72 research outputs found

    Mathematical Abilities of Preschool Children

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    Regardless of the fact that people are born with innate sense of number, mathematical thinking requires certain intellectual effort for which many children are not ready. While children investigate and discover new issues in everyday life, they meet the world of mathematics although they are not aware of it. As mathematics is becoming more and more important in today’s age of technology, it is very important that children are introduced to the spells of mathematics before they start attending school, and to continue to learn mathematics with that knowledge throughout school education. As well as reading, mathematics is a subject necessary for adequate functioning in society. What is more, mathematics is a subject that develops logical thinking and perception, thus mathematical teaching of children ought to be on more accessible level than it is currently. Parents and educators have access to various games and activities that involve children into mathematical thinking and creative resolving, which develops their self-confidence.Through the research that has been conducted with both preschool and primary school children using various mathematical examples appropriate for their age, it has been found out that the children of younger age have early math skills, whereas, regarding primary school children, their later math achievement is fading over time or their conclusions are grounded upon the “expected”. The traditional way of teaching mathematics and extensive material can cause poor mathematical achievement and cause a well-known fear of mathematics

    Biodiversity and Sustainable Development

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    Prekomjerno iskorištavanje tla, zaliha vode i izvora energije ugrožava mogućnosti proizvodnje hrane i drugih proizvoda ključnih za opstanak čovjeka te nepovratno mijenja Zemlju kao cjeloviti ekosustav. Održivi razvoj je razvoj koji uspješno povezuje gospodarske, društvene i okolišne odrednice u okvirima institucionalnih, političkih, pravnih i tehnoloških sustava. Održivi razvoj podupiru tri glavna čimbenika: održiva poljoprivredna proizvodnja, poboljšanje socio-ekonomskih odnosa i napredak tehnologije. Biološka raznolikost temelj je održive poljoprivredne proizvodnje i podrazumijeva tri glavne kategorije: genetičku raznolikost, raznolikost vrsta i raznolikost ekosustava. Neki autori ovdje pridodaju i četvrtu kategoriju - funkcijsku raznolikost. Biološka raznolikost ishodište je ekonomskih, estetskih, zdravstvenih i kulturnih povlastica. Globalna komunikacija i razmjena dobara imaju snažan utjecaj na biološku raznolikost. Jedan od uzroka smanjenja biološke raznolikosti je uništavanje prirodnih staništa zbog urbanizacije i širenja poljoprivrednih površina. Ugroza autohtone biološke raznolikosti rezultat je i migracija određenih vrsta u druga staništa zbog različitih aktivnosti čovjeka kao i uvođenja alohtonih vrsta.Excessive exploitation of soil, water reserves and energy sources endanger our ability to produce food and other products that are essential for survival of humans, and irreversibly change the Earth as integral ecosystem. Sustainable development successfully connects determinants of economy, society and environment which correspond to institutional, political, legal and technological systems. Sustainable development is supported by three main factors: sustainable agriculture, improvement of social-economic relationships, and progress in technology. Biological diversity is basis for sustainable agriculture and imply three main categories: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. Functional diversity is added to these three categories by some authors. Biodiversity provides a source of economic, aesthetic, health and cultural privileges. Global communication and exchange of goods have strong impact on biodiversity. Destruction of natural habitats due to urbanization and expansion of arable areas is just one cause of biodiversity reduction. Imperil of indigenous biodiversity is also result of migration of some species to other habitats as result of human activities as well as introduction of allochthonous species

