8 research outputs found
Additional file 2: of X chromosome dosage and presence of SRY shape sex-specific differences in DNA methylation at an autosomal region in human cells
Table S1. Primers used in the study. (DOCX 12 kb
Additional file 8: of X chromosome dosage and presence of SRY shape sex-specific differences in DNA methylation at an autosomal region in human cells
Table S5. Univariate analysis results, full model multivariate analysis results, as well as post hoc power calculations. (DOCX 14 kb
Additional file 1: of X chromosome dosage and presence of SRY shape sex-specific differences in DNA methylation at an autosomal region in human cells
Figure S1. Experimental design. (DOCX 18 kb
Additional file 5: of X chromosome dosage and presence of SRY shape sex-specific differences in DNA methylation at an autosomal region in human cells
Figure S2. Sodium bisulfite sequencing methylation analysis of 51 CGs across the ZPBP2 promoter region shows higher methylation levels in fibroblast cell lines with two and three copies of the Xq arm. A: location of the 51 CGs interrogated using the sodium bisulfite sequencing assay shown in the context of the UCSC browser (hg19). B: heatmap representing mean methylation levels for each of the 51 CGs in cell lines with one X chromosome (two fibroblast cell lines with karyotype 45,X and no SRY region) and two or three copies of Xq (data from four fibroblast cell lines with karyotype 46,XX and two fibroblast cell lines from Turner syndrome patients with karyotype 46,i(Xq)). The black box beneath the heatmap shows the location of the 10 CGs analyzed by the pyrosequencing assay. The color scale for percent methylation is shown on the right. (DOCX 292 kb
Additional file 6: of X chromosome dosage and presence of SRY shape sex-specific differences in DNA methylation at an autosomal region in human cells
Table S4. Methylation percentages at the analyzed ZPBP2 DMR CGs from human non-transformed fibroblast cell lines, and the first PC of these values. (DOCX 14 kb
Additional file 3: of X chromosome dosage and presence of SRY shape sex-specific differences in DNA methylation at an autosomal region in human cells
Table S2. Fibroblast cell lines used for exploratory analysis. (DOCX 16 kb
Additional file 7: of X chromosome dosage and presence of SRY shape sex-specific differences in DNA methylation at an autosomal region in human cells
Figure S3. Scatter plot of the first (PC1) and second (PC2) eigenvectors from a principal component analysis of methylation levels at 10 CpGs near the ZPBP2 transcriptional start site. The first principal component explains 59.2% of the variance in methylation levels. Points are colored by groups defined by presence of SRY and the number of X chromosomes. (DOCX 118 kb
Additional file 4: of X chromosome dosage and presence of SRY shape sex-specific differences in DNA methylation at an autosomal region in human cells
Table S3. Fibroblast cell lines used for mapping of the X-linked modifier of methylation. (DOCX 14 kb