30 research outputs found

    Diseases and early deaths of 200 young composers (Pergolesi, Schubert, Bellini, Mozart, Purcell, Bizet, Mendelssohn, Gershwin, Weber, Chopin, etc.)

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    As the opposite of long living composersā€™ majority (more than 60 years) we stressed here the impressive amount of composers who died young (younger than 40) focusing on 10 most eminent ones and their death causes, as well as other 200, accentuating the youngest ones who died by the age of 20

    Violent deaths among composers (accidents, drownings and murders)

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    In this study, we described different accidents, drowning and murders as the main cause of death among 145 composers. We included accidents (48 composers), drowning (26 composers) and murders (71 composers) which were mainly fatal, and premature. Accidents are the third leading cause of deaths today. Murders were often during the wars and revolutions (World War I, II, French, Russian revolution). We mentioned all of the etiologies of these accidents, drowning and murders according to the chronological order of their occurrence. Accidents, drowning and murders caused chiefly a sudden interruption of the composerā€™s creative work. Composers involved in these accidents died prematurely at the average age of 46.7 years, whereas murdered composers died at the average age of. 44.4 years, and drowned 44,1 years. It is important to conclude that almost 15% of composers died from accidents, drowning and murders. Poisonings - intoxications and suicides were elaborated in previous publications

    Urological Diseases among 50 Composers

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    Exploring more than thousand composersā€² pathographies we have found 50 cases of urological and renal diseases among composers. The most important cases are presented in the form of short pathographies and the others were briefly mentioned in the following list

    StvaralaÅ”tvo i sudbina Cesara Francka u povodu 200. godiÅ”njice rođenja

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    CĆ©sar Franck frankofonski je skladatelj velike kreativnosti čiju 200. obljetnicu rođenja slavimo ove godine. U svojim kasnim godinama bio je izvanredan skladatelj i vrstan orguljaÅ”. Poznat je bio i zbog svojih organizacijskih vjeÅ”tina te osobito pedagoÅ”ke učinkovitosti. Znao je pobolijevati, ali je tragična bila njegova prometna nesreća kada je ozlijedio prsni koÅ” te je nakon nekoliko mjeseci umro od ozljedne upale porebrice, a možda i od zloćudne bolesti jer je odbijao liječenje

    Maligne bolesti kao uzrok smrti kod 92 skladatelja/glazbenika (uključujući ovisnosti)

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    This study shows malignant diseases as the main cause of death in composers. Pathographies are listed according to the chronological order of their occurrence. Composers in this study died of malignant diseases in the average age of 66.3 years, (median age 67, range 33-91 years). Unfortunately, one part of this heterogeneous group of composers lived too short, while most of them could realize their creative work. Nowadays many of these composers could be cured thanks to the development of medicine, better diagnostic procedures and treatment options, including more selective radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy (monoclonal antibodies, specific target receptor or intracellular signal inhibitors).U ovom radu su prikazane maligne bolesti kao glavni uzrok smrti kod 92 skladatelja. Patografije su navedene kronoloÅ”ki. Prosječna dob smrti skladatelja u ovoj studiji je 66,3 godine (medijan dobi 67 godina, raspon 33-91 godine). Nažalost, značajan dio skladatelja nije mogao zbog malignih oboljenja dostići svoj stvaralački opus, dok je ipak većina dostigla stariju dob i stvaralački maksimum. U danaÅ”njici bi mnogi od ovih skladatelja mogli biti izliječeni zahvaljujući napretku suvremene medicine, boljim dijagnostičkim postupcima i terapijskim opcijama liječenja. To ponajprije podrazumijeva ciljanu terapiju poput selektivne kemoterapije, imunoterapije (monoklonska protutijela, specifično ciljani inhibitori staničnih receptora ili unutarstaničnih signalnih puteva)

    StvaralaÅ”tvo i sudbina Cesara Francka u povodu 200. godiÅ”njice rođenja

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    CĆ©sar Franck frankofonski je skladatelj velike kreativnosti čiju 200. obljetnicu rođenja slavimo ove godine. U svojim kasnim godinama bio je izvanredan skladatelj i vrstan orguljaÅ”. Poznat je bio i zbog svojih organizacijskih vjeÅ”tina te osobito pedagoÅ”ke učinkovitosti. Znao je pobolijevati, ali je tragična bila njegova prometna nesreća kada je ozlijedio prsni koÅ” te je nakon nekoliko mjeseci umro od ozljedne upale porebrice, a možda i od zloćudne bolesti jer je odbijao liječenje