4 research outputs found

    Theoretical and methodological problems of innovation development of the Russian agricultural and food processing complex

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    This paper focuses on the most important results of scientific research made by the Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Agrarian Problems of RAS. The feature of this research is to implement cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis and projection of agricultural and food industry development. The conceptual framework for strategic cross-sectoral management of the Russian agricultural and food processing sector was elaborated; it is aimed at strengthening food security. The priority of ensuring food security is to develop a new model of the Russian agricultural complex which has potential for sustainable dynamic growth and innovation receptivity that allows solving problems of raising living standards, efficiency and competitiveness

    Theoretical and methodological problems of innovation development of the Russian agricultural and food processing complex

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    This paper focuses on the most important results of scientific research made by the Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Agrarian Problems of RAS. The feature of this research is to implement cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis and projection of agricultural and food industry development. The conceptual framework for strategic cross-sectoral management of the Russian agricultural and food processing sector was elaborated; it is aimed at strengthening food security. The priority of ensuring food security is to develop a new model of the Russian agricultural complex which has potential for sustainable dynamic growth and innovation receptivity that allows solving problems of raising living standards, efficiency and competitiveness

    Providing the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex With Highly Qualified Personnel in the Context of the Global Transition to a «Green Economy»

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    The transition to new business conditions in the agro-industrial sector puts forward new requirements for staffing. High qualification of workers in agribusiness is one of the main conditions for creating a platform for the transition from industrialization to environmentally responsible economic growth. However, few existing training and retraining programs for the agro-industrial sector allow to provide the labour market by specialists whose professional competencies include an environmentally responsible context. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the opportunities and prospects for reforming educational programs to train highly qualified specialists for the Russian agro-industrial complex. This article is based on a content analysis of research, economic and statistical data that reliably characterize trends and tendencies in the development of the Russian agro-industry at the present time. One of the most rational approaches to provide the Russian agro-industrial sector with highly qualified human resources, which possess competences in environmentally responsible organization of activities can be based on the Triple Helix Model. The information presented in the article has allowed to make the following main conclusions. Firstly, the environmentally responsible development of the economy as a whole, as well as of its separate sectors, spheres, as well as of the social sector, is the basic condition for the physical survival of modern civilization. Secondly, in the Russian system of training personnel for the agro-industrial sector, the concept of environmentally responsible and innovative-oriented education has not been systematically implemented. Therefore, in practice, the agrarian regions of Russia urgently need skilled personnel with the appropriate level of professional competence in resource-efficient nature management. These conclusions can be used as at the macroeconomic level for the elaboration of development programs of the Russian agro-industry, and at the microeconomic level for the improvement of ways and approaches to corporate training. Within this article, we did not specify the modern techniques of the personnel training and the development of personnel capacity in agro-industriy. This aspect will become a subject-mater for our further research

    Methodology for Assessing the Quality of Agribusiness Activity Based on the Environmentally Responsible Approach

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    The article is devoted to the research and development of quality evaluation methods of agro-industrial enterprises activity in the regional economy with the use of the ecological approach. The hypothesis of the study is that the activity of the economic entities (as well as of agribusiness) must be assessed not only in the context of economic efficiency and effectiveness, but also in the context of environmental ethics and environmental aggression. As the initial data, we have used the indicators of economic statistics of Russian agrarian-oriented regions, as well as the data received from management reporting on the sample of enterprises of three regions (the Belgorod and Moscow regions, Krasnodar Territory). The article offers the economic and mathematical approach for measuring the level of the environmental responsibility of agro-industrial enterprises on the basic formula of the Mandelbrot set and statistical indicator of Hurst. Our scientific contribution is the development of a modified methodology for assessing the quality of the activity of agro-industrial enterprises using the parameter characterizing the level of environmental ethics and environmental aggression of these entities. The main result of the study is the approbation of the method, which has shown its practical applicability and relative coherence with certain indicators of regional ecological statistics. The proposed method is characterized by the integration of the different mathematical approaches and as an adaptive assessment tool that can be used to assess the quality of the activity of both agro-industrial enterprises and enterprises of other industries and fields of the economy. In the further works, the authors plan to develop methodological approaches to the assessment of the quality of agro-industrial products. At the same time, the main attention will be paid to the ecological and social component of the quality