    Teachers and lifelong leraning policy in the international and european context

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    U radu su predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne analize i komparacije relevantnih sadržaja ključnih obrazovno-političkih dokumenata međunarodnih i evropskih organizacija (UNESCO, OECD, Savet Evrope i Evropska Unija) iz dva perioda razvoja koncepta celoživotnog učenja koji se odnose na nastavnike. Rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja su prikazani kroz sledeće kategorije: uloga i funkcije nastavnika, selekcija budućih nastavnika, inicijalno i kontinuirano obrazovanje nastavnika, odnos nastavnik–učenik, timski rad, pomoć nastavnicima, status i uslovi rada nastavnika, istraživački rad i mobilnost nastavnika, kao i međunarodna saradnja. Analiza i komparacija sadržaja međunarodnih i evropskih dokumenata prve faze (sredina šezdesetih i kraj sedamdesetih godina 20. veka) pokazala je da dokumenti Saveta Evrope i UNESCO-a opširno i na vrlo sličan način govore o tome šta i kako treba promeniti i/ili ponovo uspostaviti kad su u pitanju nastavnici, njihova uloga, obrazovanje i položaj kako bi celoživotno učenje postalo stvarnost. Za razliku od toga, u dokumentu OECD-a nije data veća pažnja ulozi nastavnika u realizovanju celoživotnog učenja. U drugoj fazi (sredina devedesetih godina 20. veka) razvoja koncepta celoživotnog učenja dokumenti UNESCO-a i OECD-a opširno i detaljno razmatraju pitanje nastavnika, dok se u dokumentu Evropske Unije samo konstatuje da će nastavnici imati središnju ulogu u društvu koje uči. Na kraju rada je istaknuto da je analiza i upoređivanje međunarodnih i evropskih dokumenata pokazala da su nastavnici jedan od najvažnijih elemenata politike celoživotnog učenja i da je, stoga, nužno planirati i organizovati celoživotno obrazovanje i učenje nastavnika kako bi oni mogli da podstiču i osposobljavaju učenike za celoživotno učenje.This paper presents results of the qualitative analysis and comparison of the content of key educational policy documents of the International and European organizations (UNESCO, OECD, Council of Europe and European Union) from two developmental stages of the lifelong learning concept with regard to the teachers. Results of the qualitative research have been presented within the following categories: role and function of teachers, selection of teacher candidates, initial and continuing training of teachers, teacher-student relation, team work, assisting teachers, status and working conditions, research and mobility of teachers and international cooperation. The analysis and comparison of the content of the International and European documents from the first phase (in the middle of 1960s and beginning of 1970s) have shown that documents of the Council of Europe and the UNESCO, to a great extent and in a similar fashion, state what should be changed and/or newly established when it comes to teachers, their role, their education as well as their status, so that lifelong learning could become reality. Compared to that, the OECD document did not pay greater attention to the role of teachers in the implementation of lifelong learning. In the second phase of development of the lifelong learning concept (in the middle of 1990s) the UNESCO and OECD documents discuss the teachers to a great extent and in detail, whereas the EU document states only that teachers will play a central role in the learning society. The paper concludes that the analysis and comparison have shown that teachers are one of the most crucial elements of the lifelong learning policy. Therefore, it is necessary to plan and organize lifelong learning and educational opportunities for teachers so that they could encourage and train their students for lifelong learning.Zbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksaBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice

    Catabolism of Amino Acids in the Cells of Lactic Acid Bacteria

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    Bakterije mliječne kiseline su auksotrofni industrijski mikroorganizmi i uzgajaju se u hranjivim podlogama kompleksnog sastava. Između ostalih sastojaka, u hranjive podloge u kojima se uzgajaju ove bakterije potrebno je dodati i određene aminokiseline. Aminokiseline s razgranatim bočnim lancem, leucin, izoleucin i valin, moraju se dodati u podloge u kojima rastu bakterije mliječne kiseline. Potreba za preostalim aminokiselinama zavisi o vrsti i soju bakterije pomoću koje se provodi određeni bioproces. Tijekom transporta aminokiselina u stanice bakterija mliječne kiseline i razgradnje ovih izvora dušika i ugljika formira se elektrokemijski gradijent, pridobiva se metabolička energija, regeneriraju kofaktori enzima, ublažava se učinak proizvodnje mliječne kiseline tj. snižavanja pH vrijednosti, stanice se prilagođavaju osmotskom šoku kao i uvjetima okoline u stacionarnoj fazi rasta. Aminokiseline i/ili (među)spojevi nastali tijekom katabolizma ovih supstrata ishodišni su spojevi za proizvodnju: drugih aminokiselina i masnih kiselina, koje se ugrađuju u membrane; α-keto kiselina i α-hidroksi kiselina, koje mogu imati i ulogu siderofora; laktona; nukleinskih kiselina; proteina; lipida i poliamina. Katabolizam aminokiselina u stanicama bakterija mliječne kiseline nedovoljno je poznat i uglavnom se istražuje u cilju smanjenja koncentracije nepoželjnih amina u fermentiranim proizvodima.Lactic acid bacteria are auxotrophic industrial microorganisms usually cultivated in complex growth media. Among other ingredients, in the media for cultivation of the bacteria, particular amino acids need to be added. Branched-chain amino acids, leucine, isoleucine and valine, have to be added in the media in which lactic acid bacteria are expected to grow. Requirement for the rest of amino acids depends on the species and strain of the bacteria that have been used in defi ned bioprocess. During transport of amino acids in the lactic acid bacteria cells and degradation of this nitrogen and carbon sources, electrochemical gradient is formed, metabolic energy is yielded, enzyme cofactors are regenerated, effect of produced lactic acid i.e. reduction of pH value is moderated, the cells are adapted to osmotic shock as well as to stationary growth phase conditions. Amino acids and/or (intermediate) compounds generated during their catabolism represent precursors for production of: other aminoacids and fatty acids, which can be incorporated in membranes; α-keto acids and α-hydroxy acids, which can also act as siderophores; lactones; nucleic acids; lypides and polyamines. Amino acids catabolism in lactic acid bacteria cells is not known enough and it is mainly investigated in order to reduce concentration of undesired amines in fermented food


