1 research outputs found
Fate and Transport of Ambient Mercury and Applied Mercury Isotope in Terrestrial Upland Soils: Insights from the METAALICUS Watershed
fate of mercury (Hg) deposited on forested upland soils depends
on a wide array of biogeochemical and hydrological processes occurring
in the soil landscape. In this study, Hg in soil, soilwater, and streamwater
were measured across a forested upland subcatchment of the METAALICUS
watershed in northwestern Ontario, Canada, where a stable Hg isotope
(spike Hg) was applied to distinguish newly deposited Hg from Hg already
resident in the watershed (ambient Hg). In total, we were able to
account for 45% of the total mass of spike Hg applied to the subcatchment
during the entire loading phase of the experiment, with approximately
22% of the total mass applied now residing in the top 15 cm of the
mineral soil layer. Decreasing spike Hg/ambient Hg ratios with depth
in the soil and soilwater suggest that spike Hg is less mobile than
ambient Hg over shorter time scales. However, the transport of spike
Hg into the mineral soil layer is enhanced in depressional areas where
water table fluctuation is more extreme. While we expect that this
pool of Hg is now effectively sequestered in the mineral horizon,
future disturbance of the soil profile could remobilize this stored
Hg in runoff