7,933 research outputs found

    Pole Dancing: 3D Morphs for Tree Drawings

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    We study the question whether a crossing-free 3D morph between two straight-line drawings of an nn-vertex tree can be constructed consisting of a small number of linear morphing steps. We look both at the case in which the two given drawings are two-dimensional and at the one in which they are three-dimensional. In the former setting we prove that a crossing-free 3D morph always exists with O(log⁥n)O(\log n) steps, while for the latter Θ(n)\Theta(n) steps are always sufficient and sometimes necessary.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2018

    Hierarchical Partial Planarity

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    In this paper we consider graphs whose edges are associated with a degree of {\em importance}, which may depend on the type of connections they represent or on how recently they appeared in the scene, in a streaming setting. The goal is to construct layouts of these graphs in which the readability of an edge is proportional to its importance, that is, more important edges have fewer crossings. We formalize this problem and study the case in which there exist three different degrees of importance. We give a polynomial-time testing algorithm when the graph induced by the two most important sets of edges is biconnected. We also discuss interesting relationships with other constrained-planarity problems.Comment: Conference version appeared in WG201

    Computing NodeTrix Representations of Clustered Graphs

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    NodeTrix representations are a popular way to visualize clustered graphs; they represent clusters as adjacency matrices and inter-cluster edges as curves connecting the matrix boundaries. We study the complexity of constructing NodeTrix representations focusing on planarity testing problems, and we show several NP-completeness results and some polynomial-time algorithms. Building on such algorithms we develop a JavaScript library for NodeTrix representations aimed at reducing the crossings between edges incident to the same matrix.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    State of the art in muscle glycogenoses

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    The recognition of a series of metabolic/enzymatic dysfunctions in glycogenoses has allowed new therapeutic advances for their treatment due to the development of recombinant enzyme. A recent advance appears enzymatic replacement therapy (ERT) in glycogenosis type II in both infantile, juvenile and adult form. Targeted manipulation of diet has been tried both in glycogenosis type II (Pompe disease) and type V (Mc Ardle disease)

    Integrazione. Le barriere della comunicazione

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    L'importanza ormai ampiamente riconosciuta, della comunicazione interculturale come strumento di integrazione sociale e culturale degli stranieri e, dunque, come obiettivo delle politiche pubbliche. L'idea di integrazione cui si fa riferimento in questo contesto, rimanda ad una interazione positiva, sostenuta da una adeguata strategia comunicativa , con l\u2019obiettivo di favorire percorsi di inclusione e partecipazione alla vita pubblica locale. Alla base di questa idea di integrazione vi \ue8 la consapevolezza che il riconoscimento di taluni diritti di per s\ue9 non \ue8 sufficiente a garantirne il rispetto e la possibilit\ue0 di esercizio da parte dei soggetti titolari, se non accompagnato dalla messa in atto di strumenti di informazione e facilitazione adeguati ed efficaci a rendere effettivo tale esercizio. Realizzare condizioni di pari opportunit\ue0 di accesso ai servizi, compresi quelli informativi, \ue8 dunque un obiettivo ineludibile di una politica impegnata a promuovere la rimozione di ostacoli di ordine linguistico, sociale e culturale che impediscono alle persone straniere o a particolari porzioni della popolazione straniera (es. donne, richiedenti asilo e rifugiati, nomadi) la reale fruizione del \u201csistema dei servizi pubblici\u201d

    Reflections into Ptolemaic glass: Colorless, white, blue, and green inlays from the workshop of Tebtynis

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    Inlays range among the most aesthetically pleasing and technically challenging glasses produced in the Ptolemaic period. Despite the central role of this phase in the history of glass technology, little is known about the recipes and the technological knowledge of the Egyptian artisans. This paper will thus focus on the study of the materials from the secondary workshop of Tebtynis (Fayum oasis, Egypt). We report the first multi-methodological study comprising textural, chemical, and mineralogical analyses (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive system, electron probe microanalysis, and mu-Raman spectroscopy) on a set of 81 colorless, white, blue, and green samples carefully selected among the 800+ glasses from the craft area now stored at the Museo Egizio, Turin (Italy). Our study offers the biggest compositional database of well-dated Ptolemaic glasses currently available in the literature, highlighting some interesting novelties regarding the silica and alkali sources, and the coloring and opacifying techniques employed. The results suggest a specialized craft of traditional origin, but open to innovation and experimentation, as expected from transitional phases

    Monitoring the performance of residents during training in off-pump coronary surgery.

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    OBJECTIVE: Control charts (eg, cumulative sum charts) plot changes in performance with time and can alert a surgeon to suboptimal performance. They were used to compare performance of off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery between a consultant and four resident surgeons and to compare performance of off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery and conventional coronary artery bypass grafting within surgeons. METHODS: Data were analyzed for consecutive patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting who were operated on by one consultant or one of four residents. Conversions were analyzed by intention to treat. Perioperative death or one or more of 10 adverse events constituted failure. Predicted risks of failure for individual patients were derived from the study population. Variable life-adjusted displays and risk-adjusted sequential probability ratio test charts were plotted. RESULTS: Data for 1372 patients were analyzed; 769 of the procedures were off-pump coronary artery bypass operations (56.0%). The consultant operated on 382 patients (293 off-pump, 76.7%), and the residents operated on 990 (474 off-pump, 47.9%). Patients operated on by residents tended to be older, more obese, more likely to require an urgent operation, and more likely to need a circumflex artery graft but less likely to have triple-vessel disease. There were 7 conversions (consultant 5, residents 2). The overall failure rate was 8.5% (9.2% for consultant's operations and 8.2% for residents' operations), including 10 deaths (0.7%). Predicted and observed risks of failure were similar for all five surgeons. After 100 off-pump coronary artery bypass operations, performance was the same or better for the residents as for the consultant. For all surgeons, performance was the same or better for off-pump as for conventional coronary artery bypass grafting. CONCLUSIONS: Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery can be safely taught to cardiothoracic residents. Implementation of continuous performance monitoring for residents is practicable
