiny masses for left-handed neutrinos are obtained without introducing right-handed neutrinos.Comment: 13 pages; clarifications of some point

    Representation Learning in Sensory Cortex: A Theory

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    We review and apply a computational theory based on the hypothesis that the feedforward path of the ventral stream in visual cortex's main function is the encoding of invariant representations of images. A key justification of the theory is provided by a result linking invariant representations to small sample complexity for image recognition - that is, invariant representations allow learning from very few labeled examples. The theory characterizes how an algorithm that can be implemented by a set of "simple" and "complex" cells - a "Hubel Wiesel module" - provides invariant and selective representations. The invariance can be learned in an unsupervised way from observed transformations. Our results show that an invariant representation implies several properties of the ventral stream organization, including the emergence of Gabor receptive filelds and specialized areas. The theory requires two stages of processing: the first, consisting of retinotopic visual areas such as V1, V2 and V4 with generic neuronal tuning, leads to representations that are invariant to translation and scaling; the second, consisting of modules in IT (Inferior Temporal cortex), with class- and object-specific tuning, provides a representation for recognition with approximate invariance to class specific transformations, such as pose (of a body, of a face) and expression. In summary, our theory is that the ventral stream's main function is to implement the unsupervised learning of "good" representations that reduce the sample complexity of the final supervised learning stage

    Search for flow invariants in even and odd dimensions

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    A flow invariant in quantum field theory is a quantity that does not depend on the flow connecting the UV and IR conformal fixed points. We study the flow invariance of the most general sum rule with correlators of the trace Theta of the stress tensor. In even (four and six) dimensions we recover the results known from the gravitational embedding. We derive the sum rules for the trace anomalies a and a' in six dimensions. In three dimensions, where the gravitational embedding is more difficult to use, we find a non-trivial vanishing relation for the flow integrals of the three- and four-point functions of Theta. Within a class of sum rules containing finitely many terms, we do not find a non-vanishing flow invariant of type a in odd dimensions. We comment on the implications of our results.Comment: 21 pages, v2: expanded introduction, published in NJ

    Lorentz violating kinematics: Threshold theorems

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    Recent tentative experimental indications, and the subsequent theoretical speculations, regarding possible violations of Lorentz invariance have attracted a vast amount of attention. An important technical issue that considerably complicates detailed calculations in any such scenario, is that once one violates Lorentz invariance the analysis of thresholds in both scattering and decay processes becomes extremely subtle, with many new and naively unexpected effects. In the current article we develop several extremely general threshold theorems that depend only on the existence of some energy momentum relation E(p), eschewing even assumptions of isotropy or monotonicity. We shall argue that there are physically interesting situations where such a level of generality is called for, and that existing (partial) results in the literature make unnecessary technical assumptions. Even in this most general of settings, we show that at threshold all final state particles move with the same 3-velocity, while initial state particles must have 3-velocities parallel/anti-parallel to the final state particles. In contrast the various 3-momenta can behave in a complicated and counter-intuitive manner.Comment: V1: 32 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. V2: 5 references adde

    Generative abstraction of Markov population processes

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    Markov population models are a widespread formalism used to model the dynamics of complex systems, with applications in systems biology and many other fields. The associated Markov stochastic process in continuous time is often analyzed by simulation, which can be costly for large or stiff systems, particularly when a massive number of simulations has to be performed, e.g. in a multi-scale model. A strategy to reduce computational load is to abstract the population model, replacing it with a simpler stochastic model, faster to simulate. Here we pursue this idea, exploring and comparing state-of-the-art generative models, which are flexible enough to automatically learn distributions over entire trajectories, rather than single simulation steps, from observed realizations of the system. In particular, we compare a Generative Adversarial setting with a Score-based Diffusion approach and show how the latter outperforms the former both in terms of accuracy and stability at the cost of slightly higher simulation times. To improve the accuracy of abstract samples, we develop an active learning framework to enrich our dataset with observations whose expected satisfaction of a temporal requirement differs significantly from the abstract one. We experimentally show how the proposed abstractions are well suited to work on multi-scale and data-driven scenarios, meaning that we can infer a (black-box) dynamical model from a pool of real data.(c) 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Tradeoff between extractable mechanical work, accessible entanglement, and ability to act as a reference system, under arbitrary superselection rules

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    Superselection rules (SSRs) limit the mechanical and quantum processing resources represented by quantum states. However SSRs can be violated using reference systems to break the underlying symmetry. We show that there is a duality between the ability of a system to do mechanical work and to act as a reference system. Further, for a bipartite system in a globally symmetric pure state, we find a triality between the system's ability to do local mechanical work, its ability to do ``logical work'' due to its accessible entanglement, and its ability to act as a shared reference system.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Extended resubmitted version. Slightly modified title. Transferred to PR
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