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    Spirituality experience of members in charismatic congregations

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    Rad se bavi konceptom duhovnosti i njezinom ulogom u oblikovanju osobnog i obiteljskog života kod pripadnika karizmatskih zajednica »Dobri Pastir« i »Maranatha«. Uvodno su opisani procesi koji zahvaćaju postmoderna društva, a u nekim segmentima i hrvatsko tradicionalno moderno društvo (sekularizacija, revitalizacija religioznosti, duhovni pluralizam, pojava novih eklezijalnih pokreta). Definirani su pojmovi religioznosti i duhovnosti u širem i užem smislu, te je u kontekstu kršćanske duhovnosti ukratko predstavljen karizmatski pokret. U središtu rada je prikaz rezultata kvalitativnog istraživanja čiji je cilj dobiti uvid u način na koji pripadnici karizmatskih zajednica žive osobnu duhovnost i duhovnost u svojim obiteljima. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom dubinskog polustrukturiranog intervjua s 12 sudionika, od kojih su šest članovi karizmatske molitvene zajednice »Maranatha«, a šest su članovi karizmatske zajednice »Dobri Pastir«. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da za sudionike istraživanja duhovnost ima veliku važnost u osobnom i obiteljskom životu. Intenzivnim prakticiranjem vjere u svakodnevnom životu, sudionici istraživanja svjedoče o autentičnim duhovnim iskustvima, o duboko proživljenom osobnom odnosu s Bogom. Duhovnost je za njih osobno razumijevanje stvarnosti koje oblikuje njihov doživljaj identiteta i smisla života, ulijeva im nadu u teškim životnim trenucima te potiče na djelotvorne akcije i zauzetost za bližnjega. Zajednička vjerska uvjerenja i vrijednosti, zajedničko održavanje religioznih praksi u obitelji, te aktivno sudjelovanje u životu karizmatske zajednice, doprinose jačanju kohezivnosti i zajedništva unutar njihovih obitelji.The paper deals with the concept of spirituality and its’ influence on personal and family life shaping among the members of charismatic congregations. Introduction describes different processes that include the post-modern societies and in some segments the Croatian traditionally modern society as well (secularization, the revitalization of religiosity, spiritual pluralism, new ecclesial movements). Terms of religiosity and spirituality are defined in the broad and narrow sense. The charismatic movement is also briefly introduced in the context of Christian spirituality. The main focus of the paper is on the results of a qualitative research. The goal of the research is to gain insight the personal and family spirituality of the charismatic communities’ members. The survey was conducted by in-depth semi-structured interviews with 12 participants. Six persons were members of charismatic prayer groups »Maranatha« and six were members of the charismatic community “Good Shepherd”. The results show that spirituality has a great importance in personal and family life of the charismatic community. Through intensive religious practice in everyday life, participants testify about the authentic spiritual experiences and about the deeply experienced personal relationship with God. Participants emphasize that spirituality gives them specific personal understanding of the reality that shapes their identity and life meaning perception. Also spirituality gives them hope in difficult moments, encourages them for giving a concrete help and commitment for others. Joint religious beliefs and values, common maintenance of religious practice in family, and active participation in the charismatic community life, contribute to strengthening the cohesion and togetherness within their families


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    Rad se bavi konceptom duhovnosti i njezinim doprinosom u prevladavanju kriznih životnih situacija. Uvodno je definiran pojam duhovnosti i njegove ključne komponente, pojašnjen je suodnos koncepata duhovnosti i religioznosti, te su predstavljene dosadašnje teorijske i empirijske spoznaje o duhovnosti kao resursu osnaživanja pojedinca i obitelji za suočavanje s krizama. U središtu rada je prikaz kvalitativnog istraživanja čiji je cilj dobiti uvid u to kako pripadnici karizmatskih zajednica doživljavaju ulogu duhovnosti u suočavanju s krizama na osobnoj i obiteljskoj razini. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da intenzivno življenje duhovnosti kod pripadnika karizmatskih zajednica, njihova religijska uvjerenja i iskustva te podrška vjerske zajednice predstavljaju značajan resurs za suočavanje s krizama jer im pomažu u pronalaženju životnog smisla, u njegovanju optimističkog stava prema budućnosti te jačanju kohezivnosti u bračnoj i obiteljskoj zajednici. Iz perspektive doživljaja sudionika istraživanja ukazano je na potrebu za većom integracijom duhovnosti u pomažuće profesije, za razvijanjem duhovnog senzibiliteta kod stručnjaka/terapeuta, te za dodatnom izobrazbom stručnjaka u području duhovnosti, koja će rezultirati većim znanjem i uvažavanjem različitih duhovnih uvjerenja i iskustava korisnika. U zaključnim preporukama rada naglašena je važnost uključivanja duhovnih pitanja u intervencije usmjerene na prevladavanje kriza, posebice kod pojedinca i obitelji s izraženim religijskim uvjerenjima i duhovnim iskustvima.The subject of this paper is the concept of spirituality and its contribution in overcoming life crises. The introduction defines the concept of spirituality and its key components, clarifies the relation between the concepts of spirituality and religiousness, and presents current theoretical and empirical findings on spirituality as a resource for strengthening individuals and families in dealing with crises. The paper further presents qualitative research aiming at investigating how members of charismatic communities perceive the role of spirituality in dealing with crises on individual and family levels. The results indicate that the intense experience of spirituality in members of charismatic communities, their religious beliefs and experiences as well as the support of the religious community create a significant resource for handling crises by helping them find meaning in life, nurture an optimistic attitude towards the future and strengthen marriage and family cohesion. From the perspective of the research participants, there is a need for greater integration of spirituality into helping professions, development of spiritual sensitivity of professionals/therapists, and for additional training of professionals in the area of spirituality, resulting in increased knowledge and appreciation of different spiritual beliefs and experiences. The concluding recommendations emphasize the importance of including spirituality in crisis interventions, especially for individuals and families with pronounced religious beliefs and spiritual experience

    Current status of the lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swabs

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    Early detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are priorities during the pandemic. Symptomatic and suspected asymptomatic individuals should be tested for COVID-19 to confirm infection and to be excluded from social interactions. As molecular testing capacity is overloaded during the pandemic, rapid antigen tests, such as lateral flow immunoassays (LFIAs), can be a useful tool as they allow greater test availability and obtain results in a very short time. This short review aims to present the analytical properties of LFIAs in the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swabs. Lateral flow immunoassay is a method that combines thin-layer chromatography and indirect immunochemical sandwich method and allows the detection of a specific SARS-CoV-2 antigen in nasopharyngeal swabs. Swab specimens should be adequately collected and tested as soon as possible. Users should pay attention to quality control and possible interferences. Antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2 show high sensitivity and specificity in cases with high viral loads, and should be used up to five days after the onset of the first symptoms of COVID-19. False positive results may be obtained when screening large populations with a low prevalence of COVID-19 infection, while false negative results may happen due to improper specimen collection or insufficient amount of antigen in the specimen. So as to achieve reliable results, a diagnostic accuracy study of a specific rapid antigen test should be